"Shotaro, you make your decision. No matter what decision you make, I... will approve it."

""Seven-five-zero" Philip handed over the decision-making power to Zuo Xiangtaro.

The two parties have now become the closest combat partners and have already completely trusted each other.

After two seconds of silence, Zuo Xiangtaro suddenly said

"Philip, every time we face Lu Li, we will selectively retreat. This time, I... want to give it a try!"

The tone gradually became firmer. Zuo Shotarou was not ready to escape this time.

He knew that he might not be his opponent, but he still wanted to save Kujo Ling.

"I understand, if that's the case, then let's... go together!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw that W had already assumed a fighting stance.

Except for the first time they met again a year later, this was the first time that W chose to take the initiative to fight Lu Li.

Since the other party wanted to fight with him, Lu Li would naturally give him a chance.

However, Lu Li was quite surprised that Zuo Xiangtaro, who had been avoiding a direct battle with him, would make such a decision.

Perhaps this has always been an insurmountable threshold in Zuo Xiangtaro's heart.

Every time he chooses to escape from Lu Li, this threshold will increase by one point.

In the end, he will no longer have the courage to challenge him anymore....Want to fight.

Even if his opponent is stronger, he doesn't want to give up the fight, let alone the chance to save Kujo Ling.

"Want to fight? Then... come on."

At this moment, W can be regarded as a respectable opponent, and Lu Li is also ready to be a little more serious.

Then, with a thought in Lu Li's mind, the awakening device automatically appeared on his waist, and at the same time he took out the Ace of Hearts awakening card.



There are not so many bells and whistles. Lu Li casually swiped the A of Hearts in his hand across the Awakening Device.

A wave of energy instantly covered Lu Li, and the next second, Lu Li had completed his transformation.

Kamen Rider Kalis, the long-awaited transformation Transformation!

Looking at Lu Li in front of him, Zuo Xiangtaro suddenly recalled that the night his uncle died, Lu Li transformed into this and fought with his uncle.

The fighting spirit in his heart had reached its peak, and Zuo Xiangtaro let out a low shout.

"Philip, get ready!"

"good! Go together!"

As a carrier, Philip's heart is also full of strong fighting spirit.

They are close partners and the best comrades, and they can exert the most powerful fighting force when they are together.


A sharp shoulder blade appeared on the right shoulder beside the fang. W held it in his hand like a sharp sword blade.

"Then let’s have some fun with you!"

The Awakening Bow appeared in his hand. Lu Li had indeed not fought in Kallis's posture for a long time.

The moment he held the Awakening Bow, everything felt so familiar.


The two figures collided together instantly.


The sparks from the collision of the sword blades instantly illuminated the two people, both wearing scarlet eye armor, staring at each other.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!!"

Quickly waving the fang shoulder blade in his hand, W launched his fastest and most violent attack.

This is because W clearly knows how strong and powerful the opponent he is facing now is.

Even the former leader of the organization , was also defeated by Lu Li, and Zuo Xiangtaro's idol uncle also died in his hands.

In terms of combat, W didn't think he could dare to fight Lu Li from the beginning, and maybe he could occupy a certain position. Advantage, as time goes by, W is sure that he will eventually lose.

In this case, it is better to use his strongest combat power from the beginning to gain the advantage of Ding Ding.

In the face of the rapid attack, Lu Li can still resist it with ease.

Needless to say, the Fang Ace form W is indeed very powerful. Even the second-stage Nazca dopant is no match for the Fang Ace form W.

Even if W in the fang ace form was powerful enough, what he was facing now was Lu Li, not the Nazca Doped LV2.

Lu Li easily dodged all the attacks, and Lu Li punched W in the chest.


A scream rang out, and W was instantly blown away by the punch.

Fortunately, W reacted quickly enough and used the power to do a backflip in the air. His feet landed firmly on the ground, but he still slid out a certain distance.

Standing behind The Triceratops doped body was watching the battle in amazement.

"So... so strong!"

She realized something now.

When he fought with her before, Lu Li might not have used all his strength at all, but was just playing with him.

Of course, she didn't know how much strength Lu Li used now. Clearly.

But this also reflected Lu Li's extremely strong strength. Only now did she realize that she... was really weak.

Fortunately, Lu Li didn't pursue her victory before, otherwise she might have been too weak at that time. She would really die in his hands.

Thinking of that outcome, the Triceratops hybrid felt frightened.

It can only be said that she was lucky. It was not easy to save her life from Lu Li.

"Come again!!"

After W stood firm, he immediately pounced on Lu Li again.

He must not stop suddenly at this time. Once he stops suddenly at this time, he will face Lu Li's thunderous offensive. He can only continue to attack and think He found a way to break through Lu Li's defense and come into contact with the injured Triceratops dopant, and then he had a chance.

He placed the fang shoulder blade in his left hand, and W immediately flicked the sharp corner of the fang memory.

"Arm.Fang (Tusk Arm Blade)!"

The sharp fang arm blade reappeared on the right arm, and the fang shoulder blade was held in the left hand. W was ready to fight with dual weapons.

The awakening bow seemed to be alive in Lu Li's hands, completely like a part of his body, and he could use it as he pleased..

Even the dual-wielding W was unable to break through Lu Li's rock-solid defense.

As the attack speed increased, W's physical consumption gradually became serious, but no matter how fast W became, Lu Li always had a way. able to keep up with his speed

"Not fast enough! How can this speed hit me? are you dreaming?

Are you not good at it? How can a man say no? Take a good look at yourself."

While fighting, he was making sarcastic remarks with ease, and Lu Li's sarcasm level was directly maxed out.

However, just when W seemed to be reaching its limit, he felt as if he was about to break through, and the breakthrough became even more powerful.

W Attack The rhythm was still accelerating, and unknowingly, a white arc flashed on the side of the fang.

He attacked several times, and the rhythm of the attack seemed a little chaotic.

But at this moment, the ace on the left waved his fang. The speed of the shoulder blade suddenly stopped.

This obvious feeling of frustration made W feel extremely uncomfortable.

But before he could react, the awakening bow in Lu Li's hand had already scratched his chest.


The sharp bow arm is not inferior to weapons such as fangs and arm blades.


After being chopped down to the ground, W immediately screamed in pain.

"what happened? Why did you suddenly feel frustrated just now?"

Even Philip, who has mastered all the information and knowledge on the earth, still has some things that he can't explain.

He has seen a lot of information in the earth library so far, but it is not enough compared to the entire earth library. Lu

Li stood up straight and looked at W, who was trying to stand up again, and was lost in thought. In the battle, Phillip wanted to become stronger, and the purpose of doing this was to help Zuo Shotaro achieve his goal.

Philip can indeed become stronger, but he completely ignores one thing, and that is whether Shotaro Zuo can become stronger.

If you want to become stronger with a human body, it is not something that can be done immediately. Things.

Even if Zuo Shotarou is currently in an ideological state, if he wants to continue to become stronger, he must also enhance his consciousness, which is not an easy task. It can even be said to be very difficult.

"Hello! Philip! Why can't I control my body?"

Zuo Xiangtaro immediately noticed that there was something abnormal in his body and asked doubtfully.

But Phillip relied on his intuition to notice the cause of the abnormality. 0......

That is, the power of the fang memory on my side seems to be too strong, and the power of the ace memory cannot keep up with the power of my fang memory.

You know, among all the current memories, only the Ace Memory can barely match the Fang Memory.

It is currently impossible to adapt the power of other memories to the Fang memory, as the matching degree is too low.

But the power of Ace Memory cannot be weakened inexplicably. In other words, it is his own power that has become stronger.

Thinking of this, Phillip instantly understood what was going on.

I suddenly became stronger!

Phillip has never had the desire to become stronger. He has always tried his best to cooperate with Shotaro Zuo.

However, when he fought in the fang ace form and met Lu Li, desire suddenly appeared in his heart and became stronger.

It was precisely because of the desire to become stronger that Philip began to become stronger. Although he had a body, he was not a real body.

His body is made entirely of earth data and can indeed become stronger under certain circumstances.

Lu Li saw W who did not continue to attack, and roughly guessed W's current state.

"Philip, you should have felt that your strength is getting stronger, but the half-baked detective is still standing still.

The two of you are no longer able to reach the most suitable state."

These words instantly woke up Philip, and he immediately came back to his senses.


Philip was rarely angry.

He has always been cooperating with Zuo Xiangtaro.

Now the two parties are partners who can trust each other, but this kind of problem suddenly arises. How could he easily accept such an answer?


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