Lu Li didn't plan to take action himself now, and could only leave this matter to Sonosaki Ryubei himself.

He chose to commit suicide, and none of that had much to do with himself.

At least Sonosaki Wakana won't hate herself for this.

This is enough.

By guiding Sonosaki Ryubei in his heart and letting him have the idea of committing suicide, all problems can be solved perfectly.

Even if it makes Sonosaki Wakana sad for a while, this is the best way.

There was nothing left at the scene except sobbing.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Today is the day when Sonosaki Ryuhei is buried.

In a huge cemetery, many people wearing black clothes stood in front of a tombstone.

The leaders were Sono Saki Saeko, Lu Li and Sono Saki Wakana, and standing next to them was Mina.

As for those people behind, they are all celebrities from Fengdu.

Many people were surprised by the sudden passing of Ryubei Sonosaki.

Because many of them have some connection with the museum, they know very well what a terrifying guy Sonosaki Ryubei is.

The emperor of the museum fell so inexplicably that many people could not even accept it.

Many people from the older generation came to attend this funeral, and they still represent the old guy from the memory processing factory.

When they saw that Sonosaki Ryubei was indeed dead, they all looked at each other in shock.

They had also received a message from Ryubei Sonosaki before, saying that he hoped they could help recover the museum and return it to his rule.

Unexpectedly, just how long had passed, Sonosaki Ryubei was already gone.

In other words, Sonosaki Saeko is now in charge of the museum.

The newly appointed queen may not be very polite to old guys like them.

I'm afraid their life will not be easy next, after all, they even wanted to agree to Sonosaki Ryubei's conditions before.

But precisely because of their hesitation, they are still alive now, otherwise... they would have died long ago without a burial place.

The minds of these old guys became active. If they continue to cooperate with the museum, they must please Sonosaki Saeko.

Only by pleasing Sono Sakiko can their memory production factory continue, otherwise they will face a shutdown.

For so many years, they have relied on their own production plants and never thought that problems would arise at the museum.

After the funeral, these people all forgot about the existence of Sonosaki Ryuhei, and instead found Sonosaki Saeko together, hoping to talk about the next cooperation.

Only Sonosaki Wakana was still standing there, quietly looking at the grave in front of her.

0 ······Asking for flowers· ·········

In the past two days, she couldn't cry too sadly.

But it's okay now, she has barely come out of her grief.

But he still felt uncomfortable in his heart. He raised his head slightly and looked at Lu Li, saying in a hoarse voice.

"Lu Li, my father is gone. From now on... I will never see him again."

The voice was slightly heavy. Even though Sonosaki Wakana was no longer crying, it was difficult for her to recover from her sadness immediately.

She was very sad and needed time to recover.

He patted her shoulder lightly and said, Comforting way

"Without the old man, don’t you still have a sister? Don’t you still have me?

Didn’t the old man say that before he left? I hope you can live a good life.

Don't be so sad all the time. Take the time to get out of the sadness and live a good life."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana recalled what her father said to her before leaving two days ago.

Nodding slightly, she responded in a low voice.

"I know, I will adjust my mentality as soon as possible, and I will live a good life."

Seeing Sonosaki Wakana's face looking a little better, Lu Li gently hugged her into his arms.


At a location not far from Lingyuan.

Sonosaki Saeko looked at the group of young guys in front of her quietly.

At this time, these people are talking about it

"Ms. Saeko, although Mr. Ryubei has passed away, we still hope that our cooperation can continue."

"That's right, Miss Saeko, the cooperation between us needs to continue. We have been cooperating for so long."

"We still want to cooperate with the museum, and please take care of me"

....... 0...

"Regarding cooperation matters, Ms. Saeko can bring it up, as long as it is reasonable, we can accept it."


Everyone was talking about it, but without exception they all came to seek cooperation.

Their respective factories can continue to operate entirely because of the existence of the museum.

Without the museum, they are nothing.

Maybe they can switch to other businesses, but it is not easy for them to do other businesses.

If they want to do other business, they have to start from scratch. Wouldn’t it be that all the money they invested in the factory was wasted?

What's more, the museum is still supportive, so they naturally want to cooperate well.

With her arms folded in front of her chest, Sonosaki Saeko glanced at the crowd lightly and asked.

"Are you...finished?"

Everyone who was still chattering stopped one after another and nodded in unison.

They just want to see what Sono Saki Saeko's attitude is and whether there is any possibility of continuing to cooperate.

"There is no problem with memory processing, but... as you all know, my father just passed away, and now I have officially taken over the museum.

I still need your help for many things. After all, in the past, you all had dealings with my father and were not... familiar with me."

This has been made very obvious. These guys only cared about Sonosaki Ryubei before and never paid attention to Sonosaki Saeko.

Now that her father is gone, they know how to come to her.

Since they still want to continue to cooperate, Then there must be some blood, how can the other party get the opportunity to continue to cooperate easily.

It is also necessary to teach the other party a lesson.

These old foxes naturally know it now. They were the lambs being slaughtered. Faced with this situation, there was nothing they could do except wait for the butcher's knife to fall.

Everyone's face looked a little ugly, but no one dared to leave suddenly at this time. No chance.

Then, Sono Saki made some slightly excessive requests, but they were not too much.

They could make these old guys feel pain for a long time, but they would not let them refuse. Sakiko already knows everything about negotiation and what kind of conditions should be offered, and what kind of conditions can be offered.

Even though some of these guys are cunning old foxes, there is no such thing as Sonosaki. In front of Xiezi, there was no advantage at all.

The funeral was over quickly.

The collaborators of these museums also received satisfactory answers. This time, the main purpose had been achieved and they left with satisfaction.

Since they can continue to cooperate with the museum, they certainly don't want to confront the museum.

Even though they have good power at hand, there is still a huge gap compared with the museum.

Moreover, they know very well what the museum's Imperial Garden Saki Ryūbei is. How did he die?

It was definitely not a natural death. After all, as the founder of the museum, he had a fear memory and was so powerful. How could he die naturally? He must have lost to someone in the competition for the museum. , they knew clearly.

Who else could it be?

Happy New Year to everyone!

Chapter 141: The fusion is accelerated, and the heart becomes stronger!

Sakiko was actually able to seize control of the museum from her father.

She originally thought that she might be able to profit from the tiger fight, but unexpectedly, the young tiger easily defeated the old tiger.

As for those who didn't take a stand before, their current position is very embarrassing. They rely on the museum to survive. It's already good if they can't be eliminated. What more can they expect in the cemetery. Somewhere in the distance,

Shroud, wearing a long black dress and black sunglasses, was looking at this side quietly, her eyes filled with disbelief that the person she had always wanted to take revenge on, Ryube Sonosaki, was actually there. That's it. I thought that the only thing I could rely on was the ultimate W. Only by transforming into the ultimate W could Ryu Terui and Philip be able to truly defeat Ryubei Sonosaki and complete her revenge.

It was so sudden that she felt very overwhelmed.

The person she had hated for so many years suddenly disappeared and the person was buried directly. It was really incredible.

And with the passing of Sonosaki Ryubei, she completely lost her goal of revenge.

It’s understandable that you can’t accept it for a while.

"Land from……"

Lu Li's appearance appeared in her mind, and she finally understood why Lu Li rejected her last time.

He himself possesses very powerful power, so he naturally disdains the use of the so-called combination.

Shroud misjudged Lu Li's strength and did not expect that Lu Li could successfully destroy Sonosaki Ryubei without even using the power he provided.

Everything seems a little unreal.

Now that his goal has been achieved, it is time for Shroud, a vengeful ghost, to disappear.

When she was staring here,"Seven Zero Three" Lu Li naturally noticed the distant gaze.

Turning his head slightly, he saw Shroud standing in the distance looking over here.

"I'll go over there first."

After saying that, Lu Li walked directly towards Shroud.

Sonosaki Wakana was still immersed in sadness and did not look to see who Lu Li was looking for.

Mina, who was standing next to her, looked at Lu Li looking into the distance with curiosity. When she walked over, there was a woman dressed in dark clothes.

When she saw that person, Mina even felt that the person was a little ethereal, as if she didn't really exist.

She didn't know who the woman was, but she was sure. That woman was definitely not simple.

After a while, Lu Li came to Shroud's side.

"how? Don't you want to go take a look? After all, everyone has left."

Hearing this, Shroud shook his head slightly.

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