Seeing that the two sisters were a little nervous, the patriarch of the family, Sonosaki Ryuhei, naturally wanted to stand up.

"Okay, Wakana, let me introduce you. This is Lu Li, the man your sister brought back before. He woke up in the afternoon.

I just asked him to help Seiko, the general manager of the company, to solve some problems."

In this family, Sonosaki Ryuhei hopes to see a harmonious family, not a tit-for-tat family.

No matter who the two sisters are, they must listen to him.

He learned that Lu Li turned out to be the comatose person before Afterwards, Sonosaki Wakana suddenly looked at Lu Li with surprise on her face and said in disbelief.

" that sloppy person? He looks so handsome!"

Recalling the first time she met Lu Li, Sonosaki Wakana found that she couldn't connect the two.

In terms of image, the gap was really too big.

Seeing that the other person's mouth was slightly open, he looked a little cute. Lu Li smiled

"Wakana Ko���, first meeting, hello, I’m Lu Li."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana came back to her senses. When she saw that smile, she felt like a spring breeze in her heart.

"Hello, my name is Sonosaki Wakana. If you don’t mind, please call me Wakana."

Sono Saki Zizi frowned unconsciously.

This was a bit different from the usual Wakana, and Lu Li actually asked her to call her Wakana.

She suddenly became more vigilant, and Sono Saki Zizi began to secretly be wary of Sono Saki Wakana.

This sister of hers always likes to be with her. Grabbing things, this time, don't try to grab Lu Li with her!

It's not interesting to her, she regards Lu Li as quite important.

"By the way, father, you just said that Lu Li is already the general manager of the company? Then...he knows about us……"

Speaking of this, Sonosaki Wakana stopped in a hurry.

She couldn't be sure whether Lu Li knew the identity of their family.

At this time, she didn't dare to spill the beans, otherwise she would be in trouble.

Waving his hands casually, Sonosaki Ryuhei said with confidence.

"Don't worry, Wakana, Lu Li also knows our true identities, so don't worry.

And... I also intend to let Lu Li join our Sonosaki family."

The meaning of his words is already obvious, he wants to take Lu Li for his own use.

"Join... our family?"

Wakana Sonosaki was stunned for a moment.

Then, she reacted instantly.

There is only one possibility for an outsider to join Sonosaki.

That is... to marry a woman from the Sonosaki family!

Now, they are the only ones in the Sonosaki family. Two sisters, either the sister or she

【Could it be that... his father intended to bring Lu Li and his sister together? 】

Sonosa Wakana had such an idea unconsciously in her heart.

It's quite normal to have such thoughts. After all, it was the first official meeting between her and Lu Li, so it couldn't be her.

Looking at Sonosaki Saeko and Lu Li with complicated eyes, Sonosaki Wakana didn't know why, but she felt a little disappointed.

She was originally surprised by Lu Li's appearance and temperament, but she didn't expect that her father had already made such a plan.

"Okay, let's eat quickly. If you don't eat, these things will get cold."

After saying that, Sonosaki Ryubei picked up the tableware and started eating.

At the Sonosaki family, if Sonosaki Ryubei didn't start eating, the two sisters, one big and one little girl, would have to wait.

A big family naturally has a big family. Lu Li doesn't have many requirements for what he eats. As an undead creature, he hardly needs to eat.

Of course, he can eat anything to satisfy his appetite while eating. It was especially quiet.

No one spoke, neither Sonosaki Ryubei nor the two sisters.

Another rule was that they did not speak when eating and sleeping.

But needless to say, the taste of the dinner was indeed excellent, and it was worthy of being hired by the Sonosaki family. The most skilled chef in Fengdu.

The food he made was delicious. Lu Li felt nostalgic after not eating delicious food for a long time.

After dinner, everyone chatted for a while. He was about to get up and go back to rest.

As soon as he stood up, Sonosaki Ryuhei turned his attention to Lu Li.

"Lu Li, you will stay in the room next to Xizi tonight. I have asked the maid to clean it. Lu

Li stood up and thanked him.

"Thank you uncle."

After that, Sonosaki Ryubei moved his eyes to Sonosaki Saeko aside and ordered.

"Xizi, early tomorrow morning, you will take Lu Lu to the company to familiarize yourself with the company's work and procedures.

As for the original general manager, let him be the deputy first to help Lu Li."

Faced with her father's order, Sonosaki Saeko quickly nodded and agreed.

"yes! Father."

At home, no one dared to disobey Sonosaki Ryuhei.

After receiving the response, Sonosaki Ryuhei said nothing more and walked upstairs with a cane.

Even though he looked senile, he was actually The body is extremely strong.

After all, the fear memory has been used for so long, and the power of the fear memory has been integrated into part of his body. Guess, the president actually has a boyfriend? What if he looks like an old man


With the strength of Saki Ryubei,

Sono Saki Ryubei had already stood up and left, and Sono Saki Wakana stood up and picked up the bag on the table.

"Sister, Lu Li, I will go up first. See you tomorrow."

In the past, she would not have said such words to her sister.

When she said this, her eyes were mainly on Lu Li.

Just after she finished speaking, she blinked at Lu Li, as if she was being discharged.

After doing this little move, Sonosaki Wakana happily ran upstairs.

Lu Li was quite confused. What did you mean by this? Suddenly

, a cold feeling appeared on Lu Li's back.......Felt the death stare.

Turning around slightly, he caught Sonosaki Saeko's gaze.


Said with an expressionless expression, Sonosaki Saeko got up and walked upstairs.

Looking at it like this, she didn't seem to be in a good mood.

Lu Li was the only one left in the hall.

He shrugged helplessly, and Lu Li looked at the maid beside him. road

"Please take me to my room. I don't know where my room is yet."

"Yes, Mr. Lu Li, please come with me."

The maid was respectful.

I can only say that she is indeed a maid trained by a big family. She is indeed not picky.

She followed the maid to the room that was temporarily hers.

When she was at the door, the maid pointed to the room next to her and said

"Mr. Lu Li, the room next to it belongs to the eldest lady, and the second lady is in the room on the other side of the corridor."

What does this mean?

Lu Li didn't understand. Why was the maid telling him this?

Too lazy to think so much, Lu Li nodded and said

"I understand, you go down first"


After the maid retreated, Lu Li opened the door and walked in.

I have to say that this is indeed the Sonosaki family, the most powerful force behind Fengdu.

The room is very spacious, at least fifty square meters, and the room is very spacious. The decoration was very gorgeous.

The whole room was very clean, just as Sonosaki Ryubei said.

After taking a simple bath, Lu Li lay on the comfortable and soft bed and fell asleep not long after. The first sleep I took after coming to this world, not counting the time I was in coma, was quiet the whole night.


In the room next to Lu Li.

Wearing a pink lace pajamas, Sonosaki Saeko was leaning on the bed, looking unhappy.

She clearly remembered the way Sonosaki Wakana was charging at Lu Li just now.

My younger sister has always liked to compete with me since she was a child, and my father is very partial to her.

Finally, I have someone I recognize, but this damn sister wants to take her away again.

Absolutely not!

Sonosaki Yueko is cold and cold, and she will never allow her sister to take away what she wants.

Moreover, Lu Li has now become the general manager of the company, just below him as the president.

The two of them would be in contact for longer, and there was no reason why she would lose to her sister.

During the day, although Sonosaki Saeko didn't admit it with her mouth, she already knew in her heart that Lu Li was far stronger than herself.

Maybe... he can be compared to his father!

This thought suddenly appeared in the midst of the hurt, and it was something Sonosaki Saeko couldn't get rid of no matter what.

Living in the shadow of her father all year round, Sonosaki Saeko has long had a rebellious heart.

It's just that I have always been afraid of Yu Sonosaki Ryubei's terrifying and powerful strength, and I have never dared to resist.

But it's different now, Lu Li is here.

Sonosaki Saeko suddenly had a bold idea in her mind.

If he could work with Lu Li, he might be able to overthrow his father's dominance, and he would no longer have to live in the shadows.

It's a good idea, but Sakiko Sono doesn't want to implement it immediately.

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