"how come?!"Utopia Dopant said in disbelief.

He naturally knew what was in the suitcase, the lost drive and the eternal memory of the T1 experiment.

0 ······Asking for flowers· ·········

But why, the eternal memory that had been unstable before would suddenly shine at this time.

But while he was dazed, Dao Keji heard the call.

The eternal memory inside the suitcase seemed to be calling him!

It seems to be saying, use my power quickly, with my power, you can defeat him!

Noticing the dazed Utopia dopant, Katsuki Daidao immediately seized the opportunity and kicked him in the chest.

The unprepared Utopia dopant was knocked back a few steps without any defense.

And as his hand broke away from Dai Keji, the flames on Dai Keji, who was originally burning with blazing flames, had automatically disappeared.

The flame is controlled by the Utopian Dopant, and without his control it will naturally disappear.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Katsuki Daido rolled directly to the table and opened his silver handbag.

The eternal memory inside glows with dazzling blue light.

Taking it in his hand, Katsuki Daidao murmured to himself


He seems to have understood that the eternal memory and himself are not old enemies, but should be the best compatibility.

Seeing this scene, the utopian dopant was shocked and said

"impossible! Isn't it already broken?!"

The transformation was released before, but he thought that the eternal memory belonging to the experiment may have malfunctioned again.

But now an unexpected situation occurred that he could not understand.

Even Dr. Prospect beside him, The contempt on his face also disappeared.

He felt that this time the matter might not be solved so smoothly. He thought that the other party was just an insignificant zombie and could be solved at any time, but now that the other party got it, he thought it was broken. eternal memory

............. 0

Prospect couldn't help but want to see how the winning streak would end.

He had no intention of immediately participating in the fight, but remained a bystander.

Anyway, he is strong enough.

As long as he can predict the opponent's movements and judge the opponent's attack, no one is his opponent.

"hehe! Eternity is not broken, it’s just because you met the right owner. You... don’t deserve eternity!"

Dao Keji looked at the eternal memory physical strength in his hand, and infinite confidence emerged in his heart.

If he was before, he was like an ant in the face of the powerful Utopia Dopant, and could be killed easily.

So now he, Will become a nightmare of utopian doping

"You say I'm not worthy? impossible!"

The Utopian Dopant waved his hand.

He didn't believe what Dao Keji said, let alone agree with what he said.

From the beginning, he had placed enough hope on eternity, believing that the eternal memory would be able to rule all the world in the future. Sub-memory.

It is the real king of memory!

Even the Utopia memory he has on hand is slightly inferior to the eternal memory, which he has placed such high hopes on, but now it has become a weapon in the hands of others.

"snort! So what if you don’t want to admit it? Now that eternity is in my hands, I will let you experience the true power of eternity!"

Even if Daidao Katsumi has not transformed, he knows that he can exert all the power of eternity.

Perhaps... this is a manifestation of the high compatibility between the memory and himself.

With the Lost Drive in his waist, Daidao Katsumi pressed the Eternal Memory in his hand body



Insert it into the eternal memory, and with a wave of your hand, the lost drive opens automatically.


A powerful energy bursts out from Dao Katsumi.

The blue energy pours out crazily, as if to celebrate that he has found the most suitable user..

The Utopia Dopant, who was only a few meters away, felt this extremely powerful energy and was extremely horrified.

"how come?!"

After experiencing this powerful energy personally, he obviously felt more powerful than when he transformed before.

Is it true that as the other party said, he...doesn't deserve eternity?!

Wrapped in red lightning, Dao Keji Surrounded by countless debris.

In the next second, these countless debris attached to his body and turned into a white armor. The yellow eye armor suddenly lit up, and the white arms were immediately covered. Covered in red flames.

As the red flames dissipated, red flame stripes appeared on his arms.

But it was not over yet. At this time, Yongqi's body was flashing with blue lightning. It seemed that he was adapting to Daidou Katsumi. The next second, the flame stripes on his arms suddenly turned blue, and black memory fixing slots appeared on his left leg and right arm.

A dark cloak appeared out of thin air.

Kamen Rider Eiki appears!

The Eiki transformed by Katsuki Daido looks not much different from the Nagaki transformed by Katojun.

PS: Thank you.————A monthly pass for Yiye Zhiqiu! grateful————Little Rabbit’s monthly ticket! grateful————A monthly pass of 180..! Chapter 116 :

The chosen undead, awkwardly adding their heads, fighting for prey.

The difference is the blue flame pattern on the arm, the memory strap on the body, and the eternal robe that appears behind him.

"The transformation was actually successful?!"

Utopia Dopant suddenly clenched his fists.

He thought it was just Dao Keji's bluff, but he didn't expect that the other party actually transformed successfully.

Not only that, the other party's form was different from the one he used to use eternal transformation. It felt more... He is stronger.

Eternity...is really choosing its users! Prospect, who was watching the show on the side, was filled with joy when he saw Yong Qi's changed appearance. curious

"Eternity...did you choose this zombie?"

Watching all this with interest, Prospect still didn't show any worried expression.

Everything was still under his control. Even if the other party could transform, it would not have any impact on him.

Watching With his right arm with blue flame stripes, Yongqi can clearly feel the power emerging from his body.

"It seemed that at that time, eternity had already felt that it was destined to be connected with me.

So at that time, it refuses to be used by you."

Previously, Katsumi Dao had touched the eternal memory, which caused Gatou Shun to exit the transformation state.

Looking back now, everything can be explained.

But even if we know this fact, Utopia Doping Body Nor willing to accept

"How could such a thing happen?"

What's more angry in his heart is that he was rejected by a mere memory.

He will never allow such a thing to happen. Even if he destroys the eternal memory, he will never let this damn guy in front of him get it.

He has changed As a Yongqi, the combat effectiveness of the two sides is completely evenly matched.

Utopia Memory can use the opponent's power for its own use, but only if the opponent has hope in his heart.

""687" But when he faced the undead Dao Jiji, the most powerful ability of the Utopia memory was of no use at all.

The combat effectiveness of the two sides was not much different, but compared with those who had experienced hundreds of battles and had been on the mercenary battlefield all year round.

Compared with the fighting Yongqi, the fighting method of the Utopia dopant is really disappointing.

In this situation where the combat effectiveness of the two sides is not far apart, once one side does not have sufficient combat experience, it is easy for the two to fall into the disadvantage.

Fighting from the inside to the outside, the Utopia Doping Body was at a disadvantage throughout the whole process. The Utopia Doping Body was extremely angry that it could not defeat a memory user who was still a test subject.

After repelling it, Utopia Dopant lightly patted the place where it had just been kicked on the chest and rushed forward again, barely repelling Yongqi once with a series of rapid attacks.

"snort! It seems like you are nothing more than that."

Yong Qi smiled coldly.

He grabbed the eternal robe behind him with his left hand, turned around and jumped, giving people the illusion that he was about to kick him.

His fake move made the Utopia that successfully attracted attention mixed. He was completely unaware that this was just a fake move, but what was waiting for him was not Yong Qi's flying kick, but a punch that gathered all his strength.


The blue flame pattern on his right arm seemed to come alive at this moment, blooming with a dazzling blue flame.


A ferocious punch accurately hit the Utopia Dopant's chest.

Facing this extremely powerful punch, even the Utopia Dopant couldn't resist it.

Under this powerful force, he flew instantly. It went out for tens of meters, and finally hit the ground hard, rolling around awkwardly for several times before barely stopping. You know, the match between Gatou Shun and Utopia Memory has reached almost


It can be said that Utopia Memory is tailor-made for Ga Tou Shun.

When he uses Utopia Memory, it can exert its most powerful power.

But even so, in the face of the real king of memories, Utopia Memory is still there. It's not enough.

The Utopian Dopant barely held his body up and stood up. Looking at the white figure, strong unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

How could he feel better because the most powerful memory was not for him.

Looking down at the eternal memory, Yong Qi confidently said

"I can feel it, when I get it, Eternity will unleash the full power of its memory king!

Thanks to you before, I was able to touch eternity.���Say thanks and I'll personally send you...to hell!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yong Qi strode over.

The current Ga Tou Shun is not an undead person, but a real living person.

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