At this time, there was a sudden roar in the sky.

Lu Li and Mina looked up together and saw an armed helicopter flying quickly over their heads.

The target direction is exactly the direction they are heading, which is... the experimental village.

Suddenly, Lu Li had an inexplicable feeling that there was something belonging to him on that armed helicopter, and this feeling was very familiar. eternal!

Yes, Lu Li had used eternal memory before, so he was naturally familiar with eternal memory.

The eternity on the armed helicopter gives me a slightly different feeling, but I can be sure that it must be equipped with an eternity memory.

As for why he felt different, Lu Li could probably guess the reason.

The eternal memory that Gatou Shun is currently holding in his hand is still an experimental product, not a finished product.

Since it is an experimental product, there are naturally many areas for adjustment and calibration, which is why it feels a little different from the eternal memory created by Lu Li.

Mina said with a serious face

"Lu Li, that armed helicopter belongs to Consortium"

She had seen Ga Tou Shun's powerful superpower before.

Although she can also read power, there is still a certain gap compared with Ga Tou Shun.

Of course, Mina has other advantages, so It means that you can control other superpowers, not just a single one.

(Wang Zhao's)

"Oh... that guy?"

Lu Li couldn't help but think that he might have just happened to join the theatrical version.

Originally, when he saw Mina before, he thought it was before the theatrical version.

But judging from the current situation, he just happened to join the theatrical version.

It's very possible that the gunships flying overhead are not only Kato Shun, but also the undead Dao Katsuki.

If this is the case, then this time.

Lu Li is still looking forward to fighting Yongqi, and it’s Dao Keji’s Yongqi.

"How long are we until the experimental village?"Lu Li asked suddenly.

After hearing this, Mina immediately calculated the time.

"There are about two hours left, and we should be able to reach the experimental village in about two hours.

It's just that there is a very high wall there. The village is enclosed and cannot be entered at all. How will we enter then?"

The first thing Mina thought of was how to enter the experimental village.

There were high walls in that place, and the entire wall was sealed, making it impossible to get in or out.

And Dr. Prospect had eyes there for him to use at any time. Monitoring the situation in the village,

Lu Li smiled slightly at Mina's question.

"Don't worry, you just need to take me to your destination, and I will take care of the other things."

How to enter the experimental village, Lu Li didn't even think about it.

Of course he broke in. Do you have to knock on the door first to let the other party open the door?

I came here just to get the best result. Of course, Lu Li now has many He had one expectation.

That was to fight Yong Qi.

As for the possibility of being surrounded by mobile super-powered soldiers after breaking in, Lu Li was not worried at all.

These super-powered soldiers were somewhat powerful, but for him. , that little bit of power is useless.

Seeing that Lu Li was so confident about entering the experimental village, Mina nodded doubtfully.

She was not sure how Lu Li entered the experimental village, but since Lu Li said it, there must be.

Chapter 114 Eyes and Terminal, Plum Blossom Jack forced a breakthrough.

The two continued to move along the mountain forest, approaching the hill villa in the center of the experimental village.

The two quark soldiers did not successfully bring Mina back. Ga Toushun brought two undead people back together.

When he saw them coming back, Dr. Prospect suddenly became unhappy and frowned slightly, saying with dissatisfaction.

"Didn’t I ask you two to keep an eye on Mina for me? Where is she? Why didn't you come back?"

He just arranged such a simple task, but these two subordinates didn't even complete it. How could he be in a good mood?

Hearing Dr. Prospect's words, the two Quark soldiers suddenly trembled.

"PhD! us……"

They immediately wanted to explain something, but before they could say anything, Ga Toushun on the side interrupted.

"Okay, Doctor, let me answer this question for you.

Earlier, I met two interesting guys outside, so I asked them to bring these two guys back. Is there any problem?"

As the person in charge of

Consortium The plan has reached a very critical stage. You must be careful at this time. Once there is a shortage of funds, it is likely that the research will stop here.

"Forget it, since I am helping Mr. Gartou, I will not pursue this matter."

The two trembling Quark soldiers breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the doctor's words.

They were really worried that the doctor would punish them severely. When they thought of the doctor's harsh punishment, they were very scared.

As long as they have super powers There is no experimenter in the Soldier Project who is not afraid of Prospect.

At this time, Prospect suddenly took out a red memory, which was the eye memory in all experiments. Prospect has all implanted terminals on his body. After he transformed into an eye-doping body, he used special abilities to implant them. In addition to being able to control the minds of these people, there is another one that can be used to monitor them..

They can be monitored whenever they want, so as long as they are excluded from Prospect's surveillance, there is no way they can escape from the experimental village.


Prospect pressed the eye memory in his hand.


At this time, all the experimental subjects in the experimental village stopped what they were doing, as if they were struck by lightning one by one.

When they came back to their senses, they realized 670 that Dr. Prospect must be doing something again.

In this state, Dr. Prospect is able to spy on them, as well as allowing them to spy on each other.

They were extremely frightened by the feeling that there was no secret at all.

But so what if they were afraid, they couldn't resist at all


Lu Li and Mina were walking through the mountains and forests.

Mina, who was walking in front, suddenly froze.

Lu Li, who was following behind, saw Mina suddenly stopping and said in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

And when Mina turned around, Lu Li already understood the reason.


A mark similar to an eye appeared on Mina's forehead.

At this time, Mina suddenly said with dull eyes.

"Who are you? Why does it appear here?"

Mina at this time is not the real Mina, but Prospect.

He temporarily controlled Mina's will through the eye memory. He originally wanted to find Mina in this way, but he failed. When he thought about it, he saw someone he didn't recognize.

After hearing Prospect's question, Lu Li smiled.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that I'm here to find Jiatoushun."

When he heard the words"Gatou Shun", Prospect was silent for a moment.

Of course he knew,"Gatou Shun" was right in front of him, right?

Now the person in front of him is looking for"Gatou Shun", what's going on here? What happened?

He couldn't guess what was going on here yet.

He didn't know what the relationship was between Lu Li and Jiatoushun. Since the other party appeared here and asked to see Jiatoushun, I'm afraid the identity is not simple.

As for whether he is a member of Consortium

"Are you here to see Mr. Gartou? In that case, Mina, then bring this gentleman back."

As soon as the words fell, Dr. Prospect immediately withdrew from Mina's will.

Originally her eyes were dull, Mina came back to her senses and saw Lu Li very close to her.

She didn't know just now that Dr. Prospect and What did Lu Li say? But when she saw that Lu Li was intact, she was silently relieved.

Since Dr. Prospect didn't hurt Lu Li, it was a good thing.

She touched her forehead and saw that there was nothing in the middle, but there was nothing there. But it is the center of control

"Lu Li, did Dr. Prospect ask you something just now?".

Seeing how nervous she was, Lu Li nodded.

"nature? Do you think anything will happen to me? Prospect... I don't think much of him yet."

Prospect has an eye memory. Although his power is relatively special, he can also observe the target's movement trajectory.

He can find a response method in a short time and fight back efficiently, making it difficult for the opponent to prevent him.

This ability is very important for It may be more effective against ordinary opponents, but for Lu Li, the effect is almost zero. Everything that can be seen clearly can be slowed down, but what if it is a target that moves very quickly and cannot even be seen clearly?

It was completely useless to keep up.

He looked up at the setting sun and urged him.

"Let's go quickly and keep waiting. It won't be long before it's almost dark."

Seeing Lu Li being so confident, Mina was unconsciously infected and nodded repeatedly.

"oh oh! good!"


In the experimental village.

Dr. Prospect's villa.

The people who were captured in the Experimental Village all lived like animals.

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