She is very well-behaved, just like a virtuous and virtuous wife.

During this half-month period, the company's specific sales were not particularly smooth.

It is because the dead skull destroyed a lot of memories before, resulting in a large-scale reduction in the number of people buying memories.

Just because of this incident, Sonosaki Ryubei became angry.

However, compared to being afraid of Sonosaki Ryubei before, now with Lu Li's support, Sonosaki Saeko didn't take the old man's words to heart at all.

It's your fault to be angry, but it's my business whether you listen or not.

Perhaps because he felt that because of Lu Li's presence, Sonosaki Saeko no longer listened to him, Sonosaki Ryubei felt a little unhappy.

At first, he was quite satisfied with Lu Li, but now he feels a little dissatisfied.

Of course, he would not expel Lu Li just because of this dissatisfaction.

Lu Li's strength was there, and he hoped that Lu Li could become a member of the Sonosaki family, and... a member under his control.

A little friction is normal, but Sonosaki Ryuhei always thinks that he can control Lu Li.

In the past half month, Lu Li had almost figured out where Sonosaki's current location was.

Through the play, Lu Li only knew that Sonosaki was in a research institute on an island.

But Lu Li didn't know exactly where this island was.

Today, he and Sonosaki Saeko were going to the research institute on the island.

The purpose is to extract a new batch of earth memories and create new memories.

After leaving the Sonosaki family, he and Sonosaki Saeko did not go to the company, but to the Sonosaki family's private port.

There, they will shipwreck to the research institute on the isolated island

…… on board.

Lu Li went to sea for the first time after coming to this world.

Standing on the boat, quietly feeling the sea breeze and smelling the moist air, it feels very comfortable.

Sonosaki Saeko, who was standing next to Lu Li, had a light appearance and her wavy hair was curled back and held with a clip.

She was wearing a white suit today, with a white hip-hugging skirt underneath.

A pair of slender jade legs, a pair of flesh-colored stockings, and black high-heeled shoes.

She looks like a perfect strong woman, and people can’t help but look at her with side eyes.

"Lu Li, today, you will be exposed to our family's secrets. Do you know what this means?"

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled and asked

"What do you think this means?"

"It means that you have come into contact with the core secret of the family and are already considered a member of our family. Of course, not entirely."

Before Lu Li fully joined the family, Sonosaki Saeko was very surprised to be able to come into contact with this secret.

She originally thought that she would go to the research institute alone today, but Sonosaki Ryubei asked Lu Li to come with him.

Obviously during this time Her father was a little unhappy about Lu Li helping her.

However, his father still did not stop Lu Li. Instead, he asked Lu Li to go to the research institute with him. This series of operations made Sonosaki

Saeko really confused.

What are you thinking about?

" does it count as complete?"

Lu Li approached Sonosaki Saeko, and the two of them were almost shoulder to shoulder now.

Regarding Lu Li approaching her at such a close distance, Sonosaki Saeko did not retreat.

She is no longer the former Sonosaki Saeko, and she has been with Lu Li for a while. , he understood that Lu Li was really helping him.

Sonosaki looked at Lu Li with her charming eyes, opened her red lips slightly, and uttered two words.

"marry. Her answer was obviously what Lu Li had expected.

There was no surprised expression on his face. Lu Li stretched out his arms and hugged Sonosaki Saeko's slender and soft waist.

He lowered his head slightly and whispered softly in her ear.

"So...who should I marry?"

Facing the attack of heat, Sonosaki Saeko's ears turned slightly red.

Does she have to say this kind of thing?

Lu Li's next words made Sonosaki Saeko's expression change immediately.

"You say...should I marry Wakana?"

After hearing these words, Sono Sakiko's face, which was still slightly red, immediately returned to normal.

She turned her head and stared at Lu Li closely.

"Are you...are you kidding me?"

There was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

It seemed that as long as Lu Li answered"no", she would immediately transform into a taboo dopant.

During this period of time, Lu Li and Sono Saki Wakana have been on a good relationship.

Of course, there is still a long way to go. Not enough to get married.

Lu Li shrugged slightly and said nothing.

As for whether this was a joke, only Lu Li knew clearly.

Seeing Lu Li's silence, Sonosaki Saeko thought he was joking with him and did not continue. After a while of sailing,


Li finally saw an island with a tall building on it.

This should be the starting point. The place where the night begins.

It is also here that Narumi Shokichi fell. Before the commissioning of the new drive

, Lu Li did not finish off Narumi Shokichi. In addition to wanting to see a more powerful Skull, he also wanted to witness it. The birth of W.

Wouldn't it be a pity if W couldn't appear because of his arrival?

The two detectives, Kamen Rider W, are looking forward to the arrival of the night.


Narumi Detective Agency.

As early as a week ago, Narumi Shokichi's injuries had almost recovered.

Since the dopant hardly showed up this week, Narumi Shokichi could only accept some less important commissions.

Since the last time she spoke to Sonosaki Fumin, the two have only contacted each other once.

Sonosaki Wenyin told Narumi Shokichi that she was working on a very powerful thing and would deliver it to him this week.

At the same time, she will have a very important commission for Narumi Shokichi.

Today is the day to deliver things

"Knock knock knock!"

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Narumi Shokichi came to the door and opened it. The person outside was Sonosaki Fumin.

As for Zuo Shotaro, he had been arranged by Narumi Shokichi to handle a small commission.

Please be troublesome. Shotaro Zuo can't deal with it yet, but it's still possible to find a cat.

Wearing a black dress, a black hat, and black sunglasses, Sonosaki Fumin hides herself tightly, like a weirdo.

"Zhuang Ji, I want to entrust you to help me save someone."

As soon as she saw Narumi Shokichi, Sonosaki Fumin went straight to the topic.

It was precisely because of Lu Li's arrival that Sonosaki Fumin was under tremendous pressure.

If Lu Li really comes to Sonosaki's house again in the future, what will he do in the future? It would be even more difficult to rescue Sonosaki.

She must take advantage of this opportunity to rescue Sonosaki as soon as possible.

Of course, she also has another purpose, which is to destroy the Sonosaki family. The evil family in her eyes.

For this reason, she specially created a dual drive and a matching memory.

The dual drive is a drive that can be inserted into two types of memory.

The one on the left is a physical memory with a gold interface. , the soul memory with the silver interface is inserted.

When the two are combined, it will create a very powerful warrior.

Only Sonosaki can use the body memory. Many, she chose Narumi Shokichi. The reason is because of the existence of Sonosaki Ryūbei.

The terror of Sonosaki Ryūbei lies in his spiritual power, which can make the opponent feel fear.

Differently, he can be immune to the influence of this kind of mental power and will not have terrifying emotions.

According to Sonosaki Fumin's idea, Narumi Shokichi and Sonosaki Raito can use dual drives together so that they can transform into. The strongest warrior who is not afraid of the powerful spiritual power and also has the knowledge reserves of the entire earth, he will definitely be able to defeat Sonosaki Ryubei and destroy that evil family.

According to her plan, it is absolutely feasible.

"Let me tell you something first. Who do you want to entrust me to save?"

Narumi Shokichi turned slightly sideways and made way for the entrance.

Nodding, Sonosaki Fumin came out of the room.

Then the two had a detailed conversation.

When Narumi Shokichi learned that the person he wanted to save He was stunned when he turned out to be Sonosaki, the son of his childhood sweetheart, Wenyin, because he had heard Sonosaki once say that her son had fallen into the well of the earth and died.

In order to completely get Narumi Shokichi to help him willingly, Sonosaki Fumin knew that he could not hide it, so he told Narumi Shokichi what happened next.

After learning the truth, Narumi Shokichi fell into deep thought..

Unexpectedly, people can still exist in this form after death.

In the end, Narumi Shokichi agreed.

"Okay, I understand. I agree to your commission. Before, you said you had something to deliver to me. Is it the box in your hand?"

Put the box in your hand on the table and open it, revealing the dual drives and six pure memories inside.

"This is……?!"

When he could see dual drives and six pure memories, a flash of surprise flashed in Narumi Shokichi's eyes.

He clearly noticed that there was a big difference between the dual drive in the box and the lost drive in his hand.

"This is the dual drive, Zhuangji, I hope you can use the dual drive and the power of others to destroy the museum of sin!"

Sonosaki Wenyin's heart was filled with hatred.

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