He is one of the twin thieves, Kurata Kenji.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he said confidently

"Don't worry, I'm just pretending to be someone. Take it easy, I……"

Before he could finish speaking, Sonosaki Saeko interrupted him.

"Don't worry, I don't just ask you to pretend to be him, anyone can pretend to be him.

I hope you can help me catch W. Don't worry, I will assign people to you."

What Sonosaki Saeko wanted was not just to capture W, but more importantly, to lure out Philip behind him and take him back.

Regarding the fact that he could freely enter and exit the Earth Library, Lu Li did not tell Sonosaki Saeko.

The main reason is that he doesn't want to be bored to death in the Earth Library.

He is not Philip. He is full of curiosity about everything and wants to read all the books in the Earth Library. Study it again.

Kurata Kenji lightly shrugged and patted his chest confidently.

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me and I will give you a satisfactory answer"

"good! That's up to you."

After the words fell, Sonosaki Saeko turned around and walked towards the company.

As for Kuraten Kenji, he left on a motorcycle nearby.

Seeing Sonosaki Saeko walking towards the company, Sudo Kirihiko hurriedly greeted him. Up

"President, that man just now was……?"

Glancing at Sudou Kirihiko, Sonosaki Saeko's eyes were full of disgust.

"Kirihiko Sudou, what does this have to do with you? When do I need you to take care of my affairs? Just do your own thing.

Don't be passive and slow down your work, otherwise... don't blame me for being rude."

Leaving such words coldly, Sonosaki Saeko passed over Sudou Kirihiko and continued walking into the company.

Sudou Kirihiko was left with a look of astonishment.

He really couldn't figure out what he had done. What kind of things can make Sonosaki hate him so much?

Apart from failing the mission, he should not have offended Sonosaki before.

How could he have imagined that Sonosaki has already mastered half of it. The museum power is on par with Sonosaki Ryuhei, and Sudo Kirihiko is Sonosaki Ryuhei's man. Naturally, Sonosaki Saeko becomes more and more disgusted with him as the relationship between the two fathers gradually deteriorates. Kirihiko becomes even more unpopular


Return to your president's office.

As soon as Sonosaki Saeko came in, she saw someone sitting on the seat by the window.

Since Sonosaki Saeko's back was turned, she didn't recognize who it was at the first time.

"Who let you in? Didn't I say that no one can enter my office casually? go out!"

Now Sonosaki Saeko has become more and more majestic as a queen.

The seat slowly turned around, and it was none other than Lu Li.

"Um? My dear, when did you come?"

Completely opposite to the cold attitude just now, Sonosaki Saeko, with a smile on her face, quickly came to Lu Li's side.

She hugged Sonosaki Saeko and took her into his arms.

"It's nothing, I just came here to take a look, and I happened to have nothing to do."

Since the Awakening Sword and other weapons were sent to be adjusted, Lu Li really has nothing to do.

The distance adjustment should be completed soon, and then he can test the adjusted Awakening Sword.

Just now, Lu Li was standing by the window, looking down from a high position. He also saw Sonosaki Saeko talking to a man, but because it was from a bird's eye view, Lu Li didn't see clearly who the man was.

Sonosaki Saeko didn't hide anything and honestly explained his plan. come out

"Dear, that guy just now was arranged by me this time, and I plan to recover the test body this time.

Now the company needs to produce more Gaia memories, and in order to expand the number of types, test bodies are necessary.‖"

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded.

After listening to Sonosaki Saeko's plan, Lu Li already knew who the man was.

Kurata Kenji, the user of the weapon memory, is a very despicable guy who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

In other words, it’s time for Fang Memory to appear again.

Compared with other memories, W in Fang Ace form has the greatest increase in power, and its fighting style will also completely change.

After all, Philip is taking the lead. In this case, the fighting style will naturally not be the same as that of Zuo Shotaro.

However, Lu Li is still waiting for the Ultimate Memory to appear, and Sonosaki Saeko's plan is destined to fail.

"W's other half? Saeko, I may disappoint you, that guy... I have other uses, and I can't let you bring him back yet."

Lu Li told Sonosaki Saeko bluntly that this plan was destined to fail.


Even Sonosaki Saeko didn't understand what Lu Li had planned at this moment.

There was no trace of blame in her eyes, but she asked with concern

"This... dear, how about I let that guy come back? If he disrupts your plan, wouldn't I have done something wrong?"

Even though Sonosaki Saeko wants to increase the company's memory types, she doesn't want to disrupt Lu Li's plan.

Even if she stops her own plan, she will let Lu Li's plan continue.

It will be the same as before. Sonosaki Saeko has a very strong personality and will never take a step back in this situation.

But this issue involves Lu Li, so Sonosaki Saeko would rather postpone her plan.

Seeing Sonosaki Saeko's face full of tension, Lu Li gently responded. Kissed her on the corner of the mouth

"It doesn't matter, since that guy has gone, let him go, don't worry, he... can't solve W.

Don't forget the form you took that night."

Lu Li's words reminded Sonosaki Saeko of the starting night a year ago.

W, half black and half white, was extremely powerful in combat and wiped out many employees of the company.

"That special memory?"

At this time, Sonosaki Saeko didn't know the name of the fang memory.

She only knew one thing, that is, that special memory was very powerful.

If it weren't for that special memory, W would not have been able to escape at all. of

"I understand, since you have plans, dear, let me put my plans on hold for the time being."

For the sake of Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko would rather give up her carefully prepared plan.

The number of Gaia memories that the museum can currently produce is actually not small. Increasing the types of memories is also to enrich the diversity, and it is not necessary.

And Sonosaki Saeko already has the full power of the taboo memory, and it is already very powerful. She doesn't care if she has more memory weight.

The big deal is that it will be later, and it won't have much impact.


Since coming back a few days ago, Phillip has been thinking about a question.

How can I make the fang memory manifest?

In this current situation, W very much needs the power of Fang Memory.

Just thinking about the King.form displayed by Lu Li and the unparalleled sense of oppression put great pressure on him and Zuo Shotaro.

If they encountered Lu Li again in the subsequent battle, they might not even be able to fight back.

The gap between the two sides is gradually widening, and Philip cannot just watch this happen.

W can still become stronger, and it must become stronger.

In the past two days, Philip has been immersed in the Earth Library, trying to find books related to fangs.

But unfortunately, he was not able to get what he wanted.

There were not enough keywords, so in the process of searching, he almost read them one by one.

But this is completely like finding a needle in a haystack. Even Philip is powerless in the face of the massive memories of the earth.

Exiting the Earth Library again, Philip walked out of the basement with the blank book in his hand.

He looked a little tired. He had not had a good rest in the past few days, so he naturally felt tired.

Seeing Phillip coming out with a tired look on his face, Shotaro Zuo saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

The other person is his unique partner, the two are close collaborators, two Kamen Riders in one.

In any case, he didn't want his partner to torture his body like this.

Walking forward, putting his hands on Phillip's shoulders, Shotaro Zuo said loudly

"Philip! Enough, enough! Stop thinking about yourself like this!"

If this continues, Philip's body will be worn down sooner or later.

Narukai Yajuko took out her green slippers again and patted Philip on the head.


Phillip covered the back of his head

"Philip, even if you are looking for it, you must also pay attention to rest.

You and Shotaro are unique partners. If a client comes to the firm and you are not there, wouldn't it be very troublesome?

Take a break, we all know how you feel."

The concern between the two made Phillip feel warm in his heart for some reason.

He didn't understand why he felt this way, but... it always felt good.

There was a smile on his face, even though he was hit on the back of the head. , but he was not angry because of it.

He felt like he was a family member. Only family members would truly care about him.

"I see."

As soon as he finished speaking, Philip suddenly saw a shadow flashing in the corner.

The shadow looked very familiar, wasn't it the fang memory?

But after he blinked, he found that the fang memory had disappeared again.

He didn't pay too much attention. He thought it was because he was too tired, which caused him to have an illusion.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and

Narumi Yasuki suddenly thought about it. wearing slippers and happily opening the door for the client.

"` ˇOh ho ho! Business is coming!"

After all, the three of them rely on the detective agency's commissions for their meals. If no clients come to the door, it means there is no business.

No business, it means they will be hungry.

"Shotaro, go ahead. I'll take a rest first. I'm really a little tired."

After that, Philip walked directly to the small bed beside him and lay down.

Looking at Philip who was already lying down, Shotaro Zuo shrugged helplessly and went to greet the client.

Then, they welcomed today's client

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