Knight, the beginning of the ultimate battle, re-engraved slate author: Knight Meow

Lu Li traveled through time and came to the ultimate battle.

He became the ancestor of mankind and participated in the extreme battle.

Obtain special engraving ability, which can copy the target ability.

A new extreme battle has begun, and Lu Li's goal is not just to become the winner


Shotaro Zuo: Why is this guy so strong?!

Philip: Why can you also enter the Earth Library?

The Way of Self-denial: We......Same?

Wang Xiaoming: What the hell! I passed through an incredible world!

Chapter 1 The ancestor of mankind? Extreme battle! First goal!

On the blue seaside, on the sunny beach.

Standing by the beach was a man with a strong build, draped in tattered clothes, and with long, dark, messy hair.

Opposite him was a strange-looking black stone slab with a twisted shape in the middle.

Sealing slate!

Dominate the extreme battle!

Looking at the sealing slate that appeared in front of him, Lu Li's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about the problem.

Myself...what choice should I make now?


Lu Li is a time traveler.

Half a month ago, he came to this inexplicable world.

As for how he got here, he didn't know.

When he reacted, he was already being hunted.

As for the person chasing him, it was a monster that looked very scary.

Lu Li fled for a long time before reluctantly relying on the advantage of the terrain to lay out bait and avoid the monster's pursuit.

While the monster was chasing him, Lu Li could really see what the monster looked like.

There is a pair of strange wings behind him and a sharp blade in his hand, like a dragonfly monster.

The most special thing is that there is a strange belt around his waist.

The first time he saw the monster, Lu Li felt that it looked very familiar, and he didn't think about it for a while.

But when he saw the belt, he finally determined what the other party was.

Undead! It can also be called undead.

The monster that appears in Kamen Rider Sword!

He came to such a dangerous world inexplicably.

Afterwards, Lu Li understood it through some exploration.

What he came to was not a modern world, but a world in the midst of an ancient extreme battle.

And he reacted when he saw the same belt around his waist as the monster.

Two of Hearts...the ancestor of mankind!

Yes, Lu Li was the ancestor of mankind in the Extreme War and became a part of the Extreme War.

The Ultimate Battle was a battle between fifty-three undead creatures.

The undead who ultimately prevail will be allowed to dominate the earth.

After learning that he had become the ancestor of the Red Hearts, Lu Li almost collapsed on the spot.

He came to this world inexplicably, and became a member of the Extreme Battle inexplicably, and he was also the ancestor of mankind who was not very powerful in combat.

This is quite annoying.

Fortunately, Lu Li didn't just become the ancestor of humanity in the Extreme Battle, he also gained special abilities.

There are three marks on his right hand, which are blood red and resemble some kind of engraving.

The effect is very abnormal, that is, you can copy the target, obtain all the opponent's abilities, and strengthen yourself.

However, there must be a prerequisite for using this ability, that is, if the opponent does not resist, you can only succeed by covering the target with your hands.

At first, Lu Li thought that he would not do anything in this extreme battle, and whether he could survive was a question.

But with this terrifying ability, as long as you deal with it carefully, it is not impossible to win the final victory.

The ancestor of mankind itself represents the sprit (soul), possesses powerful spiritual (soul) power, and can even affect the target.

This is also the most basic and fundamental ability that Lu Li has mastered.

Compared with other monsters with powerful combat power, it is indeed a bit far behind.

The ancestors of mankind were almost at the bottom in terms of combat effectiveness. Lu Li had to prioritize finding a powerful target, copying all the opponent's abilities, and enhancing his own combat effectiveness.

Excluding the remaining 52 undead creatures that Lu Li was looking for, they must be those with relatively strong combat capabilities.

For targets whose combat effectiveness is too low, even if their abilities are copied, they won't be of much use.

The three engravings represented a total of three opportunities, and Lu Li needed to be particularly careful when using them.

The target he is targeting must be a special undead creature, or a superior undead creature.

Special undead creatures are Category A in each flower type, and advanced undead creatures are naturally Category J in each flower type.、Q、K

Being able to copy these goals will naturally bring huge improvements in strength.

And when Lu Li was looking for his first target, he happened to encounter a battle not long after.

During the battle, both of them happened to be the targets Lu Li was looking for.

The two sides fighting are Kallis, who represents the Ace of Hearts, and the other, the Jack of Hearts, the wolf undead creature, which represents the superior undead creature.

At this moment, the two sides were evenly matched.

Kalis and wolf undead creatures are almost equally powerful in combat.

In the hearty battle, both sides were covered with scars.

In the end, they fell almost at the same time.

Precisely because of this, Lu Li was given an excellent opportunity.

After a bloody battle, both of them fell down, and the belts around their waists opened one after another, waiting for the sealing stone to come and seal them.

If it is not sealed for a period of time, the belt around the waist will close on its own.

Only by fighting again and making the opponent lose their fighting power can they be opened.

Both were very high-quality targets. Lu Li looked between the two and chose Kallis without hesitation.

No need to think about it, every man has a dream of being a knight!

And now the most knight-like of the two is Kalis.

Thinking of this, Lu Li walked towards Kallis without hesitation.

Kallis and the wolf undead creature, who had almost lost their fighting power, noticed that other undead creatures were approaching and were very wary.

Unfortunately, they had lost their fighting power and were unable to stop Lu Li.

In order to prevent the opponent from suddenly acting violently, Lu Li deliberately used mind control.

This ability is both powerful and useless.

It must be performed successfully without much resistance from the target.

Kallis, who had temporarily lost his combat effectiveness, was naturally unable to resist the mind control exerted by Lu Li.

Lu Li also touched Kallis' body with his hands very smoothly.


As the mark on the back of his right hand disappeared, a burst of red light flashed.

The mark that was used left a shallow mark on the back of the hand, and he didn't know how to restore it.

These are not things Lu Li needs to consider for the time being.

The process of copying the opponent's ability only took a few seconds.

Soon, Lu Li had many applications of the ability in his mind.

At the same time, under the influence of the strange power, Lu Li also successfully transformed into Kallis..

With this advantage, he can freely switch back and forth between human form and Kalis.

PS: The new book is about to start, and everyone is welcome to contribute.

I am grateful and wishing for everything.


The second target in Chapter 2!

First show weakness in human form, and then when the opponent is about to kill, he suddenly transforms into Kallis and launches a sneak attack.

He sees another Kallis lying on the ground.

There was deep shock in the eyes of Kalis and the undead wolf.

They couldn't figure out why an identical Chalice (himself) appeared.

After doing all this, Lu Li did not leave.

Changing back and forth between these forms, this matter could not be leaked for the time being.

Moreover, if he wanted to win the extreme battle, he had to seal the other undead creatures.

Therefore, Lu Li did his best to seal the two of them.

Leith and the wolf undead creature probably never expected that a third party would suddenly appear in a battle between the two of them.



The tone was full of reluctance, but neither of them had the slightest resistance.

In the sky, the sealing stone slab had descended.

The sealing stone slab changed from a twisted shape to a flat stone slab, and a strange power instantly enveloped Kali. Si and the wolf undead creature.

Under this strange power, the two turned into awakening cards and fell next to Lu Li. He successfully obtained two cards, one of category A and the other one was an advanced undead creature card. The only pity is that

Lu Li, who does not have the Awakening Device, cannot use the power of these two cards for the time being.

But... Lu Li already has his next target, which is the fifty-three undead creatures. Among them, the most special one is


There are still two opportunities for re-engraving. The first thing Lu Li thinks of is naturally the most special one.

In addition to the fact that the other party is very strong, the other reason is that Joker has it. A special awakening device.

Once he copies Joker, Lu Li can transform into the real Kamen Rider Kalis and use the power of various awakening cards.

But... finding Joker is not an easy task..The most important thing is how to defeat it.

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