At this time, Mina finally understood.

Why did I suddenly feel that my telekinesis had lost its effect? It wasn't because it really had lost its effect.

It's that his own telekinesis is completely insufficient to repel the opponent.

How scary a person is this? Is he also a person with super powers?

Or... the other party is Dr. Prospect's new work?

Looking at the dust on his shoes, Lu Li shook it twice and then said

"Finished? After typing, just listen to what I want to say, it should be fine."

Mina, who had recovered from the shock at this time, nodded calmly.

Can she... can she still resist?

Her own telekinesis has little effect on the opponent. The influence of flames and other superpowers on the opponent I'm afraid it won't be too big.

At this time, it's best to cooperate.

The next moment, when he came to Mina, Lu Li directly expressed his request.

"My request is very simple, take me to the experimental village. After that, I can free you from Prospect's control. How about it?"

When she heard the words Prospect, Mina's pupils shrank slightly.

She looked at Lu Li in disbelief. She had never seen Lu Li before, and Lu Li didn't know how to get to the experimental village.

It was certain. , should not be from the experimental village and Dr. Prospect.

And the other party just said that he could get rid of Dr. Prospect's difficulties.

Is this really possible?

She has been controlled by the doctor for so long. She had given up on getting rid of his control.

She didn't have the courage to commit suicide. She just hoped that someone could kill her, which would be a relief. But now, the man in front of her actually told her that it was really possible to help her get rid of the doctor's control.

Is it true?

She was already desperate in her heart, and she never thought that she would be able to escape from the Doctor's control one day.

But the man in front of her actually gave her a glimmer of hope, and she hesitated to really be able to get rid of the Doctor. She would agree to Lu Li without hesitation.

But she knew very well how powerful the doctor was and could not disobey or violate him, even though the man in front of him had blocked her telekinesis and seemed to be very powerful. , but it does not mean that Dr. Prospect can be defeated.

Mina's hesitation was naturally noticed by Lu Li. A person who has been controlled for a long time will feel hesitant or doubtful when he suddenly learns that he can escape from the other party's control.

It was a reasonable thing and not surprising.

He put his arm on Mina's shoulder and lowered his head slightly, staring at Mina with his deep eyes.

"how? Don't believe me? It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, you just need to take me to the experimental village.

You don’t need to do anything else. If I fail, it won’t have any impact on you anyway, right?"

Those dark eyes made Mina slightly absent-minded.

There seemed to be enough confidence in those eyes, as if everything he said was true, which was extremely convincing.

The two of them just stayed there quietly. After looking at each other for a few seconds, Mina couldn't bear the look and turned her head to the side slightly.

She intertwined her slender hands, wondering whether she would harm the person in front of her.

What the other party said was that if she could really break away from the doctor's control, she would no longer have to do such annoying things, and could live the life she wanted, instead of becoming a blade in the other person's hands, killing people for him, and becoming emotionless. Biological weapons.

After a while, Mina made the final decision in her mind.


She still decided to help Lu Li.

This was not only helping Lu Li, but also helping herself and the people in the village.

The villagers living in the electromagnetic pulse environment were no different from the livestock raised in captivity..

She may be in danger of being killed by the doctor at any time, and no one can resist.

If she can really escape alive, she will naturally be willing to help.

670"Okay, since that's the case, we can be considered partners now." Okay, I’m Lu Li."

With a smile on his face, Lu Li stretched out his right hand to Mina.

Seeing that Lu Li was waiting for him to reach out, Mina saw that the jade hand gently held Lu Li's big hand.

Mina lowered her head and whispered.

"You...Hello, I'm Mina."

Feeling the warmth from her hand, Mina's face felt slightly warm.

For some reason, when she touched this big hand, she felt an unprecedented sense of security.

It was as if the person in front of her could really help her. Giving himself freedom and not allowing himself to be controlled by Dr. Prospect again,

Lu Li held Mina in his backhand and prepared to go to the experimental village immediately.

"Let's go, take me to the experimental village. Since I said I would give you your freedom, I will definitely give you your freedom.

But before I can free you, I must first find my target. He... is with your doctor.

When the time comes to deal with Prospect easily, you will be free."

Lu Li went to the experimental village. The main purpose was to kill Jiatoushun and snatch the Utopia memory in his hand.

But there was also a less important purpose, which was to awaken superpowers.

Even if he already has a powerful However, Lu Li himself does not have superpowers.

You must know that because he is the person in charge of the super soldier project, he also obtained superpowers with the help of Dr. Prospect, even with the use of Utopia memory. After transforming into a Utopia dopant, he can still use his superpowers, and after becoming a Utopia dopant, his superpowers will increase to a certain extent.

Lu Li naturally focused on superpowers. He also wanted to obtain superpowers.

As for the so-called quark index, Lu Li didn't care.

As the ancestor of mankind, there was no reason why he couldn't compare to humans.

Mina had actually given up resistance a long time ago, but now she was alone. A rare opportunity lies before her.

These two words deeply attract her.

"The experimental village is in this direction, come with me."

Then, under the leadership of Mina, the two went to the experimental village


In the stronghold occupied by terrorists, the undead team is still looking for their target this time.

Soon, they saw the panic-stricken terrorist leader in the ruins.

The other party was running towards them, but his face was full of fear.

It was as if there was some terrifying beast chasing him behind him.

However, the undead team saw nothing.

Dao Katsuki frowned and said in confusion

"What is he afraid of?"

He didn't see anything scary behind the target. Why did the other party show such a fearful expression?

"Denji, what should I do?" Quan Jingshui walked to Dao Katsuki with"enchanting" steps and asked.

After thinking about it, Dao Katsuki decided to catch the other party first.

After all, the other party is their target this time.

PS: Thank you————Little Rabbit’s monthly ticket!.Chapter

113 Eternal Experiment, Calling and Repulsion

Just as they were about to take action, a ball of flame suddenly exploded in front of them.


Everyone was knocked back by the power of the explosion.

If it weren't for the fact that they were undead, they might have been seriously injured by now.


Dao Keji immediately threw out the dagger and looked around vigilantly.

Just when everyone was alert, they only heard a scream


The terrorist leader was already lying on the ground, dead.

He watched the target die in front of his eyes, without even noticing how he died. Dao Keji's frown deepened.


At this time, a crisp sound of footsteps came.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the direction of the sound.

I saw a man and a woman, both dressed in white, walking slowly towards this side.

Watching When he saw these two people, Dao Keji was keenly aware that these two people were unusual.

They were wearing white clothes and they could guess that there was not even a trace of dust on them. Something is obviously wrong with the person

"oh? I didn’t expect to encounter the undead here, haha!"

The man in white clothes recognized the undead team at a glance.

The undead project and the super-powerful soldier project are two sets of experiments invested by Consortium X.

Of course, the super-powerful soldiers have also heard about the undead.

He knew that the undead were a project eliminated by Consortium X, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Unexpectedly, we met on the battlefield. We are both experimental weapons of Consortium X. I am very curious about who is stronger between us.

Of course, I naturally prefer us to be stronger. After all, you are just waste that has been eliminated."

The man in white's voice was full of disdain, looking down on the undead team at all.

"What?! The sponsor behind you is actually Consortium X?!"Quan Jingshui suddenly became excited.

The other undead people also showed vigilance.

The person who came is not good!

At this time, the woman in white on the side said very proudly

"We are quarks, the ultimate warriors whose cells have been treated with superpower amplification.

Completely opposite to you zombie soldiers, in our opinion, you... are just trash that has been eliminated."

The arrogance in his words was completely undisguised.

Dao Keji was naturally unconvinced.

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