Sakomizu Shingo's eyes lit up.

Teppei had heard of the fame of Lufa Chinese Restaurant a long time ago, so when he heard that Lufa was going to cook, he looked at it and wanted to eat it right away.

Aihara Ryu and George looked at Lufa curiously.

I didn't expect Lufa to be so familiar with the guys.

However, they had also heard of the name of Lufa Chinese Restaurant, and curiosity also appeared in their eyes.

Sakomizu Shingo introduced Lufa: "By the way, Lufa, let me introduce you to our guys members Aihara Ryu and George. They are both very good!"

"Hello." Lufa greeted.

At this time, Hibino Mirai looked at Lufa in confusion and said curiously: "Senior, is your cooking really so delicious?"

Lufa is very powerful, and he looks like a young master in terms of clothing and temperament.

He doesn't look like he can cook at all.

"You'll know when you eat it."

Lufa smiled, and then asked the guys to go to the box to order food.

After a period of waiting, under the expectation of the guys, Lufa finally served the dishes.

The color, aroma and taste were all good, and Hibino Mirai also widened her eyes slightly in astonishment.

Kinomi and Marina waved their hands and fanned the aroma of the food in front of their noses!

"Oh my god, it smells so good, it looks so delicious." Kinomi looked at the food in front of her and felt her mouth constantly secreting saliva.

"I can't help it, I'm going to eat." Marina picked up the chopsticks and directly picked up the nearest dish.

The two women couldn't wait to taste Lufa's cooking skills.

Aihara Ryu and George, as well as Sakumui Shingo and Hibino Mirai, who were standing by, were also seduced by the aroma of the food served by Lufa and couldn't stop.


One exclamation after another echoed in the box.

The guys, at the moment of the food entering their mouths, were occupied by a taste that they could not refuse.


It was really delicious.

The eyes of guys Shingo Sasaki and his friends lit up almost at the same time, and the chopsticks in their hands swept the food in front of them like a hurricane.

"It's delicious!!" Kinomi covered her mouth and chewed quickly.

"He's handsome and cooks so deliciously. He's the perfect boyfriend." Marina confided her feelings in her heart, and then the chopsticks in her hand kept falling.

Until the end.

Even Aihara Ryu, George, and Teppei, the three newcomers, started to scramble for food.

Even more exaggerated, Aihara Ryu directly picked up the plate and licked it!

To be honest, Shingo Sasaki and Hibino Mirai were a little envious of them when they saw them like this.

If there weren't too many people at the scene.

Well... they actually wanted to try what it felt like to lick the plate. They just wanted to experience this wonderful thing, not because of the remaining soup on it!

With a long and satisfied exhalation, the battle in the box finally ended.

Shingo Sasaki paid the fee with great satisfaction, then patted his stomach and returned to the base with the guys!

After all, they didn't have much time to play this time.

"Next time, if you can, please cook again next time!" Kimi said to Lufa with stars in her eyes before leaving.

"If I'm free, it doesn't matter." Lufa smiled and nodded.

"Great." Marina cheered.

The guys Sakumui Shingo and his eyes lit up when they heard this.

Sakumui Shingo walked to Lufa and patted him on the shoulder: "I really want to invite you back to the guys base and let you be our back kitchen."

Aihara Ryu, George and Teppei nodded frantically.

Hibino Mirai laughed when he heard this.

Lufa is their guys back kitchen, the captain is really bold!

If you know Lufa's identity, you will probably be scared to death!

The guys left.

On the way back, Kimi, Marina, Aihara Ryu, George, and Teppei were all discussing Lufa's magic.

He looks good, has good skills, and looks young and rich.

This is simply a perfect method that came out of a comic book.

Time passed again.

Today, guys received a mysterious invitation, and it is said that they will visit an unimaginable theoretical future technology!

Guys, Shingo Sasaki and others have arrived at an empty test base.

In front of them.

Assistant Officer Toriyama is covering and introducing his experimental project.

"Yes, it is to use the past monster data in the guys' archive records as a reference."

"Use the meteor transcendence technology to materialize the monster again."

"What do you mean?" George was a little confused when he heard it.

"It is to use the micro-machines sealed in the capsule to combine with the high-energy molecules transmitted from the guys base, and then realize the materialization of the monster."

A staff member explained diligently: "According to the experimental data, the monster summoned in this way can move on the earth for one minute."

"So interesting?"

Aihara Ryu said a little surprised.

"¨ˇ That's right, we have made a transcendence device. His name is Mikulas. Mikulas is a friend of humans and a very kind monster."

"I'm calling you here to visit this time. I just want to see who among you can control Mikulas to fight."

Assistant Toriyama said to the guys with a smile.

"If that's the case, where is that device?" Shingo Gatsumi asked curiously.

Hearing about such an interesting experiment, he became interested.

Actually controlling monsters to fight?

In the past, this was completely unthinkable.

"This is the summoning device." The staff took out a memory display device and a Mikulas capsule.

"Okay, let me try it!" Aihara Ryuu took the memory display instrument directly from the staff, and then walked to the console not far away.

"Come on, Aihara Ryu!" Mariina shouted to Aihara Ryu.

"I will handle it."

Ryu Aihara patted his chest, and then followed the staff's explanation just now and began to place Mikulas' capsule on the memory display device.

Along with pressing the start switch.

Only three green circles of light appeared, and then a huge monster appeared in front of everyone.

Capsule Monster: Mikulas!

"It really worked!" Ryuu Aihara couldn't help but said in surprise as he looked at the monster he summoned himself.

"It seems to have worked."

"We humans can really control monsters, I can't believe it!"

"If we can really control monsters, we can control monsters to defeat the monsters that invade the earth in the future!"


Guys everyone exclaimed.

Hibino Mirai was slightly surprised when he saw Mikulas being summoned.

Didn’t you expect that human technology has reached this level?

Even monsters can be controlled and summoned for battle.

But soon, Hibino's future thoughts were directly dismissed.

Because Mikulas looked simply too stupid.

Not only did he make all kinds of mistakes in the next test, he even didn't dare to fight when facing the holographic projection monster, Dinozoru.

It was not until the end (Wang Lihao) that Mu Zhimei came on stage to appease Mikulas that Mikulas had the idea of ​​fighting.

But before he could rush over, the one minute of summoning ended.

This made everyone in Guys feel confused.

This Mikulas is simply too funny.

How could it be possible to go into battle and fight monsters like this?

And when the guys were using meteor transcendence technology to materialize and test the artificial monster of Mikulas, a huge monster was falling towards the earth in the starry sky of the universe.

Dangerous monster from the universe: Cherubim.

Bogaru stood in the center of a city, looking at Cherubim who landed from the sky, and licked his lips from the inside of his mouth with his long terrifying tongue.

"Welcome, Cherubim!"

The evil demonic sound makes people shudder when they hear it.

Cherubim is a very powerful monster. It can use three powerful weapons to attack its opponents. It can spit fireballs from its mouth to attack enemies at a distance, use its long tail to attack enemies at a medium distance, and use its head to attack enemies at a close distance. The big horn comes to attack.

In the original work.

When Membius and Cherubim fought, they suffered countless hardships.

After everyone returned to the base, they originally thought about letting Mu Zhimei deepen the bond with Mikulas, but the guys suddenly received news of the attack! !

Meiqixue said to everyone: "A monster appears from the universe to kill the earth."


Shingo was shocked.

"Isn't there a space defense space station?" Aihara Ryuu asked in surprise.

"The space defense satellites have all been destroyed. Monsters have descended on xxx city. It's best to dispatch them immediately." Mei Qixue explained.

"In this case, we have to leave as soon as possible."

Shingo Masui nodded, and then looked at Hibino Mirai and the others.


Hibino Mirai and the others looked solemn, then responded to Shingo Masui, and immediately started dispatching on the Phoenix! .

Chapter 187: Summon Galatron MK2, the whole audience was shocked!

in the city.

Cherubim is wreaking havoc.

The terrifying tail spun, almost turning into a tornado and destroying the parking lot, constantly causing devastating damage to the surrounding buildings.

In an instant, it caused huge damage to the entire city.

Auxiliary Officer Toriyama and the others, watching Cherubim destroy the city, immediately gave an order to guys Teppei, Hibino Mirai and the others: "Quickly, stop the monster, we can't let him continue to destroy the city like this."

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