Hearing this, Zuo Shotaro was stunned for a moment. Thinking about it this way, it seems that this is really the case.

"What exactly is going on?"


Tong Ma, who had just released his transformation, suddenly screamed.

He was almost unconscious, but he felt a burst of heartbreaking pain in his left arm.

Pulling open his sleeves, he found that he was It was inserted into the specific position just now, and it has already begun to rot.

"Philip, do you know what this is about?"

Faced with Zuo Shotaro's doubts, even Philip had never encountered such a situation.

"have no idea."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the side

"This is because they take turns using memory, which shouldn't work."

When he heard this familiar voice, W suddenly turned around.

A blue figure quickly flashed past him, and the bird memory on the ground was also taken away instantly.

"It's you!"

When he saw the Nazca dopant, W was suddenly startled and immediately made a fighting stance.

But he suddenly thought that Kirihiko Sudo had said before that he also loved this city.

Thinking of it Here, W suddenly lost his temper and stepped forward to push him.

"You guy! Don't sound like this is none of your business! It's obviously you who sold some of yourselves to your children!"

As an adult, perhaps Shotaro Zuo can still understand and accept it. After all, adults have their own thoughts.

But selling memories to teenagers is such a sinister intention!

Faced with this situation, how could he not be angry?

Nazca Dopant, who was pushed back two steps, did not rush to fight back.

"Don't be ridiculous, we have never sold memory to minors."

He also just learned about this matter, so how could he possibly know who sold the memory to teenage children?

Hearing this, W pointed at Tong Madao, who was lying on the ground and crying.

"If that's the case, what's going on now? Why is there such a situation?!"

This kind of thing happened right under his nose. How could W tolerate this kind of thing?"

"I will investigate this matter clearly, you don’t have to worry about it! But before that, I have to compete with you first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nazca dopant quickly pounced on W.

The last battle did not go to the end. This time, the winner must be decided.

He must rely on defeating W to demonstrate his achievements, Yixue Shame on you.

Afterwards, the two started a fierce battle with the enhanced Nazca Dopant. W was obviously at a disadvantage, especially since the Nazca Dopant was able to use super speed and evade it quickly. All attacks of w, and attacked W in an instant.

Fortunately, W, which was continuously attacked, had a strong defense provided by the metal body, otherwise it would have been impossible for

W, which was continuously repelled, to wield a bendable metal iron rod. , directly attacking the Nazca dopant from a long distance

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

But every attack he made seemed to be predicted in advance by the Nazca dopant.

Every attack was blocked by the Nazca blade.

"Shotaro, with our current form, there is no way to defeat him."

"So what do you say? The Fang memory cannot be found, and we have no way to use the Fang Ace!"

"I already have a guess! Now, wait for me!"

W continued to deal with the Nazca Dopant's swift attack in a panic, and was once at a disadvantage.

But Lu Li, who had been observing from behind, noticed a huge car that was gradually driving towards this side.

Spin and sprint. Number!

"Are you planning to use the Fang Ace?"

Lu Li was quite interested.

Lu Li was quite interested in W in the fang ace form.

Although there is a gap in combat effectiveness with CJX in its final form, for now, it can be considered a good opponent.


The Nazca Dopant, who was concentrating on the battle, was a little confused after hearing the sound.

As a result, he heard the sound of a car speeding behind him.

"Ultrahigh speed!"

With no time to think so much, he instantly used super high speed to dodge.

Sure enough, the Swing Sprint instantly hit the spot where he was just now.

If he hadn't used super high speed to dodge, he would have been knocked out by now.

Then, the Swing Sprint slowly Open it, and it’s Philip lying in the car.

"Philip, what's going on with you? Why did you bring your body out?"

Faced with Phillip's outrageous operation, Zuo Shotaro was confused at the moment and didn't understand what was going on.

"Don't worry, I have already made assumptions, and Fang Memory will not see me in danger.

As long as I am in danger, Fang Memory will protect me at all costs"

"Are you sure you're not kidding?!"

Zuo Xiangtaro still couldn't accept this setting for a while.

Mainly because it was too risky. Philip was also his companion after all. How could he watch the other party in danger?

"Don't worry, I'm very confident."

At this time, the Nazca dopant that had just dodged immediately threw two balls of energy, and the target was the Spin Dash.


Faced with this situation, how could Zuo Shotaro remain indifferent and immediately prepare to block the attack of the energy ball.

But before he could rush over, a swift figure quickly appeared on the Spin Dash.


The figure quickly passed through, and the two energy balls that attacked the Spin Dash exploded immediately.

"Boom boom!!"

After the explosion, the swift figure appeared next to Philip intact.

It was the fang memory.

"Shotaro, you see what I said is right, as long as I encounter danger, the fang memory will take the initiative to protect me."

Covering his face, Zuo Shotaro was really speechless for his partner.

"Philip, could you not conduct such a dangerous experiment next time? What if something really goes wrong?"

And Philip obviously chose to do such an experiment because he was extremely confident, otherwise wouldn't it be just making fun of his own life?

Since he was able to control the power of the fang memory, Philip was also eager to try the battle.

"Okay, Shotaro, leave the rest to me."

"……Okay, then the rest of the battle is up to you."

After saying that, W came directly to the Spin Dash.

After canceling the transformation, Phillip also successfully obtained the fang memory in front of him.

"I have no choice but to let you do it."


The two voices sounded at the same time.



Countless data surrounded Philip, and dark stripes appeared on his face.

The next second, these data turned into armor and attached to Philip.

The half-black and half-white knight, Kamen Rider W, Fang Ace Form, debut!

After the transformation was completed, Shotaro Zuo, who was standing next to him, fell straight to the ground like Phillip before.

"spread! Come and count your sins!"

Before he finished speaking, W rushed directly towards the Nazca doping body.

"Fang Ace form? This time... I can finally compete with you!"

Earlier, he wanted to have a fight with W's Fang Ace form to decide the outcome.

But it was delayed due to some uncontrollable reasons.

PS: Thank you————Qiongqi Mo’s monthly pass! grateful————Diao people, please don’t hit my monthly ticket!.Chapter

105: Feeling that the body has been hollowed out, the LV3 evolution was accidentally hit.

This time, he must decide the winner with W.

On the way up again, W quickly flicked the sharp corner of the fang memory once

"Arm.Fang (Tusk Arm Blade)!"

A sharp arm blade appeared on the white right arm.


The white arm blade and the jet black sword blade collided together, sputtering out bursts of sparks.

It was different from the frequent hits in the previous battle.

W, which has transformed into the fang ace form, can completely compete with Nazca in the battle. All attacks by Nazca Dopant can be easily blocked by W~.

"how come?!"

This time it was Nazca Dopant's turn to be shocked.

He knew very well how fast and powerful he was now. He could clearly suppress W before, but now facing the fang ace form, all his attacks were ineffective.


The arm blade and the sword blade collided again, both sides were evenly matched.

"As soon as I detect murderous intent, my body can react quickly."

The Nazca sword flicked away, and the dark fist slammed into his chest.

The powerful fist knocked the Nazca doped body staggering a few steps.


The Nazca dopant regained its footing and looked at W in disbelief.

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