It seems that as long as there is any abnormal movement of the taboo doped body, the fear doped body will launch an attack.

With just a look, the Taboo Dope was immediately frightened and lowered his proud head.

She was worried about Lu Li's safety and wanted to help, but her physical fear prevented her from acting rashly.

At this moment, a relaxing voice suddenly came out from the dark quagmire of fear.

"Uncle, is this what you call fear? But it doesn't seem to have much of an impact on me."

When he heard this voice, a flash of disbelief flashed in the fear-doped body's eyes.


He never expected that someone could be immune to his own mental attacks.

This has never happened in the more than ten years since we acquired the memory.


A burst of cold light flashed.

The dark quagmire of fear was instantly cut open, and Lu Li appeared in front of the fear adulterant again.

This was the first time the fear adulterant encountered someone who was immune to his fear power.

"Bullet (armadillo)!"


Brush the bullet armadillo of block 2 and the flame firefly of block 6 on the awakener component.

Lu Li instantly opened the awakening bow, and a fiery red arrow appeared on the awakening bow.

The fire was shining, and it contained very explosive energy.

Since Lu Li was immune to the mental attack of fear, the fear-adulterated body had no intention of continuing to fight.

After noticing the situation here, he quickly shouted.


But Lu Li had already let go at this time.

"call out!!"

The energy arrow shining with dazzling fire did not hit the fear dopant, but fell on the dark swamp of fear just now.


The violent explosion instantly blew the dark quagmire of fear into pieces.

As for the fear dopant not far away, it was also affected by this force and was shaken back several steps.

He had already said to stop, But Lu Li refused to give in, which made him very unhappy.

However, the opponent was immune to his fear attack, which made the fear-infused body's most powerful power useless. If he continues to fight in this situation, he will only suffer. His original intention was to give Lu Li a good beating to stop him from going too far.

At the same time, he also wanted to scare Lu Li and make the other party respect him.

Thinking that his fear power had no effect on Lu Li, how could he fight?

As for summoning the fear dragon beast above his head, although it was powerful, once the fear dragon beast was summoned to fight, it represented fear. The Dopant's own combat power was weakened.

Fighting with Lu Li, the Fear Dope did not dare to release the fear dragon beast easily.

Lu Li also deliberately shot the arrow. Turn around and shoot you!

"Uncle, what are you doing?......Don't want to fight?"

A voice full of joking sounded, making the fear-adulterated body feel very unhappy.

But if he continued to fight, he would definitely not be able to take any advantage.

Moreover, he didn't know what kind of trump card Lu Li had, in case he really got into trouble with the opponent. It would be difficult to deal with it when the time comes.

Although he was angry, he did not launch any further attacks. He looked at Lu Li with a deep look, and his eyes were full of fear. If this man was from the family, he would still be afraid.

Okay, but if you stand on the opposite side, you will become your most terrifying opponent. The most powerful power is ineffective against this man. Such a person must stay in the Sonosaki family, even if he feels unhappy, he still needs to endure it!

Yes, he has no choice


With a long breath, the fear dope took out the fear memory from the drive on his waist.

He turned back to the energetic old man.

Sonosaki Ryuhei nodded indifferently.

"Lu Li, for your sake, I won't pursue it further. This matter is over."

Then, he focused his gaze on the taboo doped body slowly falling from the sky, and said in a deep voice

"Saeko, take care of things here and save as much information and information as possible.

This place can no longer be used. Once the data and information are recovered, they will all be destroyed."

Since Lu Li must protect Sono Sakiko, Sonosaki Ryubei has no way to continue teaching him, so he can only give instructions.

After leaving these words, Sonosaki Ryubei turned around and left the island.

He looked very cold and powerful. It looked like he had given in.

It wasn't until Sonosaki Ryubei left for a while that Sonosaki Saeko realized.

She still doesn't feel confident that her father really let her go this time.

All of this... is it because of Lu Li?

It was precisely because of this man's existence that she had successfully escaped her father's anger.

Her beautiful eyes stared at Lu Li, and Sonosaki's eyes were filled with gratitude, even if it wasn't for Lu Li's presence. Even a slap in the face might not calm Sonosaki Ryubei's anger.

Without Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko would have to bear the true anger of Sonosaki Ryubei when she really goes back.


PS: Thanks————ㄟˊMonthly pass for the royal family!.Chapter

48 Who is responsible?

For the first time, as a strong woman, Sonosaki Saeko lowered her proud head and expressed her gratitude to Lu Li.

She was truly grateful for what Lu Li had done for her.

In the past, it was impossible for Sonosaki Saeko, who was extremely proud, to say thank you, but today was an exception.

Watching the old fox leave, Lu Li also transformed back into human form.

"I don't accept verbal thanks. If you want to thank me, take some practical actions."

Lu Li smiled, as if the battle just now was nothing to him.


On the edge of the island.

Sonosaki Ryuhei returned to the speedboat with a livid face.

The speedboat slowly turned around and headed towards Fengdu.

Sonosaki Ryubei, who was sitting on the speedboat, squeezed his right hand. He felt that there was still a little pain in his right hand.

In the previous battle, he and Lu Li had a brief fist collision.

When the fists collided, even though he had transformed into a fear-infused body, he could still feel bursts of pain.

"Land from……"

After putting down his right hand, Sonosaki Ryuhei glanced deeply in the direction of the island.

He must bring Lu Li into the Sonosaki family, so that the status of the Sonosaki family will not be shaken in the future.

As for getting rid of Lu Li.

It's not like Ryubei Sonosaki didn't think about it.

But after the battle just now, he had a clearer understanding of Lu Li's power.

Finally came to a conclusion.

This person can only win over him as much as possible, not head-on.

Although an important test subject has been lost, the data and information in the institute are well preserved and will not have much impact for the time being.

The problem is that now the research institute has been destroyed and a new one needs to be built.

It is not easy to build a research institute. You need to find a suitable place that is hidden enough and not easy to be discovered.

After all, what the museum studies is very confidential, and we don’t want others to discover it.

What Sonosaki Ryubei has to do after returning is to find a new suitable location and build a new research institute.

This time things can only go away like this, he can't continue to hold on to it.


Night falls.

After a whole day of busy work, Sonosaki Saeko finally recovered all the data from the research institute.

Some of it was recovered compared to before, but a lot was still lost.

Returning to the Sonosaki house with Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko looked at the Sonosaki mansion at night without much fear in her heart.

Because the person standing next to her was Lu Li, she had enough confidence to enter the mansion.

During the day, she had seen Lu Li's strength with her own eyes, and he completely conquered her.

Gently holding Lu Li's arm, Sonosaki Saeko walked into Sonosaki's house holding Lu Li in her arms.

Noticing Sonosaki Saeko's little movements, Lu Li just smiled and didn't say anything else.

The door opened, and Lu Li immediately saw Sonosaki Ryubei and Sonosaki Wakana sitting in the hall.

Sonosaki Wakana also already knew the news that the research institute was destroyed and the test subjects escaped.

But what Sonosaki Wakana didn't know was that the so-called test subject was her brother Sonosaki Raito.

She was even ready to mock her sister Sonosaki Saeko.

Unexpectedly, Sonosaki Saeko walked in holding Lu Li's hand.

A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. She had never expected that Sonosaki Saeko would have such a side.

It's really unexpected.

In her eyes, her sister had always been a very strong woman, but now she was leaning against Lu Li like a little bird.

To be honest, if she wasn't sure that the person in front of her was her sister, she would have really suspected that someone was pretending to be her.

Sonosaki Ryubei, who was sitting in the main seat, nodded expressionlessly when he saw the two people coming in.

"Now that you're back, sit down."

He was still a little unhappy. After all, he had suffered at the hands of Lu Li during the day.

It was strange that he was in a good mood when he saw Lu Li again.

However, Lu Li didn't care whether he was in a good mood or not, and just dragged Sonosaki Saeko here. He sat down at the table and saw that Lu Li and Sono Saki Wakana seemed to be getting closer, a hint of displeasure flashed in Sono Saki's eyes.

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