Consortium X is not omniscient and omnipotent, so it is naturally impossible to know everything.

As long as you clean up the tail, Consortium

Sonosaki Saeko believed in Lu Li unconditionally. As long as Lu Li said it was okay, she would believe it.

Knowing that Lu Li was going to be away for a while, Sonosaki Yueko naturally wanted to reward him well.

Compared to Lu Li and Sono Saki Saeko who were happy in their room, Sono Saki Wakana's room was.

Lying flat on the bed, motionless.

Looking at the ceiling quietly, Sonosaki Wakana felt upset.

Her mind was in chaos, and there were many problems that were difficult to figure out.

" comes someone……"

0 ······Asking for flowers· ·········

She didn't know how to make a choice. It was too difficult to be caught between two opposing family members.

In the midst of contradictory thinking, it took a long time for Sonosaki Wakana to fall into a deep sleep.


The next day.

Lu Li took a plane to Southeast Asia's Country S and temporarily left Fengdu.

Regarding his departure, Sonosaki Ryubei naturally also learned about it.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly left Fengdu, and he always felt that there must be something else behind him.

He didn't know what it was, so he couldn't take the initiative to ask Sono Sakiko.

Even if asked, Sonosaki Saeko would definitely not tell.

He knew this very well in his heart, and he didn’t bother looking for trouble.

However, Sonosaki Ryubei was also secretly glad.

It was just a good time to take advantage of Lu Li's departure to take care of all the matters on his side, and then he was ready to take action.

He has already contacted his old friend, who has agreed to help.

The two parties have been partners for many years, and the cooperation with the museum has always been stable. No one wants to suddenly change the controller.

Even though Sonosaki Saeko is Sonosaki Ryubei's daughter, she is not him after all, which may cause many problems in the cooperative relationship between the two parties.

As the relationship between the two parties has become increasingly tense, Sonosaki Ryubei was once worried that he might not have time to prepare.

Now Lu Li suddenly left, indirectly giving him enough time.

Just what he wanted

"Lu Li, the next time you come back, it will be the end of you."

Sonosaki Ryuhei looked at the clear sky with a sneer on his lips.

It seemed that he had already seen that the museum was about to have a sunny day, instead of being cloudy and unclear like now.



At this time, the sky is above the clouds.

Lu Li was sitting in the first class cabin of the plane, looking at the clear sky outside.

As soon as he leaves, Sonosaki Ryubei will inevitably make a series of actions.

But Lu Li wasn't worried, and there was no need to worry.

Sonosaki Saeko may not be as sophisticated as Sonosaki Ryubei, but she also has her own tricks.

Even if Sonosaki Ryubei cannot be completely restrained, Sonosaki Ryubei will not be able to defeat Sonosaki Saeko in a short period of time.

After taking control of half of the museum, Sonosaki Saeko began to clean up the power at her disposal.

It is impossible for the forces at hand to temporarily switch sides, and there is no possibility of being directly suppressed.

At best, it becomes a tug-of-war.

As for Lu Li's trip to Fengdu, he would be back in just a few days at most.

Once Lu Li comes back and Sonosaki Ryubei takes the initiative to break his skin, then you don't have to be polite.

At the same time, Lu Li also knew that the museum had many collaborators, and they were all forces that had been cooperating for many years.

Most of them are production factories and the like, and almost all of them have powerful memory power.

Defeating Sonosaki Ryubei from the front was also to calm down these factories and the people behind them.

Don't continue to cause trouble after Sonosaki Ryuhei abdicates.

Then there will be a mess again, which will be very troublesome to deal with.

If it weren't for the purpose of intimidating these collaborators, Lu Li and Sonosaki Yueko would not have been able to wait until now without taking the initiative to break up.

They were waiting for Sonosaki Ryubei to be fully prepared before taking action.

"Old fox, you must make good use of the time I'm away, otherwise... you won't have any chance at all."

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, the corners of Lu Li's mouth raised slightly.

Then, Lu Li put on his goggles and started to rest.

There is still a long distance from Fengdu to Country S in Southeast Asia.

Even by plane, it takes about seven or eight hours. Time, during these seven or eight hours, Lu Li had nothing to do.


Fengdu, a certain cemetery.

The man with slightly yellowish short hair, wearing a red leather jacket and leather trousers, and full of tough guy temperament was standing in front of a tombstone.

Carefully placing the flowers in his hand in front of the tombstone, the man looked at the tombstone with determination on his face

"Father, mother, sister, I am about to be transferred to the Fengdu Police Station as the head of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section, responsible for cases involving adulterated substances.

Don't worry, I won't necessarily find the dopant that killed you and avenge you with my own hands! must! You won’t be kept waiting too long!"

Clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were filled with flames of hatred.

He... is Terui Ryuu.

At the same time, he is also the future Kamen Rider Accel (police rider).

Very good - Brother A!

However, at present, he is currently He has just received the transfer order to join the Fengdu Police Station, and he has not even reported yet.

Despite his young age, he is a very good police officer. He has been assigned to the Fengdu Police Station as a new officer. The head of the Paranormal Crime Investigation Section.

Being able to serve as the head of the first section at such an age means that Terui is definitely very capable and has the ability to be trusted by the police station.

This is why Terui was transferred to the Fudu Police Station. Long's own request.

He returned to this city just to find the enemy who hurt his parents and sister and avenge them personally.

PS: Thank you.————18369..monthly pass!.Chapter

111 Don’t question me!! Arrive, undead!

He originally had a harmonious and beautiful family, but it was destroyed by a heinous adulterer.

His parents and sister turned into ice shavings before his eyes. The helplessness and pain he felt were still unforgettable to this day.

He vowed that he would personally avenge his family.

Of course, he also knew that he might not be able to do it with his current strength, but there was help behind him.

As long as the drive is completed, he can transform into a Kamen Rider, and naturally he can fight the dopant.

He had returned to Fengdu before, but was not busy getting involved in these cases immediately.

Because his current strength is not enough, he cannot do much as an ordinary person.

So he used the beetle cell phone to secretly observe Zuo Shotaro and Philip.

He already knew enough about them, even the Narumi Detective Agency.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps nearby.

Terui Ryu came back to his senses and turned around to look, only to see the familiar woman in black.

Suddenly his mind was shaken, he stood up quickly, and asked impatiently

"Shroud, is my drive already ready?"

His eyes were full of anticipation.

You know that he has been waiting for this day for a long time, so naturally he couldn't wait to get the drive, his own drive.

Hearing this, Shroud's eyes under his sunglasses stared at Ryu Terui.

She was here Before he found Lu Li, he had already reached a cooperation with Terui Ryu.

When he saw Terui Ryu for the first time, Shroud had a special feeling in his heart that this man was the one he wanted to deal with.

She already knew the other person's information before, and also understood that the other person's parents and sister were indirectly lost due to her own reasons.

Like herself, this man also wanted revenge, and he was the one who had the most hatred in his heart. A scary person.

Because of this, she chose to cooperate with this man"Six Five Seven" and promised to give him strength. But at the same time, she also needed his help to get rid of Sonosaki Ryubei.

Lu Li just wanted to confirm whether Lu Li wanted to cooperate with him first and kill Sonosaki Ryubei.

If he had Lu Li's power, there might be no need to slowly cultivate Terui Ryu.

But unfortunately, Lu Li rejected her. This leaves

Shroud with no choice but to place his hope on Terui Ryu.

Lu Li may eventually have a fight with Sonosaki Ryubei, but the outcome is uncertain now, at least as far as Lu Li is concerned. If she loses, she still needs Terui Ryu and Philip to transform into the ultimate W. Only then can she defeat Sonosaki Ryuubi. In Shroud, Terui

Ryuu is equivalent to Narumi Shokichi's substitute.

Shroud has nothing here.

At most, it is just a temporary substitute to deal with the problem of Fengdu.

With his hands in his pockets, Shroud focused on the tombstone.

"The drive is being adjusted and will be handed over to you soon, are you...really ready?"

When he was suddenly asked if he was ready, Terui Ryu immediately frowned.

"Don't question me! What do you mean by this now? Of course I am ready. I am always ready for revenge!"

The tone of the answer was very firm.

The reason why he was able to successfully graduate from the police academy and live until now is because the fire of revenge in his heart is supporting him.

Until now, Terui Ryu has not found out who hurt him.

He will not give up because of this, and will continue to investigate until he finds out.

As long as he does not take revenge personally, the fire of revenge in his heart will never be extinguished. Seeing that he is still determined. Shake his head slightly

"No, now that you've thought it through, I won't stop you.

I'll hand it over to you when the drive is finished."

After saying that, Shroud turned around and left.

He came and went without a trace, just like a real ghost.

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