As for why he still didn't stop the battle from continuing despite knowing that Leo would lose, I hope Guangming has his own ideas.

Leo is arrogant and arrogant. If he is not allowed to fight this fight, even if the two parties cooperate, he may not be convinced by Lu Li.

This may affect future cooperation, and I hope Guangming does not want this to happen.

At the same time, I hope Guangming also hopes that through this battle, I can see how strong Lu Li is.

If one could figure out what kind of strength Lu Li possessed, he would not want to be a passive party in future cooperation.

To put it bluntly, he mainly wanted to compare the strength between Lu Li and himself.

If the difference is almost the same, then he must be more careful. No one knows what changes will happen in the future.

The cooperation between the two parties is only temporary, and no one can guarantee whether the other party will betray.

I hope Guangming wants to have everything under control and does not want some unforeseen circumstances to occur, which is very detrimental to his plan.

Leo felt an inexplicable pressure in his heart, and this pressure came from Lu Li.

For some reason, he actually felt a sense of oppression from Lu Li that was similar to what I Wang Guangming brought to him.

"snort! Just let me see how powerful you are, how dare you be so rude in front of my Lord Wang! ah!~「!"

Before he finished speaking, a roar was heard.

The next second, Leo pulled off the Tiangongtu cloak he was wearing, revealing his strong body.

The armor on the body is mainly covered in white, the torso is gray, and there are blue energy points everywhere on the body. If they are connected, it symbolizes the constellation of Leo.

He waved his hands violently to the side, and Leo's arms suddenly transformed into terrifying huge white claws.



Leo approached Lu Li with his fast movement speed, and the huge claws in his hands shone with a terrifying cold light.

Leo was worthy of being the first person under Sagittarius. His strength was even vaguely greater than that of Isaka Crimson. Lang.

But....That's all.

At some point, the Wild Slasher appeared on Lu Li's hands.

Facing Leo's rapid attack, Lu Li didn't even make any extra moves and directly chose to attack him.

If it were another opponent, I hope Guangming can be very sure that the opponent's behavior is undoubtedly seeking death.

But now Leo's opponent is Lu Li. Just from the aura exuded by Lu Li, it can be seen that Lu Li's fighting power is definitely very strong.

I hope Guangming is watching this battle with great interest. He doesn’t know how it will develop, but he is very curious.


The huge claws of Xing Si and Leo collided fiercely, and dazzling fire burst out instantly.

Leo originally wanted to directly suppress the opponent with huge power, but he didn't expect that even if he increased his strength to confirm, there would be no way to make Lu Li Even if there is a slight change in his eyes, Leo understands that he is probably too stingy with the terrifying opponent in front of him. The opponent is really strong!

The momentum he exuded before is not a bluff. Leo immediately took the most serious attitude towards the opponent in front of him and swung his other huge claw straight towards Lu Li's neck.


Unfortunately, all of Leo's movements were completely seen through, and the awakening sickle collided with the huge claws again.

The two sides were in a stalemate, and even gave people a feeling of being evenly matched.

However, at this moment, Lu Li suddenly burst into laughter

"Hahaha!! The power is indeed good, but it only goes so far."

The relaxed and cheerful tone made Leo's heart suddenly tense.

He was very sure that he had used all his strength. He was very confident in terms of strength, but Lu Li was not only able to do it with ease, but also very relaxed.

This....It was completely different from what he thought!

Leo, who didn't dare to continue the stalemate, jerked back.

However, the moment he retreated, Lu Li disappeared before his eyes at some unknown moment.


The other party quietly disappeared in front of him, but he didn't even see it.

"Where are you looking?"

After finishing the retreat, Leo suddenly heard the voice coming from behind, and all the hairs on his body stood up.


Unfortunately, before his body could react, a powerful force suddenly hit him.

"boom! I"' s body was blown away like a cannonball, and Leo hit the mountain nearby hard.

Rocks flew and broken rocks fell down.

Lu Li, who kept his kicking posture, put down his legs very calmly. , as if everything was expected.

With red eyes, I looked at what happened just now with a serious face.

He saw very clearly that Lu Li did not appear behind Leo at great speed.

It just disappeared out of thin air, and then appeared out of thin air. The whole process didn't even take a blink of an eye.

Such rapid displacement did not seem to be achieved at high speed, but more like... the power from space.

Lu Li actually controlled space. This has to make me, Wang Guangming, very wary.

Being able to master the power of space means that I can do a lot of things, even though I, Wang Guangming, think that my Sagittarius has stood at the pinnacle of the evolution of all star disciples. , can be said to be the most powerful star disciple, but he has not mastered the power.

There is only one thought in his mind, it is difficult!

The power displayed by Lu Li is indeed very difficult for him, but it is not impossible to deal with..

Since Lu Li did not choose to deal with Leo from the front, this means that he is not strong enough to deal with Leo from the front.���Lose the battle.

Leo can only be dealt with quickly through other methods.

This is the conclusion I Wang Guangming drew based on the brief battle that just happened. In terms of power, I am probably stronger, but the other party has the mysterious ability of space power.

However, what I hope Guangming doesn't know is that all this is just his own imagination.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Li hardly exerted much effort, nor did he need to use much strength.

",「Huahua! 1

Leo, who was smashed into the mountain, struggled to come out, with some obvious marks visible on his body.

The vague pain coming from his back made Leo grit his teeth.

It hurts.

How could it not hurt?

Leo does have a very powerful physique. After transformation, not only is his attack power powerful, but his defense power is also not weak.

Even such a powerful Leo felt severe pain from being kicked by Rui. The opponent's kick was definitely not strong enough.

Coupled with the fact that Leo was unprepared, this was why he fell so badly.

If Leo knew that Lu Li didn't even have that much strength, he would probably be beaten to autistic state in an instant.

Leo crossed his hands on his chest, and the blue energy points on his body burst out with a burst of blue light.

I saw these blue rays of light suddenly leaving Leo's body, forming a constellation map in front of him, which was the pattern of Leo!

I saw a golden light gradually becoming stronger in that huge mouth


Then there was only a deafening roar, and a golden sound wave rushed from Leo's mouth towards Lu Li.

Wherever the terrifying sound wave passed, there was no grass, as if the ground had been lifted up.

Facing the mighty lion's roar, Lu Li He still had the same expression, but instead took the initiative to greet him.


Seeing Lu Li's abnormal movements, I Wang Guangming expressed that I couldn't understand it. Lu Li obviously has the power of space, why didn't he use it at this time? He even chose to take the initiative to fight against Leo's roar. Could it be that Lu Li had the power of space?....Are there certain conditions for the use of space power?

I had such a conjecture in my sleepless mind. I looked at Guangming and felt as if I had seen a weakness in Lu Li.


The golden lion's roar instantly enveloped Lu Li, and violent explosions sounded around Lu Li.

Leo's roar lasted for about ten seconds before finally ending.

(Hao De Zhao) stared at the location of the explosion. Leo did not stop the attack, but pounced on it again.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

He didn't expect his lion's roar just now to be able to deal with Lu Li.

But you just need to contain the other party, even if it's just for a little while, or let the other party get hurt a little.

Leo strikes again.

At this time, the golden lion's roar had disappeared, and the shrouded Lu Li reappeared in Leo's field of vision.



Not even a trace was left on the golden armor.

At this time, Leo realized that he was too careless and too naive.

The reason why the other party did not choose to avoid his roar , It's not that he can't escape, but he doesn't want to escape at all.

But now that it's over, Leo can't choose to retreat at this time.

In his dictionary, there is no word"retreat" that can excite him. A powerful opponent can make him unleash his strongest strength


The huge sharp claw slashed down and pointed directly at Lu Li's head.


Lu Li, who was holding the Xing Sickle with his backhand, used a little force to flick away Leo's sharp claws.

"how come?!"

Feeling a numbness in his hands, Leo was horrified.

He had already exerted his maximum strength, but he was still bounced away by Lu Li's awakening sickle.


Quickly waving the Awakening Scythe in his hand, Lu Li launched a series of swift attacks at the unbalanced Leo.

The movements were so fast that afterimages even appeared.

The Awakening Scythe let the sharp blade quickly cut through Leo's body, splashing Facing this storm

-like attack, Leo retreated step by step, with flashes of fire appearing all over his body.


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