At this moment, a dinosaur-shaped mechanical tyrannosaurus memory jumped down from above holding Philip, who was wearing white clothes and carrying a dual driver around his waist.

When he saw this gadget, Phillip immediately understood what it was.

Fang (fang) memory!

He is self-aware and will do whatever it takes to protect Philip's memory.

Memory usually appears in the form of a mechanical tyrannosaurus.

Phillip knows very well that there is no way to escape from here depending on the current state of w.

Then we can only let him fight and let him dominate.

Thinking of this, W's green right hand closed the dual driver on his waist, and the half-green and half-black armor on his body turned into countless fragments and dissipated, revealing Shotaro Zuo inside.

Shotaro Zuo, whose eyes were red, had a look of confusion after noticing his current situation.

"Just now...what happened to me?"

At this time, Philip, who had just been taken over by Fang's memory device, had also woken up.

"Let me do it, and we can escape here together."

He didn't know why he suddenly had such an idea.

Just now, when he was ordered to be Philip by Narumi Shokichi, a strange feeling of joy arose in his heart.

In this research institute, he It was a simple experimental subject. The organization used the memory of the earth he knew to create the Gaia memory.

In the final analysis, Philip was just a tool here.

But the uncle who named him just now had it in his mind. An inexplicable sense of belonging.

This was one of the reasons why he wanted to leave here.

Philip opened his left hand, and the Fang memory standing on the ground automatically jumped into his hand and transformed into the Fang memory in the form of a mechanical tyrannosaurus. memory, press the start switch on the memory



But Shotaro Zuo didn't understand what the situation was.

But the Joker memory on his left turned into a stream of data and disappeared instantly on the left side.

When the memory disappeared, Shotaro Zuo rolled his eyes and looked helplessly toward the ground. Lie down.

The Joker memory has appeared on the left side of the dual drive on Philip's waist.

Quickly insert the Fang memory on the right side, open the dual drive, and fold the Fang memory onto the dual drive.



Purple light flashed, and an unknown number of fragments quickly enveloped Philip.

When the fragments completely covered him, the black and white knight appeared in place.

Kamen Rider w Fang Ace Form!

Powerful and violent Energy poured into the body crazily, W looked up to the sky and roared


At this time, the costumed hybrids rushed over one after another.

A new round of fighting began.

In the fang ace form, W's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

Although Philip has little combat experience, he has Earth Memory, how to fight, etc., is not difficult for him.

These costumed hybrids are just here to deliver food.

The fighting style of Fang Ace W is extremely powerful, using the arm blades and shoulder blades as his arms. Attack methods and fighting techniques are like killing machines



Bursts of roars and violent explosions resounded throughout the institute.


Lu Li and Forbidden Dopant were still on the rooftop, and naturally they heard the explosions of the battle coming from below.

Lu Li naturally didn't care, but his expression changed on the spot.

On the rooftop, she could even feel the vibrations coming from the research institute.

If the guys below continue to destroy it, the institute may be destroyed.

There is still a lot of data and information here. If it is destroyed, you can imagine my father's anger.

When he thought of his father's angry appearance, Taboo Dopant couldn't help but tremble.

"I'm going down first!"

With these words, the Forbidden Doped Body flew down through the rooftop that Skull had just smashed through.

Lu Li looked at the Forbidden Doped Body that had left and was about to follow.

But suddenly, with his excellent eyesight, he noticed that There was a speedboat on the sea.

There was a figure standing on the speedboat, but it was dark and it was not clear who the figure was. An awakening device appeared on Lu Li's waist and he swiped an awakening card through the awakening device component. ,


Heart 4, a floating dragonfly, can generate anti-gravity and float in the air, and can fly.

A strange power blessed Lu Li, and his body slowly rose into the air.

He controlled his body and gradually flew towards the speedboat, and the figure jumped over Getting closer.

As he got a little closer, Lu Li could see the other person's appearance clearly.......woman!.Chapter

42 The first meeting with Shroud

Wearing a large black hat on his head, his face was wrapped in white bandages, and he wore a pair of black sunglasses.

She has long flowing hair, a long black dress, and a pair of black leather shoes.

Anyway, it gives the impression that he is dressed in black from head to toe except for bandages, full of mystery.

With such a familiar look, Lu Li naturally knew who she was.


You can also call her by another name, Sonosaki Wenyin.

When she noticed Lu Li flying towards her, Sonosaki Fumin obviously felt nervous.

She came here mainly to meet Narumi Shokichi.

But now that there is such a fierce battle at the research institute, it may not be so easy to rescue people.

Hands unconsciously moved behind her, Sonosaki Wenyin stared at Lu Li nervously.

She knew that Lu Li was now the general manager of the company and often visited Sonosaki's house. She could not rule out that he had now become a cadre of the museum.

Facing a cadre, Sonosaki Wenyin had to be cautious.

Looking down at Sonosaki Fumin from a high position, Lu Li was still somewhat curious about this woman who wanted to destroy the museum and the Sonosaki family.

"Don't be so nervous, I don't have any ill intentions towards you for the time being."

Lu Li's words obviously cannot make Sonosaki Wenyin completely relax his vigilance.

She has been able to survive until now not just because she would relax her vigilance with a few words. She still did not let down her vigilance with the other party, and Lu Li didn't care at all..

Lu Li shrugged slightly and asked curiously.

"I don’t know whether I should call you Fumion Sonosaki or shroud?"

Hearing Lu Li call out her two names at once, her body trembled slightly.

A trace of surprise flashed through her eyes under the sunglasses. She always thought that she had hidden herself well and was not discovered by anyone.

But she didn't. Cheng Xiang, the first time she met Lu Li, the other party recognized her.

After a moment of silence, she finally gave this answer.

"shroud, Sonosaki Fumin is dead."

Now she is not a member of that criminal family, but belongs to the Avengers——Shroud

"Okay, that's Shroud, but I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, Narumi Shokichi...has stayed here forever.

The dual drive you created is no longer available to him."

Lu Li's next words made Shroud stunned for a moment. He quickly reacted and looked at Lu Li coldly.

"You... why do you know?"

She couldn't understand why Lu Li knew her plan.

Even Narumi Shokichi probably didn't know her plan.

The original intention was to allow Narumi Shokichi and Philip to form the most powerful W and possess the earth. With all the knowledge and being immune to the influence of spiritual power, the combination of the two has a complete chance of defeating Sonosaki Ryubei.

If he defeats him, it will mean the destruction of this evil family. Apart from Narumi Shokichi, she really couldn't find anyone else.

Now, Lu Li actually told her that Narumi Shokichi would never come back. Shroud's first reaction was that he didn't believe it.

"No! impossible! I know Zhuang Ji's strength very well, there is no reason why he would fall here."

Shroud shook her head vigorously. She still had a trace of fantasy in her heart.

But Lu Li ruthlessly shattered the only trace of fantasy in her heart.

"No need to think about it, he died in my hands, so I am very sure that he will not come back."

The cold words made Shroud take two steps back.

His mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

His hands were clenched tightly, and Shroud said in disbelief.

"how come? Zhuang Guitar……"

The body shook for a while. Although Shroud hated Sonosaki Ryubei very much at this moment, she still had the emotions of a human being.

Narumi Shokichi and she were childhood sweethearts, and it was she who entrusted Narumi Shokichi to come to save people.

But now, the other party will stay here forever.

A feeling of regret suddenly emerged in her heart. Her plan was carried out too hastily this time, and many issues were not fully understood.

Under such circumstances, she still entrusted Narumi Shokichi. The reason for all this came from her.

And without Narumi Shokichi, what's the point of dual drives?

If you are not immune to the power of fear, even if others can transform into a pair of knights, they will not be able to threaten Sonosaki Ryubei at all.

Feeling desolate inside, Shroud didn't know what to do for a moment.

The only way to defeat the Crime Family has now been lost.

Shroud couldn't imagine how he could defeat Sonosaki Ryubei without Narumi Shokichi.

But Shroud, who had already fallen into hell, quickly calmed down.

He looked up at Lu Li and said coldly

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