Barton was so angry!

He was ready for revenge, but he was killed.

Then why could he withstand the attack without dying before! !

"Huh, it's finally solved!" Dark Orb was relieved when he saw Barton was solved.


Mebius was surprised when Dark Orb solved Barton.

In the sky.

Loading the Beauty of the Nogi, Marina was also excited when she saw Barton was killed.

The citizens around, as well as the Ultra Brothers, were also very happy.

Ultraman Lufa nodded slightly.

Sure enough, Barton was killed directly after the energy was removed!

But Orb didn't notice it at all. Was he secretly interfering?

Tsk tsk!

It seems that Orb is still far away!

Orb had just solved Barton and was about to talk to Mebius. After all, Mebius was a senior that Orb respected very much.

On Lufa's side.

A system prompt appeared in front of him, and the summoning time of Ultraman Orb was approaching.

"I finally summoned Orb!"

"Why don't you just give him a beating and let him go?"

Lufa smiled in his heart and walked towards Dark Orb.

But at this time, Mebius was faster than him.

Chapter 183 Orb: Hehehe, teach Senior Mebius well~!

Mebius walked to Orb in two or three steps, and then said directly: "Hello, please help me with special training!"


Oub was stunned.

Mebius came to ask him for guidance?

Is it wrong?

But when Orb thought that he had traveled to this world, it seemed that the time point was when Mebius was still on the Earth Trial, and he understood!

Unexpectedly, the rumored Ultraman Mebius would also have his turn to guide?

Oub was secretly happy.

This feeling of teaching a senior made Orb feel~very happy for some reason.

"Senior Mebius, you don't have to be so polite!"

Dark Light Orb removed the Dark Light form, and then turned back into Orb Chongguang and said: "If you want me to give you special training, there is no problem at all."


"That's great!"

Mebius' eyes sparkled with joy.

Ultraman Luffy, who was standing by, saw this and folded his arms with interest.


I wanted to teach Ultraman Orb, but since Orb wanted to learn about Mebius for him, I let him go.

But Orb, the junior, is teaching senior Mebius.

To be honest, Luffy felt very strange when he saw this.

Summoning Ultra Warriors from the future is really interesting!


After agreeing to give Mebius special training, Orb looked at Luffy and asked in confusion: "Who are you?"

"Ultraman Luffy!"

Mebius walked to Ultraman Luffy and introduced with a smile: "He should be considered our senior, and his strength is very strong."


Orb's eyes sparkled!

Orb had never heard that in the Mebius world, there were other Ultra Warriors besides Mebius.

Lufa was not afraid of Orb's gaze.

The two Ultramen looked at each other, and then Orb dispelled his doubts and said to Mebius: "Senior Mebius, when do we start special training?"



After that, Mebius distanced himself from Orb.

"Now?" Orb was stunned, but seeing that Mebius had distanced himself from him, he nodded helplessly.

Good guy.

Orb originally thought that Mebius would receive him and then consider the special training.

As a result, he had to conduct special training now.

Isn't this too positive?


How can I go back to my original world?

Although Orb wanted to express these doubts, he should first solve the battle with Mebius.

In the Sky Loader, Teppei, Kiyomi, and Marina were stunned to see Orb and Mebius in a fighting stance.

Kiyomi said, “What’s wrong with that Ultraman? Is he going to fight Mebius?”

“So sudden!”

Marina was also surprised.

Teppei said, “Could it be that the two Ultraman want to spar with each other?”

In the guys base.

Shingo Sakami saw this scene and told Teppei that Kiyomi had already said, “Don’t change your form casually. Wait and see what happens. They should just be sparring normally!”


Hearing Shingo Sakami’s words, the three immediately responded.

After answering Shingo Sakami, Kiyomi and the others became curious!

"It looks like they are really going to fight, but from the previous performance, it is clear that the new Ultra Warrior is stronger!"

"Yeah, Mebius is completely useless now!"

"Although I also want to believe in Mebius, the previous battle between this new Ultra Warrior and Barton was completely different from Mebius' performance. I also feel that it is Mebius!"

The citizens of the city were talking about it when they saw Mebius and Orb squaring up and preparing for a fight.

However, they felt that Orb was stronger and Mebius was no match for them, as predicted by Kinomi and others.

Ultra Brothers!

Hayata Susumu, Morohoshidan, Gohideki and Hokuto Seiji, their eyes flickered slightly when they saw Uub getting ready and Mebius.

"Can Mebius win?" Susumu Hayata said.

"Probably not." Zhu Xingtuan shook his head.

Beside him, Hideki Gogo and Beidou Seiji also spoke at this time.

"Not necessarily. After all, Mebius still has a lot of room for growth. He might be able to make a breakthrough in battle!"

"Yes, we should believe in Mebius."

In the midst of everyone's discussion.

··········Ask for flowers·········

Uub said with slight respect to Membius: "Senior Membius, come on!"


Membius nodded, and then said seriously: "Then I'll start."

Build it!

After Membius finished speaking, he snorted lightly and used a swallow-style flying kick to kick Uub.

However, now Orb can single-play Rebotus and has become a complete large version.

Membius didn't even pass the novice village, how could he be Uub's opponent?


Mebius's flying kick looked like a weak normal attack in Uub's eyes.

Uub easily dodged Mebius' attack.


..... 0

"Your foot strength is not concentrated enough. You need to concentrate more."

While dodging, Orb was still telling what matters should be paid attention to when Membius flies.

Lufa looked on, feeling a little surprised!

Because under Uub's guidance, Mebius's strength is improving rapidly.

Good guy!

Lufa finally saw how terrifying it was to be a son of the world.

Every Ultra warrior in the Ultra world can abnormally improve their abilities in all aspects after undergoing some specific training and teachings.

For example, Galaxy also has the human body of Victory, Auditorium Light, and Xiang. After being specially trained by Zero, they merged into Galaxy Victory, and even the time-traveling demon Atarga can be easily killed!

And then there’s Terika Manaka Kengo!

When Manaka Kengo obtained the power of the eternal core and unlocked the shining form of the eternal core, he went berserk because he was unable to control the power of the shining form of the eternal core, wasting a lot of energy.

As a result, Libut performed a dance with Manaka Kengo, and then the power was controlled!

This is so fucking outrageous.

In some respects, other than wall-hangers like Lu Fa, others have no way to crack it.

After giving some pointers, Uub felt that Membius was giving him a little pressure, and then he punched Membius away, pulled away and said: "Senior Membius, you have almost improved now. Now we Let the real battle begin!"

After Orb finished speaking, he directly used Orb's Holy Sword and transformed into Orb's original form! Son.

Chapter 184: Mebius was shocked: Is this my power? !

"It can actually turn into another form." Mebius couldn't help but exclaimed slightly when he saw that Uub, in addition to the three forms he had transformed into before, now had another form.

Good guy.

Everyone is an Ultra Warrior, so this is outrageous.

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