This is why Lu Li thought about resurrecting Gamer instead of resurrecting Wu Fan.

As for whether the resurrected Gamel will still feel as naive as before, it's hard to say.

However, when making the Gamel core coins, Lu Li gave the core coins some of Gamel's knowledge during his lifetime.

With these in place, the reborn Gamel will most likely have the same personality as before.

On a street somewhere in the city.

The Beast Dopant has now entered a state of out-of-control rampage.

"Kill you! Kill Amazon!.Muttering in a low voice, the beast-doped body Zhihu was still immersed in the process of hunting Amazon.

The streets were in chaos, and no one knew why monsters suddenly appeared.

It could be clearly seen that many people were lying on the street, and blood was everywhere.

Although it is slightly inferior to the scene of Amazonl eating people, it is still very bloody.

People on the street fled one after another, hoping that they could grow an extra leg at this time and run faster.

"ah! monster!!"


"Run away! Get up quickly! pay close attention!"

"Woohoo~! Help!"

The screams and cries resounded throughout the street.

Seeing these people running away crazily, the Beast Dope had absolutely no mercy in his heart. He had already regarded all these people as Amazons who were hunted by him.

No one would be spared.

A cruiser drove quickly through the crowd and finally stopped in front of the Beast Dope.

He was wearing a brown shirt, a black knitted jacket, and a pair of tattered jeans.

Slowly taking off his helmet, Takayama Jin put the helmet on the rearview mirror and walked straight towards the beast dopant.

Looking at the tragic scene, there were even many messy corpses lying on the ground, Takayama Jin's face turned cold.

"Although....You are not Amazon, but you endanger the safety of mankind and destroy you."

While talking, Takayama Jin took out an egg.

He tapped it on the Amazon drive and put it to his mouth. The egg liquid and yolk flowed into his mouth.

For Takayama Jin, this is the easiest thing to get. of protein.

Putting the Amazon drive on his waist, Jin Takayama slowly unscrewed the left handle.


"Alpha! Blood.Wild! Wi-Wi-Wi-Wild!"


The red flame instantly enveloped Yingshan Ren, and the high-temperature cold surface spread crazily around.

In the red flame, a red figure suddenly appeared.

The violent flame enveloped the beast dopant, Fortunately, the Beast Dopant reacted quickly and escaped from the flames immediately.


When the flames dissipated, the Beast Dopant finally saw his target clearly.

Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha!

PS: Thanks to

Emperor↓Star: - Luan Cangsheng for his monthly ticket!

Thanks to

Feitian Broom for his monthly ticket!.

Chapter 294 Joker..Full fusion form! Simple fight.

The main color of the armor is red, and the chest armor is silver.

It has a pair of deep green compound eyes, and it looks like there are countless scars all over the body. The feeling of a tired warrior.

The Beast Dope has now completely entered a berserk state.

At this moment, he doesn't care about who his enemies are. In his eyes, they are all targets that can be killed.


The Beast Dopant moved very fast and appeared in front of Amazon Alpha in the blink of an eye. He raised the sharp claw of his right hand and aimed at Amazon Alpha's head and slapped it hard.


The cold wind howled.

The sharp claws flashed with cold light, giving people a chilling feeling.

Amazonl Alpha felt a strong crisis coming, and he knew that this time his opponent was definitely unusual.

He could give people a chilling feeling. The opponent who brought him such a strong sense of crisis was definitely not comparable to the Amazoni he had encountered before.

After getting to know Mizusawa Yuu before, he knew that these adulterated bodies were still humans, but because of the use of the power of memory, Only then will he become a monster.

He can destroy these monsters, but he can't guarantee that he will not hurt the humans inside.

This battle is destined to make Amazon Alpha constrained and not so smooth.

Having fought a lot, Amazonl Alpha was experienced in fighting. When facing a sudden crisis, he immediately chose to dodge. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, the sharp claws would have scratched his head.

On the head, I am afraid that he is lying down now.

Taking this opportunity, Amazonl Alpha hugged the arm of the beast doping body and then violently threw it over the shoulder, throwing the beast doping body to the ground.


Obviously, the Beast Dopant did not expect Amazon Alpha to react so quickly, which was completely different from the targets he had hunted before.

Although he could feel the pain coming from his back, the Beast Dope was not only unafraid, but even more Crazy.

The beast-hybrid body in the rampaging state also has a much reduced sense of pain.

The beast-hybrid body has extremely strong recovery power. Generally, even if it is seriously injured, it will heal in a short time. After a period of repair, the injuries would become minor, and in the end, the beast-doped body, with a serious look on its face, pounced on Amazon Alpha. For a while, the two sides were locked in an intense battle.

Rich, whether it is the arm blades on the arms or the blades on the legs, they can cut through the body surface of the beast's doped body. Of course, in order to prevent the people inside from dying, Amazonl Alpha avoided fatal injuries.

The beast's body was covered with scars, but he didn't retreat because of his injuries. The pain actually aroused his ferocity.


Roaring crazily, the Beast Dope body seemed to be completely controlled by the will of the beast at this moment.

Compared with Amazonl Alpha, who had to pay attention to ensuring that the transformer of the Beast Dope body did not die, the Beast Dope body had absolutely nothing to do when attacking. scruples


The hook on the left arm suddenly scratched across Amazon Alpha's chest.


Severe pain hit. Even Amazon Alpha couldn't bear the pain and screamed. He took a step back and blood spilled on the floor. It was the first time that Amazon Alpha felt that it was so difficult.

He had faced it before. Amazon can completely focus on killing the opponent using whatever method he wants, but it is different now. He has to consider the safety of the human body and does not dare to make a fatal move. Most of the time, he will let the opponent catch him. If you get the chance, give him a slap in the face


At this time, a roar/whining sound came.

Mizusawa Yuu, who was riding the Jungle Plunderer, rushed to the scene immediately.

Although he was a member of the extermination squad, under normal circumstances, such battles and exterminations It didn't matter to Ban.

But Mizusawa Yu couldn't just watch someone die.

After getting the news, he drove the Jungle Plunder and rushed here immediately.

Seeing Amazon Alpha looking slightly embarrassed, Mizusawa Yu. He knew that beast hybrids were still so difficult to deal with.

He had already fought against beast hybrids before, but with his strength, there was no way to suppress the opponent, and it was even more difficult to ensure the safety of the human body.

It’s even harder.

Obviously, Amazon Alpha is also encountering this problem.

"Brother Ren!"

Yu Mizusawa didn't talk too much and immediately took out the Amazon drive.




The green flames exploded, and a green and orange figure appeared in the flames.

Kamen Rider Amazon Omega!

After transforming into Amazon Omega, he immediately joined the battlefield, helping Amazon Alpha share some of the pressure.

"Tsk! Boy, this guy is not easy to deal with. He is a human being. There is no way we can kill him.

This is what Amazon Alpha is most worried about right now.

Facing the enemy but unable to kill them, you must be careful. This kind of battle is too difficult.

"I know! I don't know what to do. Anyway, I can't let him continue to destroy, otherwise there will be more casualties!"

In a two-on-one situation, the two of them were barely able to suppress the Beast Dopant, but that was the extent of it. There was no way to kill him.

"If there is really no way to stop him, then......Just......

Amazonl Omega didn't say those three words, but Amazon Alpha clearly knew what he wanted to express.

While avoiding the attack of the Beast Dopant, Amazonl Alpha asked

"Hey Hey hey! Boy! Do you mean..!"

Hearing this, Amazon Omega nodded, obviously ready for this.���

"no! If you really do this, it will be no different from other Amazons. I will definitely kill you immediately! Amazonl

Alpha shook his head fiercely. All he did was to protect mankind.

What he faced was a dopant, but in the end it was always a human being.

In any case, he could not kill anyone unless....The other party has the aura of Amazon!

Amazonl Omega suddenly fell silent. He believed that Amazon Alpha would do what he said.

But he doesn't want to die, at least for now

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