The collision of metal iron rods and metal iron rods, and the intertwining of forces caused the two to fall into a stalemate for a while.

Under the powerful force of the two men, cracks appeared on the surrounding cement floor.

Spider-web-like cracks extended around, looking extremely terrifying.

Before transforming into a triceratops hybrid, Kujo Ling was also a fighting master.

As an excellent police officer, it goes without saying that he has combat prowess.

As for Shotaro Zuo, although he has experienced many battles, he has not systematically learned fighting.

Facing the Triceratops hybrid who is a master of fighting, he is more or less at a disadvantage.

The battle between the two was very fierce.

Bursts of dull metal collisions echoed through the construction site.

At this point, underneath the pile of steel.

A red figure was lying in the middle of the steel.

This red figure is naturally a police cavalry.

The blue eye armor suddenly lit up, and the policeman woke up from his coma.

Just now, when he was about to be hit by the steel, he had already completed his transformation.

If it hadn't been for completing the transformation, I'm afraid he would have been dead by now.

But even so, the steel still knocked him unconscious.

While in coma, he heard the sounds of fighting, and then he woke up in a daze.

"This is……? correct! I was knocked unconscious just now!"

The dazed policeman suddenly woke up.

Hearing the sound of fighting outside, he couldn't figure out what the situation was for the time being.

Now, the only thing he thought about was to rush out.

For the policeman who had completed his transformation, These steel materials were nothing at all.

After pushing away one piece of heavy steel, the police cavalry finally came out of the pile of steel, and naturally heard the fighting between Triceratops and W. There were bursts of movement, and everyone looked over, just in time to see the police cavalry coming out of the pile of steel.


"You're not dead yet?!"

The Triceratops doped body thought she had successfully killed the police cavalry.

But unexpectedly, contrary to what she thought, the police cavalry was still alive and well.

Seeing that the other party had already transformed, the Triceratops doped body The body immediately understood what was going on.

The other party must have just completed the transformation at the moment the steel fell.

"Terui, how are you doing? Are there any injuries?"W asked with concern.

After all, both parties are now Kamen Riders and guardians of the city. Naturally, he doesn't want anything to happen to the other party.

Although this guy is usually a bit arrogant, he is a good person after all.

It would be great if he could change his bad temper.

Hearing this, the policeman said in a deep voice.

"Don't...question me!"

What he doesn't like the most is others asking questions to him, even if they are concerned.

This is something unique to him... tsundere (`へ)!

I didn't expect that at this time, this guy would still be this tsundere. W looked very speechless.

However, he was probably sure that there would be no problem with this guy, otherwise, he would have been lying down by now. After a while, I didn't expect that it was too late now.

However, seeing the shaky state of the police cavalry, the Triceratops dopant also knew something.

"Long, looking at you like this, you shouldn't be completely fine, right? In your state, can you still continue to fight?"

These words directly hit the point.

Even if nothing happened to the police trooper, the injuries suffered cannot be recovered instantly.

"You don’t need to care! Kujo Ling, even you are also eroded by the power of memory. In this case, then...defeat you!" As soon as he finished speaking, the policeman immediately drew out his engine sword.

Even though he looked shaky and might fall down at any time, he was still ready to fight.

Noticing that the policeman was still planning to fight, W stretched out his hand to stop him. he

"Terui, just leave the rest of the battle to me. This is my problem. I am too naive."

Unexpectedly, the policeman pushed away W's hand that was blocking him and said in a deep voice.

"enough! Left! I am responsible for this!

Kujo Aya is my subordinate. Since something went wrong with my subordinate, I should naturally be responsible.

You... get away!"

After saying that, he dragged his engine sword and walked towards the Triceratops doped body step by step.

Even if he was physically injured, he could not stop his pace, and his tough guy temperament was vividly displayed.

Every time Shotaro Zuo sees Terui Ryu like this, Everyone is attracted by his tough guy temperament, and they always feel unconvinced. He usually calls himself a tough guy detective, but compared to Terui Ryu, his tough guy temperament is completely insufficient.

"Dragon, since you are not dead, I will give you another ride!"

The Triceratops hybrid strode forward with a metal iron rod.

This time, she must completely eliminate the police cavalry, otherwise her plan to join the organization will be ruined, let alone the treatment of the cadres.


Mars flew, and the fierce battle began again.

W naturally couldn't watch the show from the side and immediately joined the battle.

Even in a one-on-one situation, the Triceratops dopant had almost no advantage.

What's more, in this one-on-two situation, there is no advantage at all.

But even so, the Triceratops dopant can still barely cope, although it is slightly at a disadvantage.

This is thanks to her sending the police cavalry in advance. Injured, otherwise it would not be as simple as being at a disadvantage now


After Lu Li returned to the city, it was not difficult to find the Triceratops doped body.

The Awakening Device automatically appeared on his waist, and Lu Li took out an Awakening Card.

8 of Diamonds Awakening Card, ScopeBat thoroughly investigates the bat.

After using this awakening card, in addition to improving your night vision ability, you can also turn the fired bullets into tracking bullets.

But not only that, bats all have the ability to locate using ultrasonics, and even more so, bats have extremely extensive detection capabilities.

Swipe the diamond 8 in your hand through the awakener

"Scope (bat)!"

I saw a dark red bat shadow appearing next to Lu Li, and instantly released an extremely wide range of ultrasonic waves.

Invisible ripples stirred in the air, spreading in all directions.

The ripples gradually became farther and farther away, until they spread far away. Lu Li closed his eyes slightly, and the scene reflected by the ultrasound appeared in his mind.

After a while, Lu Li suddenly opened his eyes.

He had found the target location and was talking to W and the police. The cavalry was fighting.

And now the Triceratops hybrid was at a disadvantage in the battle, but it could be clearly seen that the police cavalry was obviously weak in the battle, and it looked like it was seriously injured. There was no way to dodge the attack.

It didn't take long to figure out that all this was definitely due to the Triceratops hybrid.

He opened his eyes slightly and quickly moved towards the location where the battle was taking place.

The Triceratops hybrid had good strength and was worth it. As for Kujo Aya, although she became what she is now due to the erosion of Gaia's memory, as long as she can maintain the status quo, even if she is given a cadre position, it is not impossible to keep Kujo Aya in her current state. , and prevent her from running out of control under the influence of the power of the memory. This is a technical job.

Even though Lu Li has not done much research on this aspect, it does not prevent him from doing research on this aspect.



The metal iron rod in the hand of the Triceratops dopant hit the police rider's back.

The sparks flying were very dazzling.


Even the tough policeman couldn't help but scream in pain.


W saw the policeman who fell to the ground and felt anxious.

Even though he was unhappy with this guy, the two sides were comrades in arms during the battle.

"I'm... okay!"

The voice was very low, and the policeman stood up reluctantly with the engine sword.

Even though his body was scarred, he still had no intention of giving up on continuing to fight.

He... can still continue to fight!

As long as he can stand up, he will definitely He won't give up.

This injury is nothing at all. When he faced the weather dopant, the injuries he suffered were no lighter than this time.

Every time, the Triceratops dopant attacked the police rider's weak points. , and every time it was an almost full-out attack, but even so, it still failed to kill the police cavalry.

The guy in front of him felt like an invincible tough guy. I really don't know what he was. Why do you have to stand up again and again?

What’s the point of getting knocked down again?

"Dragon, give up. In your current state, it is impossible to defeat me!"

Hearing this, the policeman immediately raised his head, Lan���Under the eye armor is an angry gaze.

"No matter who you are, you can't... use my family as an excuse! die!!"

The policeman's heart was filled with anger. He fell into the opponent's trap just because he believed that the other party was the one who hurt his family.

Using his own family to seduce him is absolutely unforgivable in the policeman's view!

He will be arrested immediately Insert the engine memory in your hand into the engine sword and quickly press the button on the handle

"Engine! Maximum.Drive! (Extreme Engine Drive)"

The engine sword burst out with streaks of electric light. The electric light hit the ground, leaving little traces of burnt black marks.

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