Apart from some dust on his body, there were no visible wounds or signs of being hit.

Lu Li managed to avoid the terrifying attack just now without any damage.

The card Lu Li used just now is the gelatinized jellyfish of Plum Blossom 7. By liquefying itself, it can neutralize the enemy's attacks.

The energy explosion had a very terrifying impact, but the gelatinous jellyfish offset the impact of the explosion, leaving Lu Li completely uninjured.

In addition, Lu Li is currently using Leangle's Jack.form.

It possesses not only powerful strength, but also extremely terrifying defense power.

That thick and solid armor is enough to withstand powerful attacks.


The man didn't say much. Lu Li suddenly tugged on the chain with his left hand.

The Nazca doped body that was bound by the chain was pulled over.


Plucking the awakening staff in his right hand on the ground, Lu Li made a fist-pumping gesture.

The Nazca dopant had noticed Lu Li's movements and immediately defended himself.

The terrifying fist had already hit him.


This punch hit the arms used for defense by Nazca Dopant.

Of course, it was the force of this punch that made Nazca Dopant scream in pain.

"Ahhhh!!"He was blown away like a cannonball.

The iron chain that had been wrapped around his feet was released the moment he flew out.


It's still the same wall as before, but it was at the top before, and now it's at the bottom.

The Nazca doping body was smashed into the wall by this powerful punch.

The huge roar made the original person unconscious. Phillip woke up.

After he woke up, he felt waves of pain coming from his body, and he couldn't help but grinned.

"Shotaro, what's going on now...?"

Shaking his head vigorously, he still hadn't figured out what the situation was.

After shouting, he didn't get any response. Phillip frowned and shouted again.


This call finally woke up Zuo Shotaro, who was stunned. He quickly replied.

"ah! Oh, Lu Li is fighting that guy now. The guy seems to have gone berserk and started fighting with Lu Li."

The reason why I was stunned just now was because I was frightened by the power of Lu Li's terrifying punch.

He had also seen the power that the Nazca Dopant showed just now, and it was definitely not weak.

But when facing Lu Li, he actually Just like a little chicken, he could handle it at will. Such a huge power gap naturally surprised him.

At this time, Phillip also saw Lu Li in Leabgle.Jack.form.

"Is it a new form again? It feels powerful!"

Even Phillip could feel the power hidden under Lu Li's strong body at this time.

Just when Phillip was about to ask how the battle was going, a roar suddenly came.

This roar was exactly what happened when he was punched just now. Emitted by the Nazca dopant entering the wall


All he wanted in his heart was to defeat Lu Li, and the terrifying burst of power was out of his control.

A bright orange-red light suddenly appeared in the smoke and dust.


The Nazca Dopant approached Lu Li at a very fast speed. He had to rely on his speed to restrain Lu Li.

He had already realized that he was no match for his strength in the fight against Lu Li just now, so he could only rely on his speed. Let's start.

If Lu Li's attack or movement was just now, it could be seen that his speed was obviously much slower than before.

Perhaps it was because of the thick armor. Now that his strength has become stronger, his speed must not be as good as before. Himself.

Seeing the Nazca Dopant approaching rapidly, Lu Li naturally guessed what he was thinking.

The corners of his mouth under the facial armor were slightly raised, and Lu Li was not panicked.

He was indeed not as fast as Nazca Dopant. It can even be said that it is far inferior to Zongzi.

But he can determine what kind of attack the opponent will use and respond in advance, so that he can block the opponent's attack at the right time.

Moreover, if he is caught by himself. , Nazca Dopant had almost no chance to fight back.

Nazca Dopant appeared directly behind Lu Li with super acceleration, and the Nazca Dopant in his hand slammed into Lu Li's head. The moment he raised his sword, Lu Li actually moved.

The Nazca Dopant, which had already attacked, had no way to stop 640 from his attack.


The awakening staff accurately blocked the Nazca sword blade, and the sparks burst out, illuminating the incredible eyes of the Nazca dopant.

"how come?!"

He thought he could hit Lu Li with his speed, but reality slapped him hard.

His attack seemed to have been predicted by the opponent.

"Ultrahigh speed!"

Use super high speed again.

The figure flashed in an instant and appeared behind Lu Li again, launching another surprise attack from behind.


This time, Lu Li didn't even turn his head, and directly waved the iron ball in his hand to block the Nazca blade.

The powerful force counterattacked, making the Nazca dopant even unable to grasp the blade in his hand.

"I do not believe!!"

"super high……!"

He was still preparing to continue using super high speed, but before he could say anything, the Nazca Dopant immediately knelt down to the ground in pain.


He didn't expect that he couldn't continue to use super speed.

The burst of energy had stopped, and the Nazca dopant covered his heart.

"Could it be that...continuous use of ultra-high speed has placed too great a load on my body?"

I didn't feel like this just now, but now I suddenly feel like my body can't bear it anymore.

"hateful! Exactly at this time!"

Using the sword blade to barely support his unsteady body, he wanted to use super speed again.

But his physical condition did not allow it. Even if he still felt that he was strong enough, it was useless.

Seeing that he could not even stand at this moment Lu Li had naturally guessed what state the Nazca dopant was currently in.

Evolution required a price, and it wasn't just about making the memory stronger, similar to equivalent exchange, helping the memory. After completing the next stage of evolution, it consumes its own energy.

It is already very difficult for the Nazca dopant to be able to maintain the battle for so long.

"despair! despair! despair!……"

The sound of footsteps was heard, and Nazca Dopant saw the extremely strong figure walking towards him.

He immediately felt a great sense of oppression, which made him feel like he couldn't breathe.

"What, is it no longer possible? Didn’t you want to kill me just now?"

The sound of Lu Li's voice made Nazca Dope's heart tremble.

At the beginning, Nazca's dopant's energy exploded so much that he was lost in the powerful power.

But when the battle came later, , he also gradually found himself.

But he wanted to take this opportunity to test how powerful Lu Li was, but no matter how fast his attack was, it would be useless.

He can't even use super speed, so how can he fight?

"I lost."

Nasca Dopant was very unwilling, but he had to accept the blizzard attack in Chapter 8! The goal was achieved

"Lost? I haven't admitted that you lost yet, how can you admit that you have lost?

Didn’t you have a great time playing just now? Now...it's my turn."

As Lu Li finished speaking, Nazca Dopant suddenly raised his head in fear.


What comes into view is a round iron ball with spikes, right?


The iron ball hit his chest instantly.

The terrifying force instantly blasted him away.

This time, Lu Li did not directly smash the Nazca doped body into the wall like before.

Instead, he quickly retracted it. The iron ball then threw out the iron chain at the end.

The silver iron chain was like a winding snake, and it immediately wrapped around Nazca's wrist.

Then, Lu Li took a step forward.


The terrifying power caused cracks to appear on the ground under his feet.

The Nazca dopant body was thrown out by the iron ball. When he felt an extremely powerful pulling force, his flying body stopped abruptly. He fell down.

The strong pain on his arm made him wail in pain.


There was a feeling that the arm was about to be torn off.

If it hadn't been for Nazca's doped body transformation, this arm would have been useless in his human body.

With a sharp tug of his left hand, Nazca The Dopant uncontrollably pounced on Lu Li again

, his body tumbling in the air.

The Nazca Dopant was completely unable to resist it, especially after using super speed many times just now. Power.

The next second, the Nazca dopant was greeted by that extremely strong fist.


Punched him hard on the head.

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