
Seeing Lu Li suddenly appearing in front of him, the new life form was suddenly startled and immediately wanted to retreat.

But he suddenly felt a chill in his body. When he lowered his head, he saw that a heavy gun had been pressed against his chest.

Lu Li pulled the trigger without hesitation, not worrying about the danger of the power backlash.


The tip of the reawakening gun condensed a terrifyingly powerful light bullet, which directly hit the new life form at close range and exploded instantly.

The fire of the explosion even swallowed up Lu Li. From this, we can see how terrifying the power is.


A scream like a child was heard, and the new life form flew out from the fire.

Obviously, he could not withstand Lu Li's attack.

When the fire of the explosion dissipated, Lu Li appeared again between W and the Imperial Cavalry. in the field of vision

"Is this guy... completely okay?!"

The power of the explosion that just happened, W felt that even at close range, it would be unbearable.

But he didn't expect that Lu Li was at the center of the explosion, and nothing happened.

Isn't this nonsense?

It's too much!

Emperor Cavalry He clapped his hands, knowing that his participation would probably not be needed in the next battle. There seemed to be nothing wrong with being a quiet spectator.

"It happened to be in the emperor form. If you want to blame it, you can only blame this guy's own bad luck."

The emperor seemed not to be optimistic about the new life form at all, thinking that the outcome of this battle was already doomed.

When the new life form got up from the ground again, when he saw Lu Li walking out of the fire, a wave of emotion surged in his heart. An indescribable feeling of fear.

According to the way of thinking of new life forms, such emotions as fear should not exist, but for some reason, he is afraid now.

"hateful! One nasty guy after another comes to ruin my fun! Kill you!!"

The new life form roared and jumped into the sky, and its body rushed into the sky quickly.

It looked like it was preparing to take advantage of the geographical advantage.

But he seemed to have forgotten one thing. Behind Lu Li was a pair of stag beetle-like wings.

Golden facial armor Lu Li stood down with a smile on his face.

"It's not just you who can fly."

The wings behind him vibrated frequently, and in the next second, his body rushed towards the new life form.

The flying speed was very fast, and even the new life form could not match the speed of Lu Li in flight.

I saw a golden flash across the sky, quickly approaching the new type of life form that was flying upwards.

Seeing that golden flash, W couldn't help but secretly gasp.

"So fast!"

This speed is not inferior to the previous form.

Among all the King.forms, the only one with the ability to fly is Garren's King.form.

Whether it is Wild Kallis or the Imperial Sword , and the Emperor Staff, do not have the ability to fly directly.

If you want to fly, you may need to use the power of the corresponding awakening card.


The new life form quickly broke through the clouds and soared into the sky.

Everything he said just now was all fart. At this time, he had no intention of revenge at all, but was thinking about how to escape from here.

He had already seen Lu Li's terrifying Now that he is powerful, he, the most evil and powerful weirdo, seems to be unable to do anything in front of the other party.

The thirty-six strategies may be the best way at the moment.

At worst, he will wait until he becomes stronger before taking revenge. Now... forget it


And just when he thought he had successfully escaped, a red energy ball suddenly appeared in front of him and exploded.

The power of the explosion of the red energy ball was very terrifying, causing the new type of life form that was flying fast to be instantly affected. a powerful impact


The new life form screamed, and he quickly adjusted his posture to maintain his balance.

Looking at the scars on his body, he was filled with anger.

When he turned his head, he saw the golden stream of light that was very close to him, and he yelled angrily

"hateful! At worst, I'll fight you! Let’s see who dies today!"

Knowing that you can't escape, continuing to expose your back to the other party will only make your defeat worse.

Running away will make you die faster. If you fight to the death, you might still be alive..

The new life form changed direction and headed towards the golden stream of light.

The next moment, the golden stream of light collided with the silver-gray body.


A terrifying energy explosion, powerful energy spread in all directions around.

Under this terrifying energy explosion, the surrounding clouds retreated one after another.

The sky that was originally full of clouds instantly turned into a clear sky under the explosion. There were no clouds at all.

Underground, W and Emperor Qi could only see a golden stream of light and a silver stream of light intersecting rapidly in the sky, and

W clenched his fists tightly. He felt deeply. At this point in time, the power gap between him and Lu Li means that depending on his current situation, there is no doubt that the possibility of defeating Uncle and Zhenna is zero. Only by becoming stronger can he have the slightest chance. They were qualified to fight against Lu Li.

The two were knights of the same mind, so Philip could naturally sense that Zuo Shotaro seemed to be depressed, so he immediately comforted him.

"Shotaro, don't be discouraged. I will study how to use the fang memory when I return. By then, our combat effectiveness will be further improved."

Hearing this, W did not answer, but just nodded silently.

They really need more powerful power. Only by mastering more powerful power can they defeat Lu Li.

Otherwise, everything is empty talk.

Although the Emperor Qi does not understand why Gareen He will appear in this world, and he also has King.form.

But from W's side, he can know that maybe... this Garren with King.form is not the one he knows... he is an alien to this world. Or?

And he clearly felt that W was obviously hostile to this Garren. This made him even more confused. Why would the two Kamen Riders become enemies?

I don't understand.

There are too many things that I still can't figure out, and Di Qi doesn't dwell on the minutiae of this matter.

Anyway, as long as the new life form can be solved, that

's all. It is not easy for him to get involved in the problems between the other two.


The battle in the air continues.

Lu Li suddenly punched the new life form in the face.

The huge power instantly repelled the new life form, but it was not fatal, it just injured him.

The battle between the two was completely dominated by Lu Li's overwhelming superiority, which made the new life form extremely angry.

He tried to fight back several times, but was beaten back all the time. Not only that, he was also taught a terrible lesson.

Before he could react, the next second the reawakening gun was pressed against his back.


The terrifying energy poured into his back instantly.


Intense pain filled the brain of the new life form, causing him to scream in agony uncontrollably.

Under the explosion of terrifying energy, the new life form could not stop falling toward the ground. 0......

The falling speed is getting faster and faster.

Finally, he fell to the ground, and the earth trembled


The sky was filled with flying dust and gunpowder smoke.

"Solve it?"

W was shocked in his heart.

After receiving such a terrifying attack, the possibility of surviving is almost zero, and he should not survive.

But the Emperor Qi shook his head.

"No, it probably hasn't been resolved yet."

There is no reason for such an extremely durable monster like a new life form to be solved so easily.

Just as the voice of the imperial knight fell, waves of angry roars came from the smoke-filled pit.

"Ahhhh!! Kill you! I am going to kill you!!"

There was not only anger in the voice, but also pain.


The golden stream of light fell from the sky and landed steadily on the edge of the pit.

The powerful aura dispersed all the surrounding smoke and dust.

Looking down at the new life form from above, Lu Li didn't care about his incompetence and rage.

Output It's not done by roaring, no matter how loud it is, it won't work.

The golden armor on his body is shining with red lightning, and Lu Li can feel that the current King.form can only go so far in this battle. It's time to come to an end

"The one who was killed... was you."

As Lu Li's cold voice fell, his upper body was shining with golden light.

The reliefs on his body seemed to be affected by Lu Li's control power, and they transformed into golden awakening cards.

There were five awakening cards in total, and all of them were now. Transformed into gold. Put these five awakening cards that have transformed into gold into the reawakening gun in order.


Integrating five golden awakening cards, Lu Li's body bloomed with dazzling golden light, and he poured into the awakening gun crazily.

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