This is not the arrogance of taboo doping bodies, but the fact.

Father has always been afraid to take the initiative, simply because Lu Li is here.

He took advantage of Lu Li's absence during this period to plan this time.

From here, we can see how afraid he is of Lu Li.

The fear-infused body that was fighting with the vulture undead creature suddenly trembled when it saw Lu Li who had returned.

The situation he least expected to see happened.

I thought Lu Li would really leave for a week, and during this time, he could perfectly regain the museum.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li came back in only three days.

Doesn't this mean that my plan has failed?

For the fear dopant who had been planning for a long time, this incident was no less than a huge blow.

After planning so hard for so long, I finally found the most suitable time.

Now he tells himself that all this was expected by the other party and he cannot accept it.

But just because he was stunned for a moment, the vulture undead creature immediately seized this opportunity and broke free from his arm restraints.

He flew back to Lu Li at a very fast speed.

"sorry to bother you."

Hearing this, the vulture undead creature nodded slightly, then turned into an awakening card and returned it to Lu Li's hand.

Looking at the card in Lu Li's hand, the Forbidden Doping Body was filled with emotions.

He is indeed the man he has chosen. , with just one card, he can save himself from fire and water.

Now that his biggest support has returned, the taboo dopant has enough confidence to deal with this time.

The fear dopant, here comes the alcohol dopant. Arrive at his side

"Could that man be Lu Li? He doesn't look much different from ordinary people. Is he as strong as you say?"

The alcohol dopant didn't see any difference in Lu Li.

But the fear dope who had really seen Lu Li's power knew very well how terrifying Lu Li's strength was.


At this time, a roar came from the smoke on the side. It turned out that the Dreaddramon flew back again.

But compared with before, the Dreaddramon now looked more embarrassed, as if it had rolled in the mud. circle-like

"If you don't understand his thoughts, don't think that he is ordinary. Anyone who thinks like this is looking for death."

A deep fear flashed in the eyes of the fear-adulterated body.

Now, he is also in a state of riding a tiger.

It is impossible to make peace in this situation. The fight has been going on for so long, and the winner is almost determined. But he suddenly wants to make peace.

Moreover, is it possible for Lu Li to make peace together?

He feels that it is unlikely. Lu Li has absolute suppression and there is no need to make peace with him.

"Old man, it seems that you have done a lot of things in the past few days since I left, and you even dared to take the initiative to attack Saeko.

Do you know... what are the consequences of doing this?"

His face was full of smiles at first, but now it is cold. Lu Li was not joking.

Facing the cold face of Lu Li, the fear-infused body was suddenly shaken.

His brain was working rapidly, thinking to the end How should he deal with what he was going to face next?

Seeing that the fear dope didn't answer him, Lu Li gently patted the taboo dope on the shoulder.

"Saeko, stand a little further away from Mina and leave the rest to me."

She had complete unconditional trust in Lu Li. She immediately canceled the transformation and transformed back into Sonosaki Saeko.

However, compared with the previous image of a capable strong woman, Sonosaki Saeko now looks quite embarrassed.

Her hair is It's a mess, and the clothes on my body are a little torn.

"good! Honey, then I'll wait for you."

After saying that, Sonosaki Saeko looked at Mina aside.

She could feel that the woman's eyes had always been on Lu Li, and she had had that look before.

Even though she didn't understand who this woman was, she I didn’t ask any more questions at this time.

"Come on, don't get in the way here."

After leaving these words, Sonosaki Saeko decisively walked away.

Mina glanced at Lu Li hesitantly, and Lu Li waved his hand gently. Mina already knew what she should do.

She quickly followed Sonosaki Saeko , the two of them walked towards the edge of the battlefield. The only thing they could do was to watch from a distance without causing any trouble to Lu Li.


Weather Dopant, who was currently fighting W with one hand, had naturally noticed the returning Lu Li.

0 ······Asking for flowers· ·········

When he saw Lu Li, he knew that today's plan must have failed and would never succeed.

As for why it was so absolute, it was because he had seen the power of the Plum Blossom Jack.form used by Lu Li before.

That kind of power was enough to defeat him, not to mention that he guessed that it was definitely not Lu Li's most powerful power.

Now, it's best to escape first.

At this time, Lu Li's main target was the Fear Dope, so he still had a chance to escape.

Will there really be a chance when Lu Li comes to his senses?

He didn't want to wait until then to run away, otherwise everything would really be over

"It's Lu Li! Wasn't that guy here? Just showed up now!"

W, who was concentrating on the battle just now, noticed the sudden appearance of Lu Li.

He had been wondering a question before, why was Lu Li not involved in the battle between cadres?

Obviously one of the cadres, Lu Li, was not involved. This battle in the organization is really strange.

Now that the doubts are finally over, no one knows where the wind that Lu Li has been absent from for the past few days took advantage of the moment when W was distracted. The dopant punched him back, and then he turned into a mist without hesitation and quickly left the battlefield.


W was also surprised to see the weather dopant that had disappeared on the battlefield.

He didn't understand at all why the opponent would let him go when he was in an advantageous state.

"Land from! It's Lu Li! That guy was very afraid of Lu Li, so he chose to retreat as soon as he saw Lu Li."

Philip is indeed a smart think tank. He immediately analyzed why the weather dopant suddenly escaped.

....... 0...

"Because of Lu Li?!"

Zuo Xiangtaro here was quite surprised, even a little incomprehensible.

Just seeing Lu Li, he actually chose to run away.

Could it be... that the guy with the weather doping body is far less powerful than Lu Li?

Even if this is just W The speculation in his heart was also a guess that was close to the truth, but it was precisely because of this speculation that W's heart sank to the bottom.

He had been trying to become stronger, hoping that one day in the future, he could avenge his uncle..

Even so, he still didn't feel that the gap between him and Lu Li was getting smaller.

On the contrary, the more contact he had, the bigger the gap became.

This huge gap made W wonder if he really had a chance to take revenge. ?

Moreover, the scarred police cavalry also came to W and looked at the location where the weather dopant disappeared rather unwillingly.

"hateful! You actually let this guy escape!"

He was extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The other party was too powerful, so powerful that he clearly realized how insignificant he was now.

In the eyes of the other party, he was just a humble ant, and he was not even qualified to be looked at by the other party.

Clenching his fists tightly, the policeman secretly made up his mind that he must become stronger.

There was no way to deal with the weather dopant in his current state, so he decided to ask Shroud to enhance himself after he returned. As long as his equipment can become stronger, he will have a chance to deal with the weather dopant.

The fire of hatred in his heart has not extinguished, but has become more intense.

The policeman calmed down and set his sights. On Lu Li in the distance

"Lu Li...who is that guy?"

I don't know why, but when he saw this man, he felt something very permeable in his heart.

As for why he felt like this, he couldn't explain it for a while.

"He... was a very scary guy. He not only killed my most respected uncle, but also my childhood sweetheart. He was my... enemy."

W said these words with difficulty.

He didn't want to have his scars uncovered again, but he still chose to tell the policeman the truth about the matter. When he heard this

, the policeman suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, he finally realized that Zuo Shotaro had not told lies to him before, and indeed had a similar experience to him, although it was not the same.���But they all lost the person they admired and trusted the most


The policeman did not say anything to comfort W. He himself was not a person good at comforting others.

Taking a deep breath, the trooper asked

"What do you want to do now? Are you going to defeat him?"

He had never seen Lu Li's power, so he was curious whether W would fight with Lu Li.

After hearing this, W's answer was completely different from what the policeman had imagined.

"No, I am not qualified to challenge him now. I know my strength very well.

Terui, when you see Lu Li in the future, remember not to fight with that guy. You... have no chance of winning."

After saying that, he looked at the policeman very seriously.

Being stared at with such serious eyes, the policeman realized that W was not joking at all.

PS: Thank you————Silver monthly pass! grateful————White knight’s reminder ticket!.

Chapter 136 A happy life is waiting for you, Evolution! King.form of Spades was able to remain so calm in the face of his enemies. The policeman couldn't help but recall his previous actions and felt quite ashamed.

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