Ultraman Rufa heard Barton's chirping, looked away from Mebius, and then looked at Barton.


Under the gaze of Mebius, the guys, and the citizens, Ultraman Lufa took the initiative to challenge Barton: "Come on!"

When Barton saw Lufa's provocation, he roared, flapped his wings, and grabbed Lufa directly.

The huge falcon looks full of attack power.

Even more so, he was flapping his wings.

Due to the huge momentum, Barton's whole body flew out and attacked Lufa like a rocket.

However, facing Barton's attack, Ultraman Lufa just turned sideways, and then when Barton passed by him, he grabbed Barton's foot with one hand.


Barton felt his feet being grabbed and suddenly roared uneasily.

And then the next second.


A huge roar exploded in front of Lufa.

Barton, who was flying in mid-air, was suddenly thrown to the ground by Ultraman Lufa.

The huge pain caused Barton to scream in even more pain.

far away.

Guys Teppei, as well as Mu Zhimei, and Jinna couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise when they saw this scene, in the city not far away.

The crowd who had been taking refuge couldn't help but make an uproar when they saw this scene.

"Oh my god, he deserves to be Ultraman Lufa. He can catch monsters like this."

"Yes, the strange bird monster just now was so fast that Ultraman Lufa was able to catch it. It's incredible!"

"Compared to Mebius, Ultraman Rufa is simply too powerful!"

"Come on Ultraman Lufa, you are the best!"

Ultraman Lufa's strength was once again recognized by everyone.

Lufa ignored the exclamations coming from around him, but prepared to let Barton experience the darkest moment in his life.

Let other Pattons know.

Just stay alive in the volcano from now on and don't run out.

If Barton knew what Lufa was thinking, he would probably burst into tears.

This has nothing to do with Barton.

There is someone!

There is someone! !

However, Ultraman Lufa probably couldn't hear Barton's voice, just because Lufa had already started to ravage Barton.

He smashed Barton who was rushing towards him to the ground.

Then Ultraman Lufa pulled it directly to the ground with one hand!

Barton, who was lying on the ground, was pulled up by Ultraman Lufa.

"Quack!" Barton looked at Ultraman Lufa with a somewhat frightened expression, he felt fear.

However this is of no use.

Ultraman Lufa's eyes flashed, and then he patted Barton on the shoulder.

next moment.

Lufa grabbed the joint between the two hanging balls of Barton's chin with both hands, and then used force in his hands.

"Stab it!"

With an explosion of sparks, Barton suddenly looked up in pain and screamed.

Sparks erupted from his chin.

In Ultraman Lufa's hands, he was holding both of Barton's balls!

"When I saw Barton before, I had wanted to do this for a long time. Now it feels good!" Ultraman Lufa shook Barton's balls in his hand and said to Barton with a smile.


Barton stepped back continuously, looking at Lufa as if he were looking at a devil.


This Ultra Warrior is so terrifying, he is simply not an Ultra Warrior.

When Membius saw this, his eyes flashed violently, and he was confused!

Good guy.

Sure enough, Ultraman Lufa's battle was unexpected!

However, the damage caused to Barton in this way is also extremely considerable. Now Barton's aura has been almost visibly weakened by several percent!

··········Ask for flowers·········

Mebius nodded secretly.

It turns out that this is how the battle with Patton came about.

When he met Barton again in the future, Membius decided to deal with Barton in the same way as Lufa.

Ultraman Rufa probably doesn't know that he directly influenced Membius?


Lufa always felt like he was a bit out of his depth when shaking the two hanging balls of Barton in his hand. Would it be more appropriate to shake one?

Think of this!

Ultraman Lufa directly threw an egg in his hand to Mombius, and said to Mombius: "Take one, I feel that two are not suitable for use."

Lufa said and threw one up!

The result is really as expected, one goes much smoothly.

... .... ....


Lufa looked at Barton and thought of a fun way to flip his balls with his hand, and then assumed a throwing posture.

The guys and the citizens not far away felt a little familiar inexplicably when they saw Ultraman Lufa's posture.

On the loading number.

Mu Zhimei looked at Lufa with confused eyes, but suddenly an idea flashed in her mind, and she couldn't help but cover her mouth and said, "No way? Could it be that Ultraman Lufa wants to do that?"

"Which one to do?"

After hearing this, Jinna asked Mu Zhimei curiously.

"That's it, that..." Mu Zhimei gestured, and then said three words: "Bowling!"


Marina, Teppei, and Shingo Kazamizu, who had been paying attention to the scene, were all stunned when they heard what Kizumi said.

No way?

No way?

Ultraman Rufa has relaxed to such an extent that he is using bowling to solve the monster?

My God!

The citizens around him also noticed that Rufa's movements were very familiar.

"Ultraman Rufa is actually going to bowl with monsters, can you believe it?"

"I don't believe it anyway, but it's happening right in front of me now, you can't help but believe it!"

"It's outrageous, it's outrageous, haha, I've never seen a monster so miserable when facing an Ultraman."

"Only Ultraman Rufa can do this, otherwise which Ultraman can do it, do you think Mebius can do it?"

"That's right, Mebius was directly beaten by the monster!" Er.

Chapter 179 Summoning Orb? !

There were waves of discussions, and then it turned into unimaginable and uproarious laughter.


In such a serious scene of Ultraman fighting monsters, such a thing happened.

However, only Ultraman Rufa, who has the power to control the whole scene, can make such a casual decision.

Ultraman Lufa was unaware of the sounds around him. He was ready now. The next moment, under Patton's horrified gaze, the egg in his hand was thrown out like a meteor.


In Patton's eyes.

He only felt a black shadow slip out of Lufa's hand.

Then, before he could react, he felt that he was hit hard. The huge pain made Patton scream in pain.


Patton fell heavily to the ground.

To Lufa's surprise, the meat ball formed by Patton's chin was surprisingly elastic.

After the meat ball hit Patton's "647", it bounced directly into the air and then returned to Lufa's hand.

"Fun, so interesting, haha!"

After throwing the meat ball in his hand, Lufa looked at Patton who was about to get up, and the meat ball in his hand was thrown out again.



Patton was knocked down again.

Next, under the confused and amused gazes of the guys and the citizens in the sky, Barton turned into a sandbag, and was constantly hit by Ultraman Rufa and knocked down.

Not far away.

When Mebius saw this scene, his eyes flashed with a little surprise, and then he looked down at the meat ball in his hand.

Inexplicably, he felt that this seemed to be fun?


Seeing Rufa hitting the meat ball handsomely and borrowing it in a chic way, Mebius also felt a little like trying it.

"Try it!" Mebius said, and the meat ball in his hand was thrown out by him directly like a baseball.

Barton had just been knocked to the ground by Rufa, and had not yet climbed up. The pain from the other side of his body made Barton roar again.

The meat ball returned to Mebius's hand.

Mebius looked at the meat ball in his hand, and the pleasure of throwing it just now made Mebius a little intoxicated.

This feeling!

It's really cool! !

However, Mebius didn't know that when the people around him saw him throwing meatballs like Lufa, they were dumbfounded.

In their eyes, although Mebius was not as strong and handsome as Ultraman Lufa, his style was like an Ultraman warrior in their memory.

But now.

Why do I feel that Mebius has been led astray?

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