Obviously, after gaining the power of the Star Disciple Switch, the dark side in her heart gradually amplified and became what it is now.

It should be that an ordinary person suddenly gains powerful power, and it is normal for him to feel unbalanced in his heart.

Sonoda Sarina watched all this quietly, indifferent.

She doesn't know Lu Li, nor does she know that Lu Li is my guest at Wang Guangming.

He was very curious in his heart as to what method Lu Li used to stop the fireball just now.

She wanted to see if Lu Li had the ability to stop other fireballs.

Nozama Tomoko and three other followers felt a little scared when they saw the angry Altarza, and they all hid aside.

If the flames were to reach them, they would undoubtedly be burned to death.


Fengcheng Miu had just finished calling Gentaro Kisaragi when she saw this scene, and her heart suddenly became cold.

How could a human body be able to block so many fireballs? This person... is dead!

This is her Based on the conclusions drawn after the observation, what happened next suddenly shocked Fengcheng Miyu, because her guess was completely wrong.

"What a... bad student."

Lu Li had a faint smile on his face, as if everything was expected and there was no threat at all.

He quickly took out the fusion drive and put it on his waist, and at the same time pressed the T2 Eternal Memory in his hand.



Quickly insert it into the fusion drive and open the drive


Several fireballs directly hit Lu Li, and the flames of the explosion completely engulfed him in an instant.

"Hahahaha! What qualifications does a mere outsider have to make irresponsible remarks here? No matter who you are, anyone who dares to go against me will die!

The altarpiece let out a wild and flamboyant laugh, as if everything was under her control


Amidst the exploding flames, there was a sudden sound.

The laughter of the altar seat that was originally laughing suddenly stopped.

Looking at the position where the flames exploded incredulously, I saw the blazing In the flames, a white figure slowly walked out of the flames.

The king-like figure descended from the blazing flames, and the eternal ceremonial robe behind him shone brightly under the light of the flames, as if it were a golden figure. The flames she released at the mocking altar had no effect at all. The blue flame patterns on her arms seemed to come alive.

When Lu Li stepped out of the flames, the surrounding flames were gradually absorbed by the blue flame patterns.


Seeing her own flames being absorbed, Altarza's eyes were filled with disbelief. She couldn't understand for a moment how Lu Li did it.

Sonoda Sarina, who was hiding in the dark and observing, saw that Lu Li had already transformed. It changed

"That guy... who is it? Why can he transform like a bastard?"

Sonoda Sarina didn't know much about the memory.

All her thoughts were spent on school, and she almost didn't pay attention to things in other cities.

Fengcheng Miyu, who just thought Lu Li was finished, looked at it in disbelief. Transformed into Lu Li, his eyes suddenly burst into light and he lost his voice.

"Another Kamen Rider?! What is this..?"

In any case, she never expected that in addition to the bastards transformed by Gentaro Kisaragi, other Kamen Riders would appear in the school.

The altar seat was filled with anger, but he didn't care about this, he immediately picked up the wand in his hand and smashed it.

"I do not care who you are! Don't disobey me!"

The blazing flame at the top of the wand has not been extinguished, and a fire-colored light flashed across the air.

Pulling the eternal robe behind him, it easily wrapped the wand on the altar.

As for the flame on the wand, it was impossible to affect the eternal robe. What a huge impact it had.

Wrapping the wand, the attack on the altar base was immediately neutralized.

The altar base rushed towards him uncontrollably, and Lu Li didn't need to make any unnecessary movements, and punched him hard. On the belly of the altar


After the transformation, although the Altar Seat had strong defensive power, it almost vomited bitterness when faced with this powerful punch.

As soon as his hand loosened, he could no longer hold the wand, and his body stumbled back unconsciously.

She never expected that Lu Li's punch would have such terrifying power.

I thought that the other party was similar to the cavalry I had faced before, but the result was very different from what I thought.

He stepped back from the altar seat several meters away, covering his abdomen in great pain, and couldn't help coughing twice.

"Ahem! Cough cough cough!"

Lu Li casually pulled the eternal robe behind him, and caught the wand Aradia that was just wrapped in the eternal robe.

Unfortunately, Lu Li himself does not possess the unknown energy in the universe, so naturally he cannot use the Constellation Apostle He couldn't use the weapon in his hand

, but that didn't mean he couldn't destroy it. He held the wand with both hands and slammed it down while kicking his right leg up quickly.


Aradia, the wand that originally contained powerful power, broke into two halves in an instant.

The crisp sound echoed in the corridor of the teaching building. People who saw this scene showed incredible expressions.

As a Sarina Sonoda, who is a Scorpio, is very confident and can easily defeat Altar Altar with her own strength.

However, it is definitely not that easy for them to destroy the wand Aradia in Altar Altar's hand. The weapon in her hand actually has higher strength and is definitely not that easy to damage.

With a look of deep fear in her eyes, Sonoda Sarina was already very surprised that Lu Li could transform just now, but now Lu Li was facing him. She could destroy the wand of the altar in a short time, which was enough for her to pay attention to.

She was not sure whether the other party would become an obstacle to the chairman.

"Who is this guy?"

Gentaro Kisaragi, who had just escaped and came back not long after, witnessed Lu Li destroying the wand Aradia with his own eyes, and his eyes widened.

"No! real or fake? He actually destroyed the wand in one go?!"

When he faced the altar just now, he suffered a lot.

Even if he transformed into the flame form, he was unable to do anything to the opponent.

However, such a powerful altar, even the weapons were destroyed in that white After seeing Gentaro

Kisaragi, Fengcheng Miu quickly ran over and told him the information she had just obtained.

"Gentaro! That white guy seems to be a Kamen Rider too!"

"ha?! He too. Kamen Rider?!"

Gentaro Kisaragi scratched his head and looked at Lu Li with a shocked expression.

How could another Kamen Rider suddenly appear?

Noticing Gentaro Kisaragi who was in a daze, Yuki Jojima immediately pushed him.

"Xiaoxian, hurry up! What if the teaching building is destroyed later? Stop her now!"

"oh oh!

After reacting, Gentaro Kisaragi immediately took out the driver of the bastard, which had four astronomical switches installed on it.

Quickly pressed four astronomical switches


Quickly pushing the handle on the right side, Gentaro Kisaragi shouted.


The Seki Drive burst out with dazzling light, instantly covering Gentaro Kisaragi completely.

The next second, a Kamen Rider with a rocket head appeared on the spot. He was similar to Lu Li, and he was almost dressed in white.

He squatted down slightly," Qiyou quickly raised his hands and stood up, shouting loudly

"The universe is coming one by one!!"

Classic lines and classic actions, it feels so good!

Even Lu Li felt that he could awkwardly dig out a three-bedroom apartment at this time.

He casually threw the wand that had been broken into two pieces aside. It was useless..

Without the wand, the strength of the altar itself will be greatly reduced, at least compared to before, it will be much worse!

"ah!! How dare you... how dare you destroy my wand! hateful!!"

The Altarpiece has completely entered a state of rage at this moment. The flames above his head are burning. He seems to be preparing to use the method he used to deal with Zhou Qi before using it to deal with Lu Li.

You must know that this is a teaching building. If he is allowed to use the terrifying power he used before, Flame Head Whip, I'm afraid there's no telling what this teaching building will look like.

As a student here, Basi Qi certainly won't watch this happen.

What's more, there are many students in this teaching building. If these students were injured because of this, it would be a big trouble.

Without having time to think about it, Seqi immediately took out the No. 1 rocket astronomy switch.

"Rocket! On!"

A missile-like orange rocket suddenly appeared on his right arm.

"I am coming! Don't even think about destroying the teaching building!

With a sudden acceleration, the rocket on her right arm suddenly produced a strong propulsion force, allowing Qi Qi to approach the altar seat at a very fast speed, hugged her, and flew directly out of the teaching building. asshole! Let go! Let me go!!

You can still vaguely hear the angry scolding of the altar seat!

Seeing the altar pedestal that had been taken away, Lu Li originally thought about getting rid of the other party, but now it seems that there is no need for it.

After closing the fusion drive, Lu Li released his transformation.

Turning his head and glancing at where Sarina Sonoda was hiding, Lu Li showed a meaningful smile.

Sarina Sonoda was hiding in that place watching the war, so how could Lu Li not know about it and see through it without revealing it.

Lu Li released his transformation and left the teaching building directly.

Where Sonoda Sarina was hiding, she quickly hid when Lu Li looked over.

She didn't know why, but when she noticed Lu Li's gaze, she always felt a chill on her back.

It even feels creepy!

It was as if he was being targeted by some scary guy.

This is outrageous, she is one of the dignified Scorpios, how could she feel like this.

She cherished her two breaths, forced herself to calm down, and then left quickly

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