The head of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section, he is already a police officer at a young age and is a rising star in the police world.


Sonosaki's house, deep underground.

Here lies the secret of the Sonosaki family, and it is also the biggest secret.

More than ten years ago, Sonosaki Ryubei conducted archaeological excavations here and discovered the Well of the Earth, which can also be called the Gate of Gaia.

It was here that Sonosaki Ryubei discovered a large number of treasures and named it Hoshifall Valley for this reason.

Relying on these treasures to make a fortune, he made a lot of money, bought all the land around the Starfall Valley, and built his own mansion.

That is the current Sonosaki family.

As long as you bring Starfall Valley under your control, you can occupy the Gate of Gaia alone.

This place is also the birthplace of the museum.

At this time, two people stood quietly next to the Gate of Gaia.

These two people are Sonosaki Ryubei and Sonosaki Wakana

"Father? here it is……? Why is there such a big space under our house?"

Sonosaki Wakana came here for the first time today, and she was very surprised.

Ever since she was a child, she didn't know that there was such a huge space under the ground. She had never even heard of it. Today is also the first time This is the first time I have come here, and it is the first time I have seen the space under the earth.

It is very shocking.

Chapter 126: Origin and decision, the shrine maiden of God has a rebellious mind, but there is more in Sonosaki Wakana's heart. Panic and uneasiness. Just because she knew her father very well, Sonosaki felt vaguely uncomfortable that her father suddenly brought her to this huge underground space at this time. Ryubei looked at his little daughter with a seemingly kind smile on his face.

"Wakana, this is the origin of our museum, and it also hides the biggest secret of our family.

Do you know why I brought you here?"

Hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana shook her head slightly.

She just felt uneasy, how could she know why her father suddenly brought her here.

Then, Sonosaki Ryubei put his hands on his back, walked to the Gate of Gaia, and sighed said loudly

"Wakana, you also know the current situation in the museum. Your sister and Lu Li are standing on the opposite side of me.

I don't like the current museum and I want to take the museum back under my control.

You should understand what I mean, right? As for your sister Saeko, she... is no longer suitable to continue being the president of the company.

Once this is sorted out, I want you to take over your sister's job, you know what I mean?"

Even though he was asking Sonosaki Wakana, his tone of voice still had an unquestionable tone.

To put it bluntly, he was simply informing Sonosaki Wakana and did not really give her the right to choose.

Sonosaki Wakana originally had He was very smart and understood the meaning of his father's words immediately.

He no longer wanted to endure it and was planning to take action against his sister.

If the company wanted to continue operating normally, it would need another person. To guide.

But in fact, he is just a messenger, but he is still the emperor of Fengdu secretly, rather than the president of the company..At this time, Sonosaki Wakana"Seven Zero Three" wants to try her best to win.

"Father, is there no room for change between you and your sister?"

She really can't look at her only two remaining relatives, and now they have to fight to the death.

Hasn't their family always been harmonious?

Why has it suddenly become like this now?

Seeing her soft-minded second son, Daughter, Sonosaki Ryuhei couldn't help but sigh slightly, walked up and gently patted Sonosaki Wakana on the shoulder.

"Wakana, this matter was never my problem from beginning to end. It was your sister who wanted to seize power from me.

You should have seen that she took away half of the museum from me. You should understand that it is your sister who does not want to coexist peacefully.

Well, Wakana, today is the real starting point for you.

Today, you will officially become a core member of our museum."

He didn't give Sonosaki Wakana any chance to reject him.

Seeing that his father had already made the decision for him, Sonosaki Wakana still wanted to fight for it.

"That...father, me……"

But before she could say anything, Sonosaki Ryuhei raised his hand and interrupted her.

"Okay, this matter has been decided. Wakana, I hope you can shoulder the mission of our family and don't disappoint me."

Seeing her father's eyes staring at her, that look made Sonosaki Wakana feel shuddering. She quickly lowered her head, avoiding Sonosaki Ryubei's gaze, and Sonosaki Wakana replied in a low voice.

"……Yes, I understand, Father."

With a look of confusion on her face, she has no way to refuse now, but can only accept it.

Because the look in her father's eyes just now is just like what she saw when she was a child. She is not allowed to question.

Facing her extremely majestic father, she is very afraid. He could only obey.

Then, Sonosaki Wakana left the Starfall Valley with deep thoughts.

Sonosaki Ryubei stood alone in front of the Gate of Gaia, quietly looking at the bottomless Gate of Gaia below.

The reason why he suddenly asked Wakana to join him at this time is because Wakana is an indispensable part of his future plan. If he wants to carry out the final Gaia impact plan, Wakana's existence is necessary..

He can give up his eldest daughter, but he must not give up his youngest daughter.

As the most important part of the plan, he had decided many years ago.

"Wakana, you...will become a divine miko."

The eyes under the sunglasses look very deep.

Sonosaki Ryuhei is currently preparing the Gaia impact plan, and will never allow anyone to destroy his plan.

Even if the person who hinders him is his daughter, he can still You can do it.

The Gaia Impact Project is the ultimate meaning of the museum's existence.

The ritual of integrating the large amounts of earth's memory with the earth can bring about major changes.

To put it bluntly, everything cannot adapt after the Gaia Impact is released. Everyone in Gaia's memory will die directly.

Everyone who remains will become a dopant.

How many people will die in the implementation of the Gaia impact plan is unknown. Sonosaki Ryuhei had seen many years ago that humans would eventually be on the verge of extinction.

He did this to prevent humans from going that far.


Sonosaki Wakana left the Starfall Valley and left Sonosaki's house alone.

She doesn't know what to do now.

Her father had already made a choice for her, and she had no right to refuse and could only accept it.

But once he chooses to accept it, it means that he has chosen to join his father's camp and will stand against his sister and Lu Li.

But she was very resistant in her heart. She didn't want to stand on the opposite side of anyone.

"I now how to do?"

She was very confused in her heart, what should she choose now.

At this time, a figure appeared in Sonosaki Wakana's mind.

Lu Li!

She didn't know why she suddenly thought of Lu Li inexplicably.

"Lu Li, what do you think I should do? What can be done to stop the fighting between father and sister?"

Because of this incident, she can only give up her job today.

She is not sure whether she can continue to work at Fengzhiwu Radio Station.

She can only make a phone call temporarily and ask for a leave from the station director. , found a reason and said that she would take a break.

Even though the station manager didn't know why, after all, Sonosaki Wakana was the best host at Wind Dance Station, so even the station manager couldn't help but agree. Walking purposefully on the street, Sonosaki Wakana didn't even know where she could go now.


Isaka Internal Medicine Hospital.

Since the last time he successfully obtained data related to the Nazca memory, Isaka Minguruo has input the data that is useful to him into the weather memory.

Move at super high speed.

This is the only ability Isaka Mikuru is interested in, and the data is quite huge.

If it weren't for the fact that he had modified the weather memory, he might not have been able to input it.

It was precisely because the weather memory input the data of ultra-high-speed movement that after adapting, he successfully gave the weather memory the ability to move at ultra-high speed.

Being able to move at super high speeds brings Isaka Fumiko's combat effectiveness to a higher level.

He felt it was a pity in his heart. It would be better if he could obtain relevant information about Nazca Yi physical strength level 3.

The ultra-high-speed movement he is currently using is the same as the ultra-high-speed movement of Nazca Level 2, but there is no way to reach the speed of Nazca Level 3.

But even so, he was very content in his heart.

Just because the data in Nazca Memory Level 2 is already quite large, let alone Level 3.

Once the data exceeds the upper limit of the weather memory, even Isaka Minguruo is temporarily unable to do anything.

The current situation couldn't be better.

Isaka Mikuruo leaned back on his chair, closing his eyes and recalling the battle that happened a few days ago.

In that battle, Lu Li almost defeated Nazca Dopant Level 3 with an overwhelming advantage.

That powerful power made Isaka Akira very afraid.

Even if he had super-speed movement, he would not have any advantage against Lu Li.

However, he didn't have to face Lu Li alone.

After all, the person who is truly hostile to Lu Li is not him, but Ryubei Sonosaki.

He also made a request to Sonosaki Ryubei. After the plan was completed, he wanted Lu Li's transformation belt and card.

Regarding this request, Sonosaki Ryubei hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

The reason for hesitation was that Sonosaki Ryuhei knew very well how powerful the cards in Lu Li's hand were.

If you give these cards and the belt to Isaka Fumiuruo, who knows whether you will become a tiger?

Having learned from past mistakes, Sonosaki Ryuhei is naturally very cautious and does not want another guy who is not at odds with him to appear again.

Just one Lu Li was already giving Sonosaki Ryubei a headache.

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