As the heir to his uncle, Shotarou Zuo was naturally bound to take this matter seriously.

It is absolutely impossible to watch Gaia's memories spread wantonly in this city.

If you want to deal with monsters using Gaia's memory, you also need strong power.

The Phillip in front of him is the partner he needs very much.

Having thought about it in an instant, Shotaro Zuo grabbed the hand that Phillip extended.

"There is nothing you dare not do! As long as I can protect this city, even if it means working with the devil, I am willing!"

If you don't even have this mental preparation, how can Shotaro Zuo inherit the mantle of Narumi Shokichi.

A half-hearted tough guy detective and a child of destiny who has the memory of the entire earth have become inseparable partners at this moment.


Time flies so fast, one year has passed in a blink of an eye.

During this year, the museum made almost no major moves.

Since the research institute was destroyed, we had no choice but to find a new site for the research institute and build the building from the ground up.

This is no easy task.

In order to complete the construction of the new research institute, the Sonosaki family deliberately showed the results of the memory to the consortium x, and successfully obtained additional investment from the other party.

It is precisely because of this that this new research institute building can be built smoothly.

All the living researchers and staff were moved to the new research institute building and started working.

During this year, because the research institute was not completed and the production factory was unable to produce, the company barely produced memory.

It just makes improvements on the original memories and transforms the original memories into better ones.

As research improves bit by bit, the toxicity present inside Gaia's memory is gradually reduced.

But unfortunately, it is not possible to completely eliminate the toxicity of Gaia's memory.

Further data extraction and research are needed, and further research is needed.

A lot of things happened during this year.

Among them, a Kamen Rider appeared in Fengdu.

Because of its peculiar appearance and often half-and-half color, it is called W, Kamen Rider W.

He is the hero behind Fengdu and will work hard to deal with the monsters that appear in Fengdu.

Ordinary people don't know where these monsters come from, but they threaten their safety anyway, so they naturally hope that a hero can protect them.

Kamen Rider W is obviously this hero


Lu Li, on the other hand, lived quite leisurely during this peaceful year.

The relationship between Lu Li and Sonosaki Yueko develops rapidly, and he successfully escapes the label of being single.

Of course, it's not just his relationship with Sonosaki Saeko that's developing rapidly.

Sonosaki Wakana didn't know what was going on. After learning about the relationship between Lu Li and Sonosaki Wakana, she always liked to pester Lu Li.

Whenever something happens, he likes to find Lu Li and ask him to help him or her.

In any case, Sonosaki Wakana is also his sister-in-law, so Lu Li's attitude towards these trivial matters is naturally to help her as much as possible.

Every time, Sonosaki Saeko would get sulky or something like that after learning that Lu Li was actually helping her sister like this.

But over time, Sonosaki Saeko has gotten used to it.

As usual, Sonosaki Saeko went to work at the company early in the morning.

The research institute was successfully built some time ago, and all researchers and staff have moved in and started conducting research.

At the same time, the museum ordered the factory to continue producing Gaia memories.

Prepare to sell it, and then collect the corresponding data to further improve the Gaia memory.

The company is going to be busy again. As the president, Sonosaki Saeko certainly has no way to take time off and has to deal with work most of the time.

As for Lu Li, he was not idle during this year.

The world where Kamen Rider W is located has many knights' worldviews.

After this year's investigation, he had found out the Hongshang Foundation, Amagawa Academy High School, and the outstanding scientist Kulim Steinbelt...

When he found these, Lu Li was able to make What kind of Kamen Riders do they correspond to?

This also made Lu Li realize that the two remaining engravings on his hand seemed not enough at all.

There are so many powerful abilities that Lu Li hopes to recreate.

Now there were only two engravings left, and Lu Li had to choose carefully.

However, there have been no reports of other Kamen Riders appearing in these places.

In other words, the plot in his area has not started yet, and Lu Li has time to think about this issue slowly.

After all, in order to reproduce those powerful abilities, some people have to wait until the plot begins before they may appear.


Early this morning, Lu Li had returned to Fengdu and came directly to the company.

After arriving at the company, many people were surprised to see Lu Li, the general manager, suddenly appearing in the company.

They rarely see Lu Li. He is obviously the general manager, but he often doesn't do business.

Everything is handled by the president alone. No one knows why Lu Li is so tolerated by the president.

Many people are secretly discussing this matter, wondering if there may be some ulterior secret between General Manager Lu Li and President Sono Sakiko.

Maybe... maybe the two of them are boyfriend and girlfriend?

These employees usually only gossip behind the scenes at most, and it is impossible to discuss this matter blatantly.

As long as they dare to discuss it, maybe they will be expelled tomorrow.

PS: thanks————Silver monthly pass!.Chapter

51 The Confident"Brother-in-Law"

In the company, Sonosaki Saeko is the one who has the most say. She says she can fire anyone immediately.

Some time ago, a new person came to the company's sales department.

This newcomer performed very well as soon as he came to the sales department. He sold a lot of Gaia memories, which made many senior people in the sales department feel ashamed.

It can be said that he is a good person in the company's sales department, and he is personable. Many female employees of the company are very fond of him.

And this person is Sudou Kirihiko.

As usual, he was preparing to go out to sell his Gaia memory.

As a result, he happened to bump into Lu Li who was walking in from outside the company.

When Lu Li walked into the company lobby from outside, the two of them happened to pass each other.

After passing by, Sudou Kirihiko took two steps forward, then suddenly turned around and looked at the tall and upright figure.

This was the first time he saw Lu Li.

In the past, he basically went out to work promoting Gaia memory and could hardly meet Lu Li.

The first time they met, Sudou Kirihiko had a very special feeling in his heart. This man... was extraordinary.

There is a... very dangerous feeling!

This was his intuition. He didn't understand why he felt that this man was dangerous.

When he first came to the company, he didn't know the close relationship between Lu Li and Sonosaki Yueko.

And when he saw Sonosaki Saeko, he made up his mind.

That is to enter Sonosaki's house.

To accomplish this feat, one must marry into the family.

The reason why he wants to do this is because he wants to make Fengdu better.

He and his sister grew up in Fengdu. They still have very special feelings for this city and love it very much.

He alone can't make this city better.

The Sonosaki family is different. They are one of the largest families in Fengdu. Even if they are members of parliament, they must give face to the Sonosaki family.

If you can join the Sonosaki family, then some of your ideas for building a wind city may be implemented in the future.

But later he learned that Lu Li lived at Sonosaki's house and had a close relationship with the president, Sonosaki Saeko.

The whole person was lost for a long time, and a shortcut was blocked.

He had no choice but to continue being his salesperson honestly.

But she still didn't give up on her thoughts. After all, Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko were not married.

Since you are not married, there is a chance

【Lu Li... Although I don't know how you took the position of general manager and moved into the Sonosaki family, but... I will definitely not lose to you! 】

Swearing secretly in his heart, Sudou Kirihiko turned around and strode out of the company door.

Just as he was leaving, Lu Li suddenly turned around and looked at his back, with a smile on his lips.

The current Sudou Kirihiko is just a better ordinary person.

It was not difficult for Lu Li to peek into his heart.

"Really, I don’t think about anything bad every day, but you want to poach my corner. Can you do it?"

Lu Li was not worried at all that Sudou Kirihiko would pose a threat to him. He was just a person living in his own world.

Fengdu was far from as beautiful as he had seen.

He took the elevator to the top floor After Lu Li greeted the little secretary on the side, he came outside the president's office.

Of course, the little secretary knew about Lu Li and had no intention of stopping him.

Lu Li even opened the door and walked in. No need to knock.

He didn't need to knock when he entered Sonosaki's office or room.

Sonosaki, who was dealing with business seriously at this time, heard the sound of opening the door and said without raising his head.

"Leave the files and the like here for now, I will deal with them later."

The research institute has been rebuilt and work has begun one after another. Sonosaki Saeko is very busy every day.

Lu Li walked over slowly without saying a word.

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko clearly noticed something unusual.

If it was His secretary should have answered him at that time, but now, there was no response. Wasn't he the secretary? He immediately raised his head and found Lu Li looking at him with a smile.

"Saeko, it seems you are very busy."

Sonosaki Saeko, who was working hard, immediately put down what she was doing, stood up, walked to Lu Li, and gave him a very cordial hug.

"Dear, why are you back today?"

She still remembered that Lu Li said he was going out for a few days. He thought it would be quite a long time, but he didn't expect it would only be two or three days.

Lu Li stroked Sonosaki Saeko's hair and said with a smile.

"Didn’t I see that you were too busy at work and wanted to come back to help you? how? Not welcome?"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko quickly shook his head and said with a smile.

"Of course not. It would be best if you could help me. I happen to have a lot of things on my hands right now."

When facing Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko completely lost her look of a strong woman.

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