"good! In this case, let's find a suitable place first. It's impossible to do it at home.

Come on, I'll take you to a suitable place."

With that said, Sonosaki Ryubei stood up, picked up Mick who was on the stool beside him, and walked outside.

Chapter 17 Do you need to borrow some strength?

Glancing at Lu Li with a half-smile, Sonosaki Ryuko's eyes flashed. There was a hint of contempt.

The look seemed to say, if you have the ability, you can defeat me.

If you can't defeat me, then don't think about the two wearing flesh-colored stockings stacked on top of each other. , Sonosaki Saeko stood up and followed Sonosaki Ryubei.

Watching Sonosaki Saeko walking away with her charming steps, Lu

Li could already predict what would happen next..

Sonosaki Ryubei wants to test his strength to see if he can really join the Sonosaki family.

Of course, the joining mentioned here is not a true joining, I am afraid there is still a testing stage. If you want to truly join the Sonosaki family, you must become a member of the family. One is to marry the eldest sister Sonosaki Saeko, and the other is to marry the second sister Sonosaki Wakana.

It is almost impossible to join the Sonosaki family.

As for the strength of the taboo dopant after Sonosaki's transformation, Lu Li is not sure yet, but at most, it is probably about the same as the category queen, and may even be inferior to it.

After all, the category queen has experienced many battles in the extreme battle and has rich combat experience.

Compared to Sonosaki Saeko, the category queen will definitely be stronger.


After getting into an extended car, under Sonosaki Ryubei's instructions, the driver drove to a relatively remote place in Fengdu.

Sonosaki Ryuhei and Sonosaki Saeko sat on one side, while Lu Li sat on the opposite side.

Along the way, Lu Li always leaned back on his seat leisurely.

He looked like he wasn't worried about the upcoming battle at all.

This careless look made Sonosaki Saeko very uncomfortable.

Once upon a time, she had her eyes set high above her head and looked down on any man.

He believes that these men are not worthy of conquering him, let alone have the strength to conquer him.

But this was the first time someone dared to act so casually in front of me.

Feeling a little angry in her heart, Sonosaki Saeko secretly vowed to teach Lu Li a lesson later and let this guy see how powerful he was.

Sonosaki Ryuhei keeps teasing Mick, and he doesn't seem to care at all about the upcoming battle.

The reason why this old guy is so confident is because he is very strong.

The fear memory can release a deadly quagmire and launch a terrifying mental attack, making people feel scared.

Lu Li was also very curious now. After carving the sealing stone slab, his mental power had been greatly improved.

So now, relying on my own mental power, can I block this old guy's fear memory?

Regarding this issue, Lu Li still doesn't know.

You will know when you try it later, but there is no such opportunity for now.

Not long after, the car drove to a place far away from the wind.

The surrounding area looks relatively desolate and uninhabited.

After stopping the car, the driver respectfully opened the door

"Master, here we are"


Nodding slightly, Sonosaki Ryubei hugged Mick and walked out of the car.

Sonosaki Saeko and Lu Li also came down together.

"There are no human beings here. You can fight as you want. Lu Li, I am very optimistic about you. I hope... you will not disappoint my expectations."

Sonosaki Ryubei's voice came from the front.

Lu Li felt quite speechless when he heard this.

This old guy really regarded himself as Lu Li's elder.

"Come on, my father admires you so much, then let me see if you have the strength to match it.

As long as you can avoid defeat at my hands, I will recognize you."

After the words fell, Sonosaki Saeko walked forward with her round hips twisted.

Then she turned around.

Her pretty face was slightly cold, and she took out the forbidden memory.

The Gaia drive was carried by Sonosaki Saeko on her waist, and the The taboo memory was automatically inserted into the earth drive.

A burst of evil-looking reddish-purple energy instantly enveloped Sono Saki Saeko, who was floating in the air without legs and appeared slightly ferocious. In front of him.

Ordinary people would have fled immediately when they saw the terrifying forbidden dope.

Sonosaki Yueko thought that he could scare Lu Li with his terrifying appearance, but it didn't work. Thinking about it, Lu Li was not afraid at all.

Instead, he looked at her body with interest, which made her feel a little frustrated.

This man... was indeed extraordinary!

He was not far behind Lu Li. Bingwei suddenly took out a memory stick from his pocket.

"Lu Li, do you need strength? If you need strength, I can lend it to you."

That is a golden Gaia memory.

You must know that very few people can use the golden Gaia memory. It must be used with the Gaia drive.

The Gaia drive can help users control the power of the memory, filter To remove the toxins in the memory, the old guy gave him the golden Gaia memory at this time, but he didn't give himself a matching Gaia driver.


Lu Li didn't want to be a little bit evil. Bai Shu.

Rejected Sonosaki Ryubei without hesitation, Lu Li said confidently.

"No need, I have my own strength, and I am very confident in my own strength."


Because of his powerful power, Gaia's memory���The power of power is not necessary in his eyes.

Of course, if there was a Gaia drive, Lu Li wouldn't mind trying to use the power of Gaia memory.

Seeing that Lu Li rejected him without hesitation, Sonosaki Ryubei was not angry at all.

He just smiled and put the golden memory in his hand back into his pocket, and then reached out to tease Mick in his arms.

He doesn't show his joy, and Sonosaki Ryuhei is a complete old fox.

The taboo dopant floating in the air asked incredulously after hearing Lu Li's refusal.

"Not using the power of Gaia memory? How can it be? Do you think you can defeat me on your own?!"

She didn't think that Lu Li could defeat him without using the power of Gaia's memory.


Absolutely impossible!

"Miss Saeko, don’t be so absolute. Sometimes, the power you don’t know doesn’t mean there is none."

Chapter 18: Bow Bow Shooting Taboo!

Lu Li's voice came.

In the surprised eyes of Sonosaki Ryubei and Sonosaki Saeko, a silver belt appeared out of thin air around Lu Li's waist. There was a red heart in the middle of the belt. On the right side of the belt is a storage box.

He took out a card from the storage box, which was something neither Sonosaki Ryubei nor Sonosaki Saeko had seen before.

"Ace of hearts? That is......Mantis?"

With excellent eyesight, Sonosaki Saeko could see the pattern on the card clearly.

She couldn't understand the meaning of Lu Li taking out a card at this time.


Swipe the A of Hearts in his hand across the Awakening Device.

Lu Li had a smile on his face, and the next second, his whole person was enveloped by a strange power.


When the power dissipated, a Kamen Rider wearing armor appeared in the sight of Sonosaki Ryubei and the Forbidden Dopant.

The scarlet eye armor had two long horns on its head, silver and black. The armor has red and gold patterns on it.

It looks majestic and exudes powerful energy.

Kamen Rider Kalis appears!

"This is……?!"

Sonosaki Saeko swore that this was the first time she had seen such a strange guy.

Who is the guy in front of me...!

Compared to the shocked Sonosaki Saeko, Sonosaki Ryubei was a little surprised, but not shocked.

The amber lenses reflected the sun's rays, and it was unclear what the old fox was thinking.

I just heard him muttering there alone

"Is it different from the power of Gaia's memory?"

Back on the battlefield, Lu Li looked up at the forbidden adulteration floating in the sky.

"Miss Saeko, please rest assured, I will... try my best to prevent you from being harmed."

After saying that, Lu Li took out the Awakening Bow the next moment.

Since the target can fly, the best way to attack is to carry out long-range attacks.

Holding the Awakening Bow, Lu Li directly bent the bow to shoot the big eagle.

No! It should be the forbidden doping. The body is right!

"call out!!"

A shimmering arrow shot at the forbidden dopant at a very fast speed.

At this moment, the forbidden dopant had recovered from the shock.

The intuition in her heart told her that the guy in front of her was definitely not Simple, must be handled with care

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