"Did you escape?"

The clues have stopped here again.

There is no way to continue to find out whether there are any traitors in the police station.

We can only leave it alone for the time being.


The next day, morning.

After Lu Li came back, he still hadn't taken the time to visit his research room.

I don't know what the memory production situation is like.

It just so happened that I had time today, and Sonosaki Wakana happened to come out of her sadness.

Taking advantage of this time, Sonosaki Saeko took Sonosaki Wakana directly to the company to help her learn the work she would need to do in the future.

As for Mina, Lu Li also asked her to go to the company for the time being.

After all, he is considered the general manager and has hardly dealt with the company's affairs. It's okay to ask Mina to help him deal with it.

During this time, Lu Li could consider what kind of memory would be more suitable for Mina.

Arriving at the research room again, Lu Li saw the new memory that had been produced.

Genetic memory.

That's right, the last data Lu Li entered was all the relevant data in the genetic memory.

Now that the Gaia processor is about to be completed, with the power of genetic memory, the Gaia processor can be implanted into Sonosaki Wakana's body to help her complete her extreme evolution.

After completing extreme evolution, Sonosaki Wakana can unleash the true power of the Nendoroid's memory.

Gene memory can recombine genetic factors to change the target into something else, and can also add other elements into biological tissues.

Although it does not have strong combat effectiveness, it does possess extremely special abilities.

Only by relying on genetic memory can the Gaia processor be perfectly integrated into Sonosaki Wakana's body.

Now, just wait for the Gaia processor to finish before you can start working on this part.

After taking out the genetic memory, Lu Li was not busy turning it directly into an awakening card. He planned to wait for the Gaia processor to be fused before transforming it.

Later, Lu Li input new memory data into the device to create new memory.

The whole process took a little time. After all, the data and data of the memory manufactured today are relatively complex.

We are getting closer and closer to collecting twenty-six Gaia Memory Awakening Cards.

Lu Li was looking forward to seeing what changes would happen to Yong Qi once he collected the twenty-six memory awakening cards and used the awakening device to transform.

Well worth the wait!

After finishing everything, Lu Li left the research room


The company's side.

The company's employees were also very surprised that Sonosaki Wakana suddenly joined the company's operations.

They had met Sono Saki Wakana before, but at that time, Sono Saki Wakana was still the healing princess.

At the same time, they also knew that the second lady had no interest in the management of the company.

But now, the second young lady is actually wearing a professional outfit, which is actually a bit beyond their expectations.

Is the second lady also going to join the company's operations?

Subsequently, Sonosaki Seiko issued a notice, appointing Sonosaki Wakana as her assistant to help her handle the company's affairs.

She did this to help Sono Saki Wakana grow up quickly.

As for Mina, she appointed Yu Lu Li as the assistant to the general manager to help Lu Li handle some daily tasks.

When I heard the news, one person was the happiest.

This person was the secretary who had been helping Lu Li with his affairs. The problem was that she was not the secretary to the general manager, she was the secretary to the president!

As the secretary to the president, he ended up doing what the general manager should do.

If it weren't for the salary Sonosaki Saeko gave her, she would have really wanted to run away.

Now that the general manager has an additional assistant, she can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Sonosaki Wakana looked at the unfamiliar working environment and took a deep breath.

This time I came to the company, my identity has undergone a huge change from when I came to the company before.

It's time for me... to grow up.

Regarding her job at the radio station, she did not choose to resign, but only shortened her working hours to one day a week.

That was her hobby, and she didn't want to throw it away because of it.

This is also the biggest concession she can make.

Just after stepping out of the elevator, Sonosaki Saeko said to Mina next to her:

"Mina, I have given my secretary what you need to do, and she will take you. You can go to the general manager's office now."

"I see."

Mina nodded and followed the guidance to the general manager's office.

Seeing such a huge company, Mina was very surprised.

She didn't expect that there was such a huge force behind Lu 720 Li.

At the beginning, she still She slightly refused to come to the company.

She chose to follow Lu Li, but she didn't think about joining the company or anything like that. But since

Lu Li is the general manager of the company, she naturally needs to help Lu Li handle these related matters.

Mina found that apart from having super powers, she knew almost nothing.

If she wanted to follow Lu Li, of course she couldn't do anything. Wouldn't that be no different from a waste? Even if she didn't know these things, she wouldn't be able to do anything. You can learn.

People who can awaken superpowers, in addition to having a high quark index, must not be slow to learn these things.

When she came to the general manager's office, Mina had to sigh when she saw the spacious office. , it’s great to have money.

Both Mina and Wakana became familiar with the company’s work processes.


Narumi Detective Agency.

Today, Narumi Detective Agency has a very special client.

This client is none other than Toshi Makura, the police officer who always liked to have trouble with Shotaro Zuo at the crime scene.

In previous cases, Shotaro Zuo and the others were always able to solve the case. This time, Jun Makura wanted to use their help to find the traitor hidden in the police station.

Different from his previous arrogant attitude, Makura Shun now looks very sincere and humble, and even came to sit down directly.

However, Shotaro Zuo has not forgotten at all that in the past, Jun Makura always refused to deal with him when he was at the scene.

Now you want to ask for help?

No way!

Not only was there no door, there were no windows!

In addition, his principle is that he will never succumb to the power of the police.

He is a very principled detective. How can issues of principle be solved so easily?

"Really please! Please help me, this matter is very important to me!"

His head was buried deeply on the floor. Makura Shun also regretted in his heart. If he had known that such a day would come, he should not have targeted Zuo Shotaro like this.

But Narumi Asukiko felt that this was a very good opportunity..

It takes a lot of money to maintain the operation of the detective agency, so she naturally wants to take advantage of this opportunity to earn more.

"hey-hey! In fact, it's not impossible, but it's something that goes against Shotaro's principles after all...you have to pay more!

It’s not much, you only need to pay 30% more of the entrustment fee!"

This price is also appropriate, not a big deal, at least it is within Makura Shun's acceptance range.

Just when he was about to agree with a happy face, Zuo Shotaro slapped him in the face.

"Ya Shuzi! I am a principled detective! This kind of thing is not something you can just add money to!"

Hearing this, Narukiya Shuko suddenly raised his eyebrows and pointed at the box beside him. All of them were detective novels.

"You won't forget, right? You bought these detective novels, all with funds!

If you don’t do commissions, where will the funds come from? Everyone has already added money, so that’s almost enough. Don’t push yourself too far.".

Chapter 143 Isaka cannot be searched, trouble comes to the door!

His words were full of threats.

It's clear that if you don't accept this commission, be careful with your detective novels.

Sure enough, compared to his own principles, Shotaro Zuo regarded these detective novels as treasures.

I have no choice but to reluctantly agree to accept this commission.

"Officer Makura, I'm curious, why are you willing to spend such a high commission fee to find a traitor in the police station? This matter should be out of your hands, right?"

Zuo Shotaro looked at Makura Jun with a suspicious look on his face. He always felt that something was wrong with this guy.

Knowing that he had been seen through, Makura Jun touched the back of his head in embarrassment and said with a smile.

"Actually... it's actually because a police officer came from our Paranormal Crime Investigation Section."

Before he could continue, Zuo Shotaro interrupted him directly.

"It should be a female police officer."

Shrinking his neck slightly, Makura Jun nodded.


Then, he told Shotaro Zuo the whole story.

It turned out that their Paranormal Crime Investigation Section had a new police officer, a female police officer who had returned from the United States - Kujo Aya.

She was beautiful and very capable.

There are only three police officers in the Paranormal Crime Investigation Division. Chifu Basano is so old and not handsome, so he is no match for him. But the division chief, Ryu Terui, is not only handsome, but also a very tough guy. , all abilities are very powerful, much better than him. The best way for him to stand out in front of Kujo Ling is to find out the traitor within the police station.

Looking at him with admiration, this will naturally give him a chance to win the favor of the other party.

After knowing the whole story, Narumi Asukiko immediately grimaced.

"In other words, Ah Zhen, you want to be better than Long and let the female police officer you mentioned see your handsome side, right?"

After being singled out to his face, Makura Jun touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Philip beside him shook his head speechlessly.

"It's so boring that I shouldn't have to hear you finish."

He originally thought it would be some special reason, but he didn't expect it to be because of this matter.

Narumi Yasuki curled her lips, not that she didn't believe Makura Jun, but how could Makura Jun perform better than Terui Ryuu!

Isn’t this nonsense?

"Ah this……"

Makura Jun's face was full of embarrassment. Is there something wrong with his own thinking?

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