A powerful energy is rushing back and forth in his body, rioting inside his body.


The utopian hybrid that could not be maintained, his feet softened and he knelt directly in front of Lu Li.

"oh? Have you given me New Year greetings so early? You are not young anymore, and I don’t have any new year’s money."

Lu Li chuckled and patted the Utopia Dopant's head, his purple eyes full of teasing.

Feeling that the Utopia Dope was unable to move, he raised his head with difficulty and looked at the golden color in front of him in disbelief. knight

"You...what is your ability? Why...why can't I absorb it?!"

At this time, all the strength in his body was drained, and it was very difficult to even speak.

This is the consequence of the backlash.

The ability of Utopia Memory is indeed very good, but it is not invincible.

It can absorb, but its own Whether you can bear it or not is another matter.

"It’s not that you haven’t absorbed it, you should be able to feel the increase in your own strength.

The reason why this happens is because the power of Utopia memory is also limited, and my ability has exceeded the limit of Utopia memory.

Your ability to absorb and transform me will naturally cause your body to be unable to bear it.

How about it? Are you surprised or surprised?"

The tone was full of teasing. Lu Li had already expected this to happen.

It happened that the Utopia Dopant thought he was very smart and could absorb Lu Li's ability and use it for his own use.

He didn't expect that in the end, he would be attacked by a powerful force. Backlash.

At this moment, Utopia Dopant also fully understood that he had been tricked by Lu Li.

From the tone of the other party's words, he could tell that the other party had understood from the beginning that once he used the ability of Utopia Memory to absorb the other party's power. , you will suffer backlash, so you are still foolishly complacent, but in fact you jumped into the pit dug by others in advance.


Full of reluctance, the Utopia Dopant's combat effectiveness at this time was almost close to zero.

The backlash brought by the powerful force is no less effective than the effect of the Eternal Ultimate Drive on the failure of the memory.

At this time, the Utopian dopant has not yet released its transformation, which is already a blessing among misfortunes.

Seeing the Utopian dopant kneeling in front of him, Lu Li gently patted the relief on his body.

Five golden awakening cards automatically fell into his hands.

These five awakening cards are not from 10 to ace, but from 2 to 6.

The special move Lu Li wanted to perform was a royal flush, not a royal flush.

The reason why he did not use the most powerful special move, the Royal Flush, was because Lu Li still needed the Utopia Memory, not to directly destroy the Utopia Memory.

The Royal Flush was too powerful. If the Utopia memory was directly destroyed, Lu Li would have no place to cry.

Even if you want to re-create one yourself, it will take a long time, which is completely unnecessary.

The five cards from Club 2 to Club 6 automatically enter the Reawakening Rod.


The phantoms of the five golden cards blended into the Awakening Staff in Lu Li's hand.

The purple eyes lit up instantly, and the huge Awakening Staff in Lu Li's hand exuded an unparalleled sense of oppression.

Because of the Blizzard of Plum Blossom 6, the entire The Awakening Staff exuded bursts of cold air.

Staight. Flush!

Lu Li aimed at the Utopia Dope, which had lost its resistance, and struck hard at Zai Zhong. As the awakening staff slashed down, the cold air exploded to its peak.

The surrounding space seemed to freeze under this terrifying cold air.

Faced with this terrifying attack, the Utopian Dopant still wanted to bite his teeth and avoid it, but found out. He couldn't escape at all.

The surrounding space was frozen by this terrifying force, and so was the Utopia Doped Body.

It was over!

Watching the huge ax fall, Utopia Doped Body only flashed in his mind. Two words passed.

The ax blade exuding a bit of cold air came into close contact with his body.

There was no huge explosion as expected, but the Utopia dopant slid past the ax blade of the reawakening staff. In an instant, his body suddenly froze.

That's right, his body was completely frozen on the spot. The whole process took less than a second, and a perfect ice sculpture kneeling on the ground appeared in front of Lu Li.

"it's over."

As Lu Li's voice fell, the frozen Utopia mixed ice sculpture exploded instantly.


The huge ice sculpture suddenly shattered, splashing ice chips and ice flowers all over the sky.

Among them, there was a small sparkling golden object.

Pinch it. This was one of Lu Li's goals this time. Utopia Memory.

There was nothing left of the Utopia Dopant that was kneeling in place just now , falling to the ground.

Lu Li, who has reached a certain stage, naturally understands how powerful the attack will be to destroy the memory together.

Lu Li just released the Flush to kill, otherwise the Utopia Memory will become a Flush.

Ice shavings.

In this case, it is impossible for Jiatoushun to be resurrected using undead technology.

As for using other techniques to resurrect him, it is difficult for Lu Li to imagine that Consortium X has mastered this kind of power..


They are already in this state, and there is no possibility of reorganization.

If the limbs are severed, Consortium No problem.

It can be turned into ice chips now, even if God comes.


And this horrific scene was naturally witnessed by Prospect, who had been hiding nearby.

Even if he thinks he is very strong, at most he is on par with the Utopian dopant (he thinks).

The terrifying golden knight in front of him could so easily eliminate the Utopia dopant, which made Prospect suddenly feel that his future was worrying.

If it were Yong Qi from before, he would still have the confidence to fight.

But facing Lu Li, he didn't even have the slightest courage to fight.

The gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides is too great and they are not on the same level at all.

It is almost self-evident what kind of end you will end up with if you reluctantly rush forward to fight the opponent.

The possibility of death is too great to be necessary.

Just when he was wondering what he should do, Lu Li had already put away the Utopia memory he had just obtained and turned to look at him.

"Come on out, you’ve been watching the show for so long, shouldn’t it be time to charge for it?"

No matter how long there are, there are only a few people. Yong Qi was knocked out and Ga Tou Shun was killed.

Apart from Lu Li, he was the only one left.

Prospect walked out from behind the tree tremblingly.

Even if Even though he thought he was powerful, he felt scared when faced with the terrifying Lu Li.


The other side.

On the walls of the wide enclosure of the Experimental Village.

A large-shaped figure is now embedded in the wall.

Wearing a black leather jacket, tight pants, and leather shoes, he was all identified as the undead.

Yes, that's right, it was Dao Keji who was sent flying by Lu Li's punch earlier.

After flying far away, he hit the thick wall directly.

It's like being punched on the wall and you can't even dig it out!

0 ······Asking for flowers· ·········

Dao Katsumi, who was severely shocked, fell into a coma.

At this moment, a jeep rushed in from the opened door next to it.

The other three undead who drove the jeep and Katsumi walked onto the road.

They found this location based on the positioning in their hands

"Hello! There there there! Little Katsumi on the wall!"Izumi Kyōsui was the first to discover Dao Katsuki, and immediately shouted excitedly.

Domoto Gozo, who had the strongest muscles, touched his head in confusion.

"ha? on the wall?!"

Looking in the direction of the other person's finger, I also saw Dai Katsuki embedded on the wall.

"I go! It's literally on the wall! How strong is this to be able to be mounted on such a high wall?"

He was full of sighs in his heart, how powerful it would be to embed a person on the wall.

It felt...inhuman!

Ken Ashihara, who was driving the jeep, immediately changed direction and drove towards the wall.

They had to first They had to rescue Dai Dai Katsuki.

When they came to the bottom of the wall, they found that Dai Dai Katsumi was embedded in such a high wall, which was really difficult to deal with.

"I'd better do it."

Quan Jingshui, who is good at using whips, immediately took out the whip from his waist and threw it at Dai Dai Katsumi on the wall.

The whip was accurately wrapped around his feet, and everyone worked together to pull Dai Dai Katsumi from the wall. The inside was pulled out.

From such a high distance, Dao Keji fell straight down.

Even if he fell from such a height, it would be uncomfortable if his head hit the ground.

"I'll pick it up!!"


Domoto Gozo immediately opened his hands, preparing to use them as human mats.

Under his precise aim, he finally succeeded in catching Daidou Katsumi.

Of course, it doesn't come without a price.

The price was that he spit out two mouthfuls of blood. At such a high distance, Dao Keji was not light, and the weight of the impact was enough to cause him to bleed internally.

But because he is an immortal, even internal bleeding will not have any impact at all.

"Hurry up and inject little Keji with enzyme!"

Before he finished speaking, Quan Jingshui immediately picked up a tube of enzyme and injected it into Dao Keji's body.

Perhaps due to the impact of the shock and the action of the enzyme, Dao Keji woke up leisurely.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Several companions are actually around me

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