"There's one thing I really don't know how to do, and that's.....Have a baby.

As soon as the last three words came out, everyone except Mezier blushed. these words......There seems to be nothing wrong with it."

Metzl nodded thoughtfully, looking right.

"Lu Li seems to be right. He really can't have children. Having children is your business."

Sonosaki, Sonosaki, and the four of them glared at Mezier in unison.

The look seemed to say, no one will think you are mute if you don't speak.

They did not deny that there was indeed nothing wrong with what Lu Li just said.

At this time, in Hahara Lai, who had been crazy outside all afternoon, finally came back.

The feeling of being resurrected made her very good. She had not experienced this feeling for a long time , and she even ate a lot of delicious food.

After she died, she no longer had any need for food. Even if she ate, she couldn't taste anything, and her body couldn't digest it. But now, she was resurrected and experienced the deliciousness of food for the first time in a long time. She saw that the world was so beautiful.

When Hahara came back from the outside, Sonosaki Wakana was the first to run over, touching her here and pinching her body, and the feeling was warm, which was completely different from the cold feeling before.

"(⊙0⊙)Wow! It's really warm. It's no longer the cold feeling before. Yu, how does it feel to be resurrected?"

Sonosaki Wakana was naturally very excited when she saw a real person resurrected from the dead for the first time.

After hearing this, Hahara Lai, who had adapted to his current body, had a smile on his face

"very good! Better than ever!"

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass to Say Goodnight to Shadow!

Chapter 300 is really not a scam! The invitation from me is so high!

If it were Hahara Lai from before, even if she wanted to laugh, she would be dead because she was Because of this, she couldn't laugh at all.

Now that she was resurrected, her facial muscles were not stiff, and she was in a happy mood, so she naturally smiled unconsciously.

Later, at the dinner, everyone discussed this and that around Habara. It was so lively.

But Lu Li, who was the protagonist at the beginning, was now left alone. Lu Li smiled helplessly and took a sip. Just when Lu Li was about to go back to his room to rest, Hahara Lai suddenly stopped him. Lu Li’s path

"how? Anything else?"

"Well..I.I.sleep with you tonight!"

Her face turned slightly red, and Hahara Lai spoke with the words"tiger and wolf".

In the past, Hahara Lai could not blush at all, but after she was resurrected, she actually learned to blush.


Good guy!

When Lu Li heard this, he was confused on the spot.

What kind of tiger-wolf talk is this? Do you want to be so direct?

Seeing that Lu Li was confused, Hahara Lai didn't care and directly dragged Lu Li towards him. He walked to the room.

That strong look made Lu Li confused for a moment.

Shouldn't he be more assertive in this kind of thing?

Thinking of this, Lu Li immediately raised his eyebrows and grabbed Hahara Lai with his backhand. He picked him up and walked towards the room.

He had never eaten pork, but he had always seen pigs running around.

He knew exactly what was going to happen next, and his face became even more rosy. She would only show such a posture in front of Lu Li.

Outside, she was still the cold and decisive Habara, but here, she was not just a figure of the undead, standing silently all night.

Since the last meeting with Sonosaki Saeko, Fueki Kanade has not received any reply, nor has he received any"917" calls from Lu Li.

He couldn't help but feel disappointed. With such a glimmer of hope, it now seems that he can only rely on himself.

For this reason, he still needs to prepare to hold a Sabbat again.

Not long ago, he held a Sabbat during a solar eclipse, but the final result was a failure..

His daughter could not be resurrected successfully. It was only because of the lack of magic power at that time that the Sabbat failed.

He had to prepare a second Sabbat. This time, he had to prepare a powerful enough magic power. It could not be like the last time. Failed.

But if you want to have enough magic power, you must have enough magicians. The last magician was born at the Sabbat, and it took three magicians to make up the four! To this end

, he must find more people with powerful magic power, and make him desperate.

As long as he can use his own power to suppress the magic door born in his inner world, he will have the qualifications to become a magician.

Such an existence is not that difficult.

But in order to resurrect his daughter, no matter how difficult it is, he will continue to do it, even if it means hurting others.

As for Lu Li, Di Muzou did not hesitate. He gave up hope completely.

Maybe the other party had other things to do, so he could do both at the same time, which was a guarantee.

As for Di Muzhuo, he thought Lu Li was busy, and he was indeed very busy:

Early in the morning, Lu Li woke up. When he saw Hahara Lai who was still sleeping next to him, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

This woman is really crazy after her resurrection.

How could she survive being in the hall? Lu Li saw the girls who were about to have breakfast. When he noticed Lu Li walking down, Sonosaki Wakana seemed to have thought of something and her face turned red, and she couldn't help but complain.

"Yo! Did you know you were coming down? I thought you didn’t plan to come down?"

Last night, when she got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, Sonosaki Wakana vaguely heard a strange sound.

Lu Li didn't feel embarrassed and went directly to his seat to have breakfast.

But Sonosaki was surprised and suddenly remembered what happened to Fueki Kanade. , and asked curiously

"Dear, that Dimuzhuang who came to see me before, have you contacted him?

What I told him before was that I would contact him after you are done.".forget.

Patting his forehead, Lu Li had indeed forgotten all about this matter.

Mainly, I have been busy doing things about Amazon cells during this period, and I haven’t had time to worry about other things.

I didn’t think about it for the first time after finishing my work.

"I'll call him later and talk to him about the specific situation."

The Philosopher's Stone, this special stone, a legendary thing, is said to be able to reverse life and death. Whether it is specific is unknown.

But there is no doubt that this stone can absorb very powerful energy, otherwise Ancient Lemlin will end up It is also impossible to evolve.

As for the Sixth Chain Core Coin, it needs to be done slowly. Lu Li is not in a hurry for now.

"Okay, then you can contact me yourself. It’s almost time to eat and it’s time for us to go to the company."

After wiping her lips, Sonosaki Saeko came to Lu Li and lightly bit him on the mouth.

"I also want!"

Sono Saki Wakana ran over not to be outdone.

Mina, who had a weaker personality, also came over with expectancy.

Good guy!

Lu Li could only come one by one.

After seeing them off, Lu Li slowly ate breakfast. , and by the way, he got through the phone number Di Muzou left before.

"Hello! Who is it?"

"Mr. Fueki? I'm Lu Li, I think you should know who I am."

When he heard Lu Li announcing his home address, Di Muzhuang on the other end of the phone instantly became excited.

But as expected of an old fox, he immediately suppressed his excitement and replied as calmly as possible.

"Mr. Lu Li! Is that you? I thought there was no way you would take the initiative to contact me.

Even though he tried very hard to suppress his inner excitement, how could he not be able to tell who Lu Li was?

"Sorry, I have been busy with something recently. I have finished my work now, so I will call you now. Don't mind."

That's what he said verbally, but Lu Li secretly thought in his heart, this guy is also an old fox.

He's excited when he's excited, but he has to hide it. I won't trick you. I really won't!

Afterwards, Lu Li made an appointment with him at Tianzhichuan Meeting at the Academy.

Why did you choose this place?

Of course, it was because two days ago, Sonosaki Yuko suddenly received an invitation from the chairman of Amanokawa Academy, saying that he wanted to prove to the museum that he owned it. Compared with the Gaia memory with the power of the earth, the star disciple switch with the energy of the universe is more powerful.

To put it simply, I want to show my fist and let the museum know why Consortium X is more willing to invest in itself. project.

I hope that the reason why Guangming sent out such an invitation is simply to show the power of the Star Disciple Switch.

I am afraid that there is also the instruction of Consortium X to see if the power of the Star Disciple Switch is necessary. It is more powerful than the memory. Of course, Lu Li is curious about the unknown energy in the universe.

It is completely different from the memory, and it is also something that is not recorded in the earth's memory.

Being able to use it for his own purposes would probably be a big improvement for Lu Li.

After confirming the place and time for the meeting, Lu Li hung up the phone.

He was really looking forward to meeting Di Mu. It's not too difficult.

As long as he uses the Amazon cells he transformed, he can indeed achieve perfect resurrection.

Although the cells in the body are no longer human cells, they have become Amazon cells. But there is no doubt about the improvement in strength.

Today, Lu Li is going to take a rest. He has been working hard for a while in order to transform the Amazon cells. It is time to take a rest.

Dimu Xuan just hung up the phone and looked at his phone. The excitement on his face could not be concealed.

The plan for the Philosopher's Stone was still far away. It would not be that easy to cultivate a magician.

If he could resurrect Nu Li through other methods, he would not mind using other methods. I just don’t know what conditions the other party will offer.

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