Stopping his shrill scream, the taboo dopant sneered.

"Father! Just let me see if you can take on my...anger!"


This is the strongest attack she can prepare at present.

With such an attack, she thinks her probability of winning is half.

"Swish, swish, swish!!"

The terrifying dark red energy balls all over the sky are overwhelmingly smashing into the fear doping body.

The most important thing is that these dark red energy balls have locked onto the fear doping body.

Conventional methods cannot avoid it.

The fear doping body The body may have also discovered this, and it has been locked by this power. Since it can't be avoided, it's better not to hide!

A cold light flashed in the eyes, and the fear-infused body took the cloak behind him. Cross your hands in front of your forehead

"Fear the dragon beast!"

Following his call, the huge bronze crown on top of his head suddenly moved. It looked very strange. It was obviously just a pattern, but it could still move.


A faint roar resounded throughout the world.

The next second, the hideous and terrifying bronze pattern instantly broke away from the fear doped body's crown.

It transformed into an extremely huge and terrifying fear dragon beast.

The size of the fear dragon beast It is very huge, giving people an extremely oppressive feeling.

Not only that, when seeing the fear dragon beast, its eyes seem to make people feel scared.

Just staring at those eyes makes people feel like they are being threatened. The feeling of being pulled into an abyss is very scary!


Flying out from the huge crown, the Dreaddramon was completely unafraid in the face of the overwhelming energy balls, roaring and rushing forward


Earth-shaking roars resounded throughout the world, a terrifying aura unfolded, and everyone could feel an extremely terrifying aura.

Facing the sudden and huge pressure, W even felt vaguely that he couldn't breathe.

I saw W's body shaking slightly, and the left side of his body was uncontrollable.

"This... what on earth... is this power?! Why do I feel like I can't breathe?

My body... my body is shaking uncontrollably. How could this happen?……?"

Even speaking, he was trembling slightly. Zuo Shotaro couldn't understand what he was facing now.

Philip, who was connected to the memory of the earth, did not feel any fear, but he could feel the aura emanating from the other party.

"Shotaro, it’s fear! What we are facing now is the root of fear!"

"The...source of fear? Why is that guy Terui Ryu okay?!"

Looking at the policeman on the side, W knew that his left side was shaking slightly. He understood Phillip's situation, but the policeman, why didn't he feel any fear?

He couldn't understand it!

"Terui! Don't you feel scared?"

Hearing this, the policeman turned to look at W and shook his head slightly.


" could this happen? Why don't you feel fear?!"

Totally incomprehensible!

"Don't question me, I don't know either."

The policeman is still so arrogant.

The conversation between the two on 1.9 did not escape the weather contaminants not far away.

He clearly heard that W just called the policeman Terui Ryu.

Suddenly, his memory He was pulled back many years ago.

On that day, he personally killed a family.

Terui Ryu's father was also a police officer. He noticed the existence of adulterants and searched for information about weather adulterants in the case.. At that time , Isaka Fumirou didn't want to reveal his identity. In order to remove this unstable factor, he went directly to the door and killed all Terui's family.

After studying in the police academy,

Isaka Mikuro disappeared and disappeared.

Unexpectedly, his fate with the Terui family would be so deep, and he would also become a Kamen Rider. After gaining strength, this was a fateful reunion.

Because the Weather Dopant was powerful enough, it did not show much abnormality even if it felt palpitating in the face of the terrifying power exuded by the Fear Dragon Beast.


In the sky, the fear dragon beast pounced directly on the overwhelming energy ball.

He opened his terrifying mouth and swallowed part of the energy ball directly into his bottomless belly.

But even the Feardramon, faced with a huge number of energy balls, couldn't possibly eat them all.

More energy balls hit the Dreaddramon directly, and flames shot into the sky for a moment.

The dazzling fire light illuminates the entire sky

"Boom boom boom!!"


Amidst the explosion, there was also the faint roar of the fear dragon beast.

It's a pity that this roar was completely drowned out by the explosion.

Due to the obstruction of the Fear Dragon Beast, the Fear Doping Body was naturally not hit head-on by this overwhelming energy ball.

PS: thanks————Monthly pass for Funny Chestnut! grateful————Lin 8804’s monthly tickets and reminder tickets!.Chapter

132 Is there a problem that my sister-in-law is my woman? The real enemy.

The terrifying aftermath of the explosion still pushed him far away.

Seeing the fear dragon beast engulfed by the explosion, the vigilance in the eyes of the fear dope became even stronger.

He was not worried about whether the Dreaddramon would be injured. Even if such an attack would hurt the Dreaddramon, it would not be fatal.

"Saeko, are you so powerful now? Sure enough, I still underestimate you.

However, I'm afraid this battle will end here. The explosion just now has consumed a lot of your energy. What else will you use to fight me next?"

Clenched his fists, his eyes filled with fear.���letter.

Such a terrifying energy just erupted, so there is no reason that the Forbidden Doping Body is still at its peak.

Such a terrifying explosion can be heard clearly even from a very far away place


At this time, Fengdu Airport.

Lu Li and Mina just walked out of the airport.

After getting off the plane, Lu Li took the initiative to call Sonosaki Saeko to see how the situation was.

However, when the call was made, no one answered.

Seeing this situation, Lu Li guessed that a fight between father and daughter might have broken out.

Thinking of this, Lu Li immediately called Sono Saki Wakana.

After a while, Sonosaki Wakana answered the phone

"Wakana, are your sister and the old man already fighting?"

Sonosaki Wakana on the other end of the phone said in a loud voice in a hurry.

"Land from! Did you come back? Come over as soon as you come back. My father and sister are already fighting. The battle is very fierce."

When she saw the extremely terrifying battle, she could only watch helplessly and couldn't do anything at all.

The power of the clay doll's memory was too limited. Facing ordinary memories, it might not be a big problem..

But it is a golden high-level memory, and its power is unsatisfactory. Sonosaki

Wakana hopes that if she has strong power, she can stop this battle. She placed her hopes on Lu Li. After all, she had already seen Lu Li's power, even if it was only partially. Lu Li could naturally hear the anxiety in Sonosaki Wakana's words and comforted her softly.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

I don't know why, but when hearing Lu Li's answer, Sonosaki Wakana felt inexplicably at ease.


Nodding heavily, Sonosaki Wakana believed in Lu Li unconditionally.

Then, Lu Li hung up the phone and was about to go back

"Let's go, there's something to do."

Seeing Lu Li walking forward, Mina quickly followed.

She was always curious about the person who just talked to Lu Li.

Recalling that Lu Li had mentioned before that he already had a woman, Mina couldn't help but ask

"Lu Li, who is that Wakana?"

She wanted to find out in advance who the woman beside Lu Li was.

After hearing this, Lu Li replied casually

"Wakana is my sister-in-law, of course, it’s okay for you to regard her as my woman."

Even if nothing substantial has happened between Lu Li and Wakana, there are some things that don't need to be said directly.

When the two of them are together, Lu Li can naturally feel the way Sonosaki Wakana looks at him.

"Ah~?! Sister-in-law? Your... woman?!"

This time, Mina is completely out of control.

She is also Lu Li's sister-in-law. This identity always feels a bit intriguing!

Looking at Lu Li's profile carefully, Mina's eyes looked a little strange.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lu Li asked without looking back.

I don't know.���What happened? Mina shook her head vigorously.


But why is she blushing?

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