Facing the menacing attack, Lu Li turned slightly.

PS: thanks————ㄨ℉??Feng Xie℅`’s monthly ticket!.Chapter

117 Evolution Plum Blossom King, motionless as a mountain, eternal requiem!

The elephant pauldrons on the shoulders easily blocked the Eternal Dagger.


The eternal dagger pierced the elephant's shoulder armor hard, making a crisp sound.


Originally, Yong Qi thought that Lu Li would choose to fight back with the weapons in his hands, or dodge in other ways.

And he also had a next attack plan.

But Lu Li did not fight back, and did not dodge, but used the heavy shoulder on his shoulder. The armor held it hard.

The Leangle guard form has extremely strong defense and strength.

The armor on the upper body looks very thick, but it doesn't just look thick. Facing the sharp Eternal Dagger,

Lu Li was not a bad person. His purple eyes lit up slightly, and the chain hammer in his hand was instantly hit with spikes. Qi's head.

Yong Qi was keenly aware of the danger and immediately pulled the eternal ceremonial robe behind him.


The chain hammer hit the eternal robe fiercely, and part of the powerful impact was absorbed by the eternal robe.

But the remaining part of the impact actually hit Yongqi. He was struck by this powerful force. Backing up, Yong Qi took several steps back and stamped hard on the ground.

This foot left deep footprints on the ground, and then he could barely stabilize his body.

【What a great power! 】

This is the most intuitive feeling in Yong Qi’s heart.

The Eternal Robe can absorb the opponent's energy attack or physical attack.

Although there is a certain upper limit for absorption, I didn't expect that Lu Li's casual blow would have such a big impact after being absorbed by the Eternal Ceremony Robe.

If it weren't for the fact that he was an immortal and no longer feared physical damage, it would definitely be uncomfortable for a normal human body to bear this blow.

He was extremely vigilant. Even though Yong Qi knew that he was very powerful now, he did not dare to underestimate Lu Li anymore.

The powerful enemy that appears out of nowhere is even more oppressive than the utopian dopant.

Prospect, whose tablet was destroyed beside him, had a very gloomy face and stared at Yong Qi coldly.

"hateful! It is unforgivable that a mere dead man dares to be so presumptuous!"

Slowly put his hand into his inner pocket, and then he took out the red Gaia Memory


The moment he clicked the memory, a memory interface appeared on Prospect's neck. 06 pushed the memory to the interface on his neck, and the power of the eye memory was immediately released.

Eye doping Body!

There are two huge eyes floating next to him, which look very strange.

One of the eyes has a yellow pupil, while the other eye has a green pupil.

The eyes are invisible. , these two floating eyes are more like his real eyes.

Since the electromagnetic pulse protective wall controller was destroyed, the electromagnetic pulse protective wall was also destroyed, which meant that he had no way to choose one with a higher quark index. People would indirectly affect the progress of the experiment.

For Prospect, who had already carried out the plan to this point, the two floating eyes were released under the instruction of the eye doping body. scary light beam

"call out!!"

The targets are Lu Li and Yong Qi who are in the middle of the battle.

He is not going to let anyone go.

No matter who these two guys are, they are all obstacles to his plan, and they should all be eliminated.

They are currently in the middle of a battle. Lu Li and Yong Qi both noticed the beam coming.

Yong Qi immediately pulled the Eternal Ceremony Robe behind him to block it.

When the beam hit the Eternal Ceremony Robe, its power was greatly weakened and it did not have much impact on Yong Qi. Lu Li's action was very simple and straightforward.

He used the chain hammer in his hand as a shield to block the beam's attack.

The beam did have good attack power, but it also had a certain degree of penetration, but the chain hammer in Lu Li's hand was obviously more defensive. powerful

"There is one more obstacle, but it doesn’t matter, they are all my goals anyway, one more is not much.

It just so happens that since you are all here, you can just try it out."

After he finished speaking, two awakening cards appeared in Lu Li's hand.

These two awakening cards were the Plum Blossom Queen Absorbing the Tiger and the Plum Blossom King Evolving the Wolf Spider.

That's right, Lu Li was going to use them to test the King.form of the Plum Blossom series.

He put it in his hand. Two awakening cards have been used to strengthen the awakening staff.

"Absorb.Queen! Evolution.King!"

The golden armor that looked very thick shone with golden light.

Terrifying energy burst out instantly, and all thirteen Plum Blossom Series Awakening Cards in the Awakening Staff automatically popped out.

They circled and rotated in the air, surrounding Lu Li. The speed of rotation is getting faster and faster

"Don't even think about it!"

The eye dopant seemed to sense a powerful threat, and immediately directed the two eyeballs to emit light beams, trying to prevent Lu Li from evolving.

Unfortunately... it was too late!

The light beams hit the golden light emitted by the thirteen cards, and instantly Disappeared. At this time , all the thirteen awakening cards were shining brightly, echoing the dazzling golden light on Lu Li's body.

This was to integrate the power of the thirteen awakening cards into his body.

The synchronization king was to synchronize the thirteen undead creatures.

When the golden light reached an agreement, the thirteen awakening cards quickly integrated into Lu Li's body, and as the thirteen awakening cards merged, Lu Li truly blossomed. The golden light reached its extreme. An extremely terrifying sense of oppression came over him instantly, and

Yong Qi, who was the closest, felt the most deeply.

He could feel an incomparable power being born in front of his eyes.

He was able to fully use the power of the eternal memory, which made him once think that he was the most powerful. But now that he saw this dazzling golden light, Yong Qi realized that the eternal memory was not dazzling enough at the moment.

After the golden light dissipated, the gleaming golden knight appeared in front of Yong Qi.

His head was like a golden crown, his purple eyes were full of majesty, and his thick golden armor gave people a strong sense of oppression.

The armor on his body was mainly made of black. The two main colors are gold and gold, with the golden symbol of the evolved tarantula on the chest.

He has a black cloak behind him and holds a heavy ax that is taller than his body.

This is the special weapon of King.form..

The Awakening Staff looks very scary. The double-edged ax at the top gives people the first impression that it has a very powerful attack power.

Like the Garren Emperor form that Lu Li transformed into before, immortality appears in every part of the body in Leangle's Emperor form. The corresponding reliefs of the creatures.

After completing the King.form, all the awakening cards of the Plum Blossom series have evolved into the golden awakening card of

Kamen Rider Leangle.king.form (Emperor Form)!

, you can clearly feel that the power in the body has increased to a higher level, and it is more terrifying than before. Sure enough

, after completing the King.form, the strength of the thirteen undead creatures will be greatly improved.

After fusing the power of the thirteen undead creatures of the plum blossom series, Lu Li felt that he was getting closer and closer.

He still had to wait for the thirteen undead creatures of the spades series to be fused. He felt that he was about to undergo an overall transformation.

As for what changes would happen, Lu Li didn't know yet, but this change was for the better. Lu Li was not worried, but was full of expectations.


Looking at the knight with the majesty of an emperor in front of him, Yong Qi suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

He really didn't expect that the guy in front of him could actually further evolve and transform.

Just now, his attack had left the opponent helpless, but what about now that he is even more powerful?

Even though he knew that he had no chance of winning, Yong Qi did not have any fear in his heart.

As an immortal, he has long since lost the heart of fear. Even if the opponent is extremely powerful, he can still charge forward fearlessly.

"What is this……?!"

The Utopia Dopant, who was leaning against the tree and undergoing a brief recovery, was extremely shocked when he saw the golden emperor appear.

He really couldn't understand what kind of power this was and why it was so terrifying.

Under this terrifying pressure, he felt that his legs were trembling.

Trying hard to control his body from shaking, the Utopia Dopant couldn't hide the horror in his heart.

What will happen if such a powerful power is mastered by Consortium X?

He couldn't help but have this fantasy in his heart, hoping that Consortium X could master such terrifying and powerful power.

At this time, Lu Li, who was as steady as Mount Tai, suddenly moved.

Turning his head slightly, his purple eyes stared at the eye-doping body.

The eyes-doped body that was still preparing to launch an attack suddenly trembled when it saw the coldness emanating from the purple eyes.

"Am I afraid?"

I noticed the changes in my body, and I couldn't accept myself for a while. I even had the emotion of fear.

I slapped my face with my hand, and I forced myself to calm down.

"calm! The opponent is not strong! That's right, there is no opponent who can defeat me. As long as I can penetrate your attacks, all attacks will be invalid!"

Constantly comforting himself, the eye-doped body thinks that he has the greatest advantage.

No matter who the opponent is, as long as he can see through the opponent's attack, he can react immediately and avoid the opponent's attack.

Even if he can't hit him Winning the opponent can also ensure that he is invincible.

Taking a deep breath, Yong Qi finally calmed down.

At this time, Yong Qi was also shaking, but not because of fear, but because of excitement. Trembling.

He didn't expect that he could meet such a powerful opponent, so powerful that every muscle in his body was excited.

"Hahahaha! come! Let’s see who is more powerful, my eternity, or you! Drink!"

With an angry roar, Yong Qi instantly pounced on Lu Li and quickly launched a fatal attack.

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