Now, everything is ready, all he needs to do is get rid of Sonosaki Saeko, and he will be able to regain control of the museum.

As for Lu Li.

The opponent hasn't come back yet. After taking care of Sonosaki Saeko first, he can concentrate his efforts to eliminate Lu Li.

Even though he was very afraid of Lu Li's power, he also didn't think Lu Li had the strength to resist many people.

He couldn't defeat Lu Li with his own strength, but that didn't mean that he couldn't use the strength of others.

Whether it was Kagano Kiku or Isaka Mikuruo next to him, they were both very powerful guys. With three of them together, he didn't believe there was no way to deal with Lu Li.

Kagano Kiku's eyes were squinted, and a meaningful smile appeared on her wrinkled face.

"Ryubei, this is the first time you have made a request to me in so many years. It seems... you are still quite worried about your daughter.

I remember that your daughter was a great beauty, but I didn’t expect that she would completely inherit your character and be ruthless."

In terms of personality, Sonosaki Saeko has indeed completely inherited Sonosaki Ryubei.

She is decisive and ruthless in her actions, and is not inferior to Sonosaki Ryubei in all aspects. It

's a pity that she is too young. If only

Given more time to grow up, Kagano Kiku has reason to believe that Sonosaki Saeko will definitely become a qualified queen of Fengdu.

Isaka Fumikuro was not interested at all in the conversation between them and calmly drank the drink in his hand. Coffee, Isaka Mikuru said to himself.

"Mr. Sonosaki, you just need to give me the corresponding reward. I think you should be very clear about what I want."

He had already talked with the other party about what he wanted, and at that time, Sonosaki Ryubei agreed.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Ryubei showed a faint smile on his face.

Will He reached into his arms and took out a strange-shaped memory from his pocket.

This memory was entirely golden, and the biggest difference was that it was the same as the golden high-end memory used by the Sonosaki family.

The only thing is that there is a pair of golden wings at the tail of the memory.

It looks very different from the ordinary golden memory.

The origin of this memory is not simple at all.

The memory represents the legendary Aztec Quetzalcoatl.

It is a very powerful and terrifying memory.

Just because of its strange appearance, it seems that its power is extraordinary.

Sakirubei has never been able to find a suitable user for this memory.

Of course, even if he found it, he would not be able to give it away easily.

Naturally, it is best to have such a powerful memory in his own hands.


This is why the people holding the golden high-level memory are currently members of the Sonosaki family.

Of course, Kato Shun is an exception, mainly because of his unusual status as a member of the Consortium.

The person in charge of the sub-memory project.

He does have the right to get a golden memory.

This is the privilege of being a sponsor.

When he saw the golden memory in the opponent's hand, Sonosaki Ryubei's eyes suddenly changed.


He also obviously allowed himself to get the fear memory immediately, but this strange golden memory in Sonosaki Ryuhei's hand also has very terrifying power.

"Isaka, I know you want a golden memory. This Aeolus Winged Dragon golden memory is the reward I promised you.

As long as you complete my goal, I will give this memory to you.

But if you don’t accomplish my goals and achieve the results I want, then you can’t get them."

Sonosaki Ryuhei thought he had successfully grasped Isaka Kamikuro.

Until now, he had no idea that Isaka Kamikuro had been coveting the fear memory in his hand.

After all, many years ago, At that time, Isaka Mikuruo, who had not yet obtained the memory, was just an ant in his eyes and was not worth paying too much attention to.

Naturally, he did not remember that such a person had ever asked for fear memories from him.

With a meaningful smile on his face, Isaka Mikuru put down the coffee cup in his hand.

"` ˇNo problem, I will definitely complete the content of our cooperation. I want to order this golden memory!"

Kagano Kiku, who was sitting opposite, saw the meaningful smile of Isaka Mikuru, and was keenly aware that the purpose of the man in front of her was not simple.

But it was only the first time that the two met, and they didn't know much about each other. , she couldn’t guess what other purpose this man had.


Not far from Sonosaki's house.

The saber-toothed tiger hybrid body was seriously injured, and very obvious scars could be seen all over the body.

This time, the taboo dopant really gave the saber-toothed tiger dopant a hard lesson.

In the future, I am afraid that the saber-toothed tiger dopant will never dare to face the taboo dopant again.

It’s so scary!

If you look carefully, you can find that the eyes of the saber-toothed tiger hybrid are full of fear and a strong desire to survive.

The survival instinct makes it want to live and not want to die here.

"Hahaha! Mick, look at how embarrassed you look when you run away now?

Didn't you want to assassinate me before? Why are you running in such a mess now?"

Sneery laughter came from above, and the saber-toothed tiger dopant didn't even have time to look back.

It's not that it didn't want to look, but it was moving slowly enough now. If it was distracted to do other things, it would not be able to take away the upcoming things. Attack.

In the sky, the taboo dopant also noticed the approaching Sonosaki mansion.

She didn't want to take the initiative to send him to the door at this time, and was ready to deal with the saber-toothed tiger dopant immediately.

"Mick... it's over."

With a slight wave of her blood-colored right hand, ten dark red strange energy balls instantly condensed behind her.

Even though so many energy balls had been thrown, for the current taboo doped body, this was simply useless. A piece of cake


Ten energy balls were launched instantly. This time, the targets were not scattered, but focused on attacking the saber-toothed tiger dopant.

Different from before, now these ten energy balls accurately locked onto the saber-toothed tiger dopant like tracking missiles.

There was no room to dodge.

The saber-toothed tiger hybrid was running wildly on the ground, dodging left and right, but the ten energy balls behind him also dodged (Zhao's good), and the distance between the two sides was completely locked!

As it gets closer, the sense of crisis in the Saber-toothed Tiger's heart becomes stronger and stronger!

It has tried various methods to avoid it, but the energy ball is completely controlled by the Forbidden Dopant and has completely locked onto the Saber-toothed Tiger. hybrid

"don't want!!"

At this moment, a familiar shout suddenly came.

A figure suddenly blocked behind the saber-toothed tiger doped body, with his arms spread out, trying to use his body to block the attack of the energy ball for the saber-toothed tiger doped body.

Look. At this sudden appearance of the figure, Forbidden Doping Body recognized it immediately.

"Um? Wakana?!"

The words were full of surprises.

She did not expect that at this time, Sonosaki Wakana would take the initiative to rush out and block behind Mick.

Now, the relationship between Sonosaki Saeko and her sister is not that bad.

In addition, the previous Sonosaki Wakana Saki Wakana even came to remind her to pay attention to her safety.

If it hadn't been for Wakana, Sono Saki would not have been able to prepare for the situation in advance. tug of war


With a wave of his bloody hand, the taboo dopant immediately controlled the ten strange energy balls and smashed them to the side.

The clay doll dopant transformed by Sono Saki Wakana looked at the ten energy balls getting closer and closer. I closed my eyes nervously


But she didn't wait until the energy ball hit her. Instead, she heard the explosion coming from the side.

The powerful aftermath of the explosion directly overturned the clay doll doped body to the ground.


The terrifying power of the explosion made the clay doll doped body unsteady and fell directly to the ground. The saber-toothed tiger doped body that was running away just now, after noticing the situation behind it, did not continue to choose to escape, but hurriedly He ran to the side of the clay doll dopant and carefully guarded her behind him, watching the taboo dopant floating in the sky with vigilance.

It was worried that the taboo dopant would not give up and would launch another attack. Wave Attack.

Chapter 129 The War between the Queen and the Emperor, Greed.

It could have taken this opportunity to escape, but it did not do so.

Although it is only a cat raised by the Sonosaki family, it has still been loyal to its owner for so many years. Since then, it has already become���A member of the Saki family.

No matter if it sees anyone in the home in danger, it will rush to them as soon as possible.

Especially after Sonosaki left, the person closest to him was Sonosaki Wakana.

How could it be possible to watch her get hurt?

And the reason why it attacked Sonosaki Saeko was entirely because of the old man's order.

Mick just couldn't disobey the old man's orders.

As a cat, Mick has a natural fear of Sonosaki Ryubei, who has a fear memory, and cannot violate it.

The clay doll dopant stood up from the ground and gently patted the saber-toothed tiger dopant on the shoulder.

"Mick, don't be so nervous, my sister didn't want to hurt me."

After hearing these words, the saber-toothed tiger hybrid body, which was still a little restless, finally calmed down.

Perhaps due to the long battle and serious injuries, the saber-toothed tiger hybrid body fell down weakly, and finally reappeared. Mick turned back into a cat shape. There were obvious scars on Mick's body, and she was very distressed when she saw the clay doll.

She also didn't expect that her father would suddenly attack them at this time.

After living together for so long, Mick has long been regarded as one of her family members by her.

"Mick, you suffered, I should have kept you with me."

Squatting down and gently picking up Mick, the clay doll dopant did not pick up the Gaia drive and the Sabretooth Tiger memory.

Instead of letting Mick continue to be a tool in his father's hands, it is better to temporarily hand over these two things to his sister..

In this way, there is no need to worry about his father continuing to use Mick.

The taboo dopant floating in the sky slowly fell, and he turned his attention to the Gaia drive and Sabretooth Tiger memory that fell aside, and lightly hooked them. The thing flew directly into her hands.

As long as there was no Gaia drive and Sabretooth Tiger memory, she didn't have to worry about Mick continuing to attack her. After all

, she had been with him for so many years, and Sono Saki Yueko still had some feelings for him.

Focusing on the clay doll doped body, the taboo doped body asked directly

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