Rotten meat splashed in all directions like raindrops.

Zeta next to him was splashed all over his face!


He unconsciously vomited a lot of light particles.

The already flashing color timer flashed faster.

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get blessings: energy purity +66, defense +101! ]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, and gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +999! ]

[You suddenly realized the Universe Fantasy Beast Fist·Phantom Water Snake Fist! ]

[You suddenly realized the Universe Fantasy Beast Fist·Flying Crane Fist! ]

[You suddenly realized the Ultra Bomb, and because of the blessing of Mother Earth, you don't need the Ultra Heart and can exert the maximum power! ]

Lufa stood where he was.

He looked at Zeta next to him who had vomited and stared at him blankly.

He showed a kind smile.

"Zeta, you just called me Master, right?"

"Want to learn? I'll teach you."

When Zeta heard this, the scene of Lufa teaching Thunder Killer in his mind just now appeared unconsciously.

He shook his head like a rattle!

No, no, no!

He didn't want to be used as a suit by Lufa! ! !

Lufa smiled.

He immediately stepped on the ground and flew to the clouds.

Because Zeta was afraid that Lufa would teach him, he waited for a long time before flying away.


At the door of the armory command room.

Lufa, who had turned back into a human body, was about to go in.


In the sky, a light text that only he could see suddenly appeared.

Lufa narrowed his eyes.

"Is that... Master Ace's Ultra Signature?".

Chapter 38 A great harvest! Seiga Storm, King's Hammer, Fantasy Beast Fist! ! !

'Lufa, I asked Hikari to send you this Ultra Signature through the inter-time and space device. Are you okay? ’

Ace’s Ultra Signature said so.

Lufa felt warm in his heart.

He knew that his master was concerned about him.

He immediately sent out an Ultra Signature with telekinesis.

‘Thank you for the invitation! I’m in another universe and just dealt with the Belia Fusion Beast. ’

‘Thank you for the invitation? What a strange word… Wait, you said Belia Fusion Beast? ! ’

‘Well, Belia was pulled to my side by Tartarus, and Zero was sent into the dimensional rift by Bruton. Zeta Iron Waste is useless, but don’t worry, I can handle it, you don’t need to come. ’

At the same time.

The Kingdom of Light.

“What the hell?!!!”

Looking at Lufa’s Ultra Signature in response, Ace couldn’t help but spit out foul language instantly.

Belia? ? ?

Is it the Belia he knows?

Such a big thing happened, and Lufa actually said it now! ?

What are those two things of Zero and Zeta doing!

No wonder Ace is so anxious.

Lufa said that Belia Fusion Beast was definitely not the non-blackened Belia that Tartarus had brought before.

It was the blackened version possessed by the Rebrando Starman!

How could this be possible! ?

That was the strongest dark Ultraman who almost destroyed the Land of Light!

Just then.

Taro flew in from a distance.

He didn't even wear a cloak.

It was obvious that he had just returned from a mission.

Seeing Ace's horrified expression.

He immediately asked:

"Brother Ace, what's wrong?"

Ace forced himself to calm down and told Taro about the matter.

Including the fact that Genega went to the Space Science and Technology Bureau to steal the Zeta Sublimator and the medal when Taro was out on a mission.

As expected.

Taro's reaction was exactly the same as his.

"Belia!? Is Tartarus crazy?"

If the non-blackened Belia still had a trace of rationality.

Belia possessed by the Rebrando Starman was a complete lunatic!

Isn't Tartarus afraid that he can't control him and his kingdom will suffer?

"Brother Ace, let's go over and kill Belia!" Taro said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, according to Lufa's situation, even Belia can hold out for a while!"

Ace said:

"To be on the safe side, the first thing we have to do is to get Brother Zoffy and the others who are on a mission outside back!"

"Six people go together, only then can we be sure to deal with Belia!"

"Still waiting???"

Taro looked at Ace as if he was looking at a madman.

Is he talking human words? ? ?

If he remembered correctly, Lufa was his apprentice, right?

He just came of age.

But Ace said to let him deal with Belia alone? ?

What the hell, do you have a grudge against your apprentice?

He's still a child!

Ace looked at Taro in surprise:

"What? How do you know that my apprentice Lufa not only easily neutralized the kicking skills of Zero and Leo's flying kick, but also used physical skills to beat him into the Silver Cross Division?"

Taro: Huh?


He didn't ask anything!

Suddenly reacted.

A shocked face:

"You said he defeated Zero with physical skills???"

How is this possible!

Who is Zero?

The captain of the Ultimate Zero Guard, the strongest body in the universe, and the warrior with the greatest potential in the Kingdom of Light.

The strength is even better than that of the Ultra Brothers!

The normal state is comparable to the ultimate form of the new generation!

Tell him that Lufa, a mage, defeated Zero with physical skills?

Taro thought this was impossible!

But looking at Ace's expression, he was not joking at all!

Is Lufa so strong? !

"Hiss, I seem to remember whose apprentice was kicked out by Leofei?"

"Sorry, sorry, my memory is not good recently."

Ace said with a smile.

Taro's face was full of black lines.

Don't get carried away here!

Despite this.

Taro still thinks Ace is too careless!

Lufa's physical skills beat Zero, but it doesn't mean he can fight against Belia!

You know.

Even Ultimate Zero.

During the Parker crisis, he was defeated by Belia using the Ultimate Battle Device, and even the Ultimate Armor was broken, and it took a long time to repair it.

Not to mention

Lufa is definitely in danger!

And it's life-threatening!

Belia must have at least Shining Zero to have the strength to fight!

Your apprentice Lufa beat Normal Zero, can he beat Shining Zero? ? ?

Forget it!


Now there are demon fragments floating everywhere in the universe. When they come into contact with monsters, they will immediately make the monsters violent and out of control.

This is also the reason why they go on missions all day and may not come back for several days.

And the demon fragments are produced.

It is because of the special factors formed by the cells that were scattered when Belia was injured!

Taro feels that he is responsible for this.

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