grateful————Monthly pass for InvisibleMemory!.Chapter

124 Perfect Awakening, is this telekinesis?! No Regrets

When she saw the slowly unfolding instrument, Mina's face suddenly showed a look of joy and she hurriedly walked over.

Waves of white mist dispersed from the instrument, and Lu Li woke up from his sleep.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Lu Li saw Mina with a happy smile on her face.

Then I heard her ask with concern

"Lu Li, you finally woke up. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Hearing this, Lu Li walked out of the instrument and gently twisted his neck.

"There is no discomfort anywhere, on the contrary, my body feels quite smooth."

Before being filled with powerful energy from different bands, Lu Li's body was hit by the energy.

He felt a little uncomfortable at first, but as he went on, his body seemed to absorb the energy and it was quite comfortable.

He turned his head and looked to the side like a loyal man. Lu Li said lightly to the wolf undead creature standing guard.

"Excuse me, please come back."

After receiving the order, the undead wolf nodded slightly, and then transformed into an awakening card and flew into Lu Li's hand.

Putting down the awakening card in his hand, Lu Li then looked at Prospect beside him.

At this time, Prospect stared at Lu Li with excitement, his eyes seemed to be shining, and he kept murmuring as if he had seen some beautiful woman.

"Perfect! It's so perfect!"

I don't know what this guy is talking about.

Lu Li has successfully awakened his superpower, so he naturally wants to fully master this technology.

Even if you can learn about the superpower project through the Earth Library, after all, the information is huge and has always been Lu Li felt very uncomfortable staying in the Earth Library.

Entering the Earth Library meant that he needed to consume a lot of energy. Lu Li didn't like the feeling of having his mental energy consumed, so he asked him directly for the experiment. Wouldn’t it be nice to have information?

"Dr. Prospect, I am quite satisfied with your superpower experiment. Now... I need you to do something else."

After hearing the sound, Prospect immediately came back to his senses.

"Mr. Lu Li, please give me your instructions."

He doesn't dare to have other thoughts now. Your life is in the hands of the person in front of you. Once you have any other thoughts, you don't know how you will die.

Seeing Prospect being so cooperative, Lu Li also I can't find a reason to bully him.

I still want to use him to test my super powers, but now it seems I can only change the target.

"I need all of your research on the super-soldier program, listen...all of it."

The lion immediately opened his mouth. Next time, Lu Li wanted all the research results of Prospect over the years.

As expected, after hearing this condition, Prospect's expression suddenly changed.


This was the result of his hard work. Now he actually wanted to hand it over, how could he be willing to do so, but if he didn't hand it over, his life would be in danger.

Prospect's face turned very ugly. He really didn't expect Lu Li to be like this. The lion opened his mouth.

He thought it would be good to help him awaken his super powers at first, but he didn't expect that it would be too easy.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he noticed Lu Li's unquestionable eyes, he hesitated. He immediately fell silent.

He didn't dare to say it, and he couldn't say it.

I'm afraid... he would end up miserable. After thinking about it

, he could almost guess it.

He shut his mouth honestly, dragged his slightly old body, and began to sort out the information.

All plans and information must be handed over to this man. Even if he is unwilling, what can he do?

He can easily deal with ordinary robbers, but what can he do with this terrifying"tough bandit"?

Forget it, he hasn't lived enough yet, and he doesn't want to die so early..

Anyway, his super-powerful soldier plan is almost completed, and the absence of this information will not affect his experiments at all.

Living is the most important thing, so that he can carry out more innovations and transform more powerful super-powerful soldiers.

Maybe there will be a chance to rival Lu Li in the future?

When that happens, he will bring a group of powerful super-powered soldiers to take revenge!

After explaining, Lu Li looked at Mina.

"How long have I slept?"

Mina raised three fingers

"Three days!"

"Are there three days?"

Lu Li even felt a little surprised. He couldn't feel the passage of time in his consciousness.

He didn't expect that just awakening his superpower would take him three days. Lu Li felt a little surprised.

"By the way, Lu Li, what superpower have you awakened?"Mina asked with curiosity in her eyes.

She is the awakener of composite superpowers and has very powerful power.

But even so, her awakening time was far less than that of Lu Li.

Naturally, she was very curious as to what kind of awakening Lu Li had. How powerful are super powers?

Lu Li smiled slightly.

"Want to see it?"

"Want to see it!"

Mina nodded eagerly. She really wanted to see what super powers Lu Li had mastered and how strong he was.

"Since you want to see it, then go out and see it. I will leave this to the doctor for the time being. Prospect, after you have processed these information, don’t forget to call me. You should understand."

As long as he is here, there is no need to worry about Prospect escaping.

Escape...where can he escape?

Can he escape Lu Li?

Of course, Prospect has no idea of escape. But as soon as this thought appeared, he was suppressed in his mind.

He recalled the battle three days ago, and he still knew how the Utopia Dopant was broken into pieces. Remember.

If he dared to escape, there would be no doubt that he would be broken into pieces.

He took Mina outside the villa and looked at the still messy land and the bare land in front of him. Tree.

Lu Li slowly spread his hands and closed his eyes slightly.

When he was conscious, he had mastered the super power and used it many times. Suddenly,

Lu Li knew clearly.


The ground, which was already in a mess due to the previous battle, began to shake crazily.

This was Mina's first feeling.


What happened next made Mina's mouth open in disbelief.

She saw a large bare tree opposite, as if it had been pulled out of the ground by some powerful force.

Pull out the carrot belt

The scene was extremely spectacular when dozens of large trees were pulled out of the ground in an instant, splashing mud all over the sky.


Mina could only use her telekinesis to pull out a big tree from the ground, and it would take a lot of effort.

It will be very tiring after you pull it out. After all, using superpowers consumes your own mental energy.

But the scene that happened in front of her gave Mina a clearer understanding of superpowers.

It turns out that there are such terrifying superpowers.

Prospect, who was sorting out information in the research room, naturally felt the ground shaking. Through the window, he saw what was happening outside.

Seeing the dozens of uprooted trees, Prospect's eyes were filled with shock, and the information in his hand fell to the ground.

Shocked but full of excitement and surprise

"Perfect existence! Superpowers can be manifested so vividly!"

Even though he knew that he was now Lu Li's prisoner, he still couldn't stop the excitement in his heart.

As a doctor and a researcher, of course he is happy to see with his own eyes that he has created such a perfect existence.

He can even He said that his wish has been fulfilled and he has no regrets about being able to create such a perfect existence.

Lu Li, who has such powerful superpowers, has not even transformed yet. It is hard to imagine what will happen after the two powers are superimposed. How powerful.

Prospect came to his senses, bent down to pick up the information on the ground, and began to sort it out.

He had no other thoughts. After seeing such a terrifying and powerful force, he could clearly understand it. He knew that his resistance... was meaningless.

The shaking of the earth stopped, and Lu Li lightly snapped his fingers.


All the big trees crashed down to the ground, and a violent roar came.

Mina was woken up by the violent roar.

Looking at the originally messy ground, there were dozens of them. The big trees were piled together randomly, looking even more messy.

Mina swallowed deeply and said in surprise.

"Snort~! Lu Li, what is your...what is your super power?"

She had thought that Lu Li's superpower was telekinesis, but the feeling of the earth shaking just now made her feel that it was not as simple as telekinesis.

"Thought power."

Lu Li didn't hide anything. He only awakened one superpower, which is telekinesis.

It's the same as the superpower that Jiatoushun mastered, but the power gap between the two is huge.

Jiatoushun used it At most, Lu Li's telekinesis can only blow people away, while Lu Li's telekinesis can even crush people into meat pies.

This is the difference between the two.

"Just telekinesis?!"

Mina's voice rose a few degrees, and her tone was full of disbelief.

It's not that Mina didn't believe it, it was just too unbelievable.

Can just telekinesis really cause such a big movement?

She also has it Thoughts of power are far from reaching this point.

"That's right, it's just telekinesis. Other than that, I haven't awakened any other superpowers."

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