If you want to stand up again, you have to wait until the pain in your chest subsides.

"hateful! Move! Move quickly!!"

His voice was hysterical, and he forced himself to stand up.

However, his body has reached its limit and the situation is very bad. He really can't do it.

Seeing the policeman's extremely angry but helpless look, W couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"enough! Terui! Just take a rest first and leave this guy to me."

He can't continue to watch the police cavalry fight. If he continues to fight on his body that is already full of scars, it's easy to imagine what the final outcome will be.

He will... die!

Even Terui Ryu, who has a tough guy temperament , and it’s impossible not to kill him.

Wasn’t there someone with a tougher temperament who couldn’t be tricked in the end?

"Left! That's my own business, I don't need you to interfere, just go away!

You don’t need to worry about my affairs, I want to take revenge myself!"

After saying that, the policeman was ready to push W away.

But his current physical condition did not allow him to do so. His weak body left him with no strength to push W away.

He gently pulled away the policeman's hand, and W Turned around and walked towards the weather dopant

"Someone else? But it doesn’t matter if you change someone else, the end result will be the same, you will all die here today.

Today next year...will be your death anniversary!"

Even if the police cavalry and W come together, the weather dopant can handle it calmly, let alone W alone now."


Compared to the almost crushing battle on the ground, the evenly matched battle in the sky continues.

The Dreaddramon attacked crazily with its body full of scars, and the Forbidden Doping 703 body could only barely cope with it.

There was an alcohol-doped body on the ground that kept attacking and disturbing her, making it impossible for her to concentrate on dealing with the Dreaddramon.

He barely managed to escape the terrifying blow from the Dreaddramon. Before the Forbidden Dopant had time to fight back, he heard a sudden sound coming from behind him.

"Saeko, you can only blame yourself for stretching your hand too long."

Before she had time to turn around, she felt a huge force coming from behind.


There was only a scream, and the Forbidden Doped Body was hit hard by a huge force.

The initiator of all this came from the Fear Doped Body.

Just now he punched with all his strength, The powerful power is naturally unavoidable for the unsuspecting taboo dopant.

Since the fear dragon beast is separated from itself, this also causes the fear dopant to lose control of the fear quagmire. The only thing it can rely on is its own. Strong combat power, even without the fear dragon beast, the fear hybrid still has extremely powerful melee capabilities.


The bright red body fell from the sky and hit the ground hard, splashing smoke and dust.

The fear-doped body slowly fell from the sky. He didn't know what was going on in the smoke, but he believed that, There is absolutely no way that the taboo dopant could survive the attack he just suffered.

The final outcome of this battle can already be seen, and the fear dopant has an absolute advantage, even if the alcohol dopant does not help. It's a lot, but it's also not a minority.

As for the weather dopant, at least that guy helped hold down the two Kamen Riders, so it's not like he did nothing at all.

"Saeko, be afraid in despair, you have no hope.

The museum will return to my hands again, and you will disappear into the history of the museum."

The fear dopant has already secured the victory at this time, and he has even thought about how to organize the museum.

At this time, a sound came from the floating smoke.

"hehe! Father, you are really indifferent."

The next second, I saw a bright red figure walking out of the smoke.

It's just different from the taboo dopant that looked bright and bright before. At this moment, the taboo dopant is in a very embarrassed state.

It was the taboo dope from before. If the doped body received this, I am afraid that the attack would have been transformed.

But the current taboo doped body only feels pain on the body, and the fear doped body will not be released from the transformation. On the ground, walking towards the taboo step by step

"Saeko, now I’ll give you a chance to voluntarily hand over the forbidden memory. For the sake of our father and daughter, I can still spare your life.

This is the last chance I give you and my greatest patience. Don't let me down."

The fear dopant stretched out her right hand, as if waiting for the taboo dopant to hand over the memory in her hand.

Hearing this, the taboo dopant couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha! Father, are you treating me like a three-year-old child? Or do you think I look like someone who is easy to deceive?

Would you let go of someone who betrayed you? Won't! Even if I am your daughter, you will not let me go.

Is not it? I've been working for you for so many years, how well do you think I know you?"

The taboo dopant directly broke down the fear dopant's conspiracy.

The taboo dopant didn't even consider what the fear dopant said just now.

Once he handed over the power in his hand, he could really He will no longer have any strength to resist, and he will be a lamb to be slaughtered at will. She does not want to see this situation.

She knows too well what kind of person her father is and will not allow it. Any huge threat exists around him, and he will eradicate it without hesitation when he finds that there is one that threatens his status and plans.

Hearing the taboo dopant directly revealed his thoughts, the fear dopant did not. Angry.

This battle... he has already won.

"In that case, Saeko, then go to hell with your taboos in mind."

As he said that, the fear dopant waved his hand.

After receiving the order, the fear dragon beast hovering in the sky pounced on the taboo dopant on the ground.

It had a huge mouth and seemed to be ready to eat her in one bite. Falling.

Seeing the fearful dragon beast coming straight towards her, the Forbidden Dope was very calm and stood motionless.

She obviously had the power to dodge, but she had no intention of dodging.

"Do not move?"

The fear dopant couldn't understand for a while, why the taboo dopant didn't even want to hide?


At this moment, a painful roar suddenly came from the sky.

The sudden cry of the Fear Dragon Beast instantly interrupted the Fear Dope body's thoughts.

Suddenly he raised his head and saw the Fear Dragon Beast in the sky. fall down


The fear-doped body didn't have time to think so much, because the direction in which the fear dragon beast fell was exactly where he was. He quickly ducked to the side, and the huge body of the fear dragon beast hit the fear-doped body hard just now. The location of the complex


The huge body hit the ground hard, and a thunderous sound echoed around.

Then the speed of dodging was fast enough, otherwise, the fear-adulterated body would have been suppressed just now.

Even the fear-adulterated body , it would be uncomfortable to be suppressed by such a huge fear dragon beast.

The alcohol dopant was staring at the sky at this time, and she saw a figure in the sky, swooping towards it just now. The fear dragon beast that went down launched an attack.

In the eyes of the alcohol dopant, there was a figure similar to the dopant floating in the sky, but it was different from the dopant.

"What kind of monster is that?"

She couldn't help but wonder, what kind of monster was that in the sky? She saw a figure with two wings behind it, staying quietly in the sky.

It looked mainly black, with very solid armor, and on the right was a figure with two wings behind it. There are golden stripes on the chest and legs.

There are sharp claws on the hands, and there is a golden lock in the center of the waist, which is a symbol of a high-level undead creature.


Before the high-level undead creature Jack of Spades rushed here, in order to prevent the forbidden dopant from happening, he controlled and released the vulture undead creature in advance.

The vulture undead creature has extremely fast flight speed.

Rushing to the battlefield as soon as possible, Lu Li's order was to let the undead vultures arrive on the battlefield first and protect Sakiko Sono.

The undead vultures who had just arrived noticed what had just happened and launched an attack on the fear dragon beast.

Then the previous scene happened.

The taboo dopant looked at the vulture undead creature with a smile on her lips.

She knew that her support was back, and the fear dopant also paid attention.

When he saw the vulture undead creature in the sky, his subconscious told him that this matter must have a lot to do with Lu Li.

Is everything really such a coincidence? Why did such a problem happen just when he was about to take action? Zazai was very reluctant to believe this.

Could all his plans be in vain? Absolutely not!

"Feardramon, stop that guy in the sky for me, and I will deal with her myself!"

He has not given up his plan to solve the forbidden adulterant. He is going to let the fear dragon beast hold the undead vulture and do it himself.

The forbidden adulterant must be solved in advance, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

Especially for Lu Li and her. After the rendezvous, it will pose a great threat to itself.

The fear dopant must not watch this happen. The purpose of getting rid of the taboo dopant in advance is to avoid making a big hole in the ground. The fearful dragon beast looked fiercely at the tiny figure in the sky.


It roared angrily and rushed over immediately.

It wanted to kill the guy who suddenly attacked it.

Facing the fear dragon beast that changed its target and rushed towards it, the undead vulture made no movement at all and just floated there quietly..

And when the fear dragon beast approached quickly, the vulture undead creature suddenly lost its target, and there was a trace of confusion in its eyes.

It was obvious that it didn't understand what was going on, and why its target was inexplicable. It disappeared.

At this time, the fear dopant walked towards the taboo dopant step by step, with strong murderous intent in his eyes. Since he was a disobedient daughter, he had completely lost his patience.

If the tool is qualified, then dispose of it

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