Marina nodded, then looked down and said: "Teppei said this monster killed an Ultraman. I wonder what will happen to Mebius."

guys base.

Sakomizu Shingo saw that the loading and flying wings were out of danger, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Sakomizu Shingo looked at Mebius and nodded vigorously: "Thank you, Mebius!"



Barton got up from the ground with a rumble, and then he immediately looked at Mebius.. ...


Mebius shouted softly and took a fighting stance.

Barton saw this, flapped his wings directly, and rushed towards Mebius with a big falcon.

Mebius saw this, without any fear, and also went to meet Barton.

The two bodies met head-on in an instant.

Mebius crashed into Barton's arms, accompanied by a rumble, Mebius not only did not knock Barton down, but was instead repelled by Barton's terrible physical fitness.


Mebius fell to the ground, holding his shoulder in pain.

"Gaga!" Barton shouted twice as if mocking, and then came to Mebius, and stabbed directly at Mebius with his huge sharp beak.

Mebius was shocked when he saw Barton's huge bird beak attacking him, and hurriedly turned his neck away.


The earth roared.

If Mebius had not dodged early, he would have been seriously injured if not killed.

Seeing Mebius dodge, Barton continued to attack with his big mouth.

Taking this opportunity, Mebius kicked Barton off his body with two feet.

Barton flew into the air, flapped his wings and slowly landed.


Barton laughed at Mebius again.

"Damn guy." Mebius groaned in his heart, jumped up, and then used the palm light bullet!



The light bullet flew out of Mebius's hand.

Seeing this, Barton simply ignored it.


Sparks burst out from his body, but Barton was not affected at all.

This startled Mebius: "What!"

However, before Mebius could react, Barton squeaked and opened his mouth wide.

"Boom boom boom"

A terrifying flame suddenly spewed out of the mouth of the volcanic bird Barton, and Mebius was hit by the flame in an instant.


Mebius screamed, terrifying sparks came out of his chest, and his body fell to the ground.

The flames sprayed by Barton can be as high as 40,000 degrees!

This temperature far exceeds the limit that Mebius can bear.

With just this move, Mebius was seriously injured.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong"

The energy core in Mebius's chest began to flicker.

Chapter 175 Mebius was killed instantly? The whole audience couldn't believe it!

In the sky.

On the loading ship, Teppei, Kimi, and Marina saw that Mebius was seriously injured, and they hurriedly wanted to operate the fighter plane to help Mebius temporarily relieve some of the pressure.

However, they did not wait for them to start the action.

Mebius was hit by the flames of the volcanic bird Barton again!


A huge mushroom cloud of flames began to rise slowly.

Mebius screamed even more, and his whole body was submerged in the flames, and then turned into countless light particles, which slowly dissipated and disappeared in the wide eyes of Teppei and others.

"Mebius, this, this..."

Teppei was on the loading ship, looking at the disappearing Mebius, a little bit unbelievable.

Was the powerful Ultraman warrior solved like this?

It really deserves to be the volcanic bird Barton, who once killed Ultraman!

Mebius received two fire sprays from the opponent, and was directly killed and disappeared. It was so scary.

Kimi and Marina on the side also showed shock.

Mebius was solved.

What about Barton?

With guys' equipment, they can't deal with monsters at all.

The previous Ultraman Rufa is nowhere to be seen now.

"Ultraman Rufa, will he come? Mebius has been killed," said Mu Nomi anxiously on the loading ship, looking around.

"I guess he won't show up. After all, even if it's Ultraman Rufa, he can't know that the volcanic eruption here was caused by monsters." Marina shook her head a little disappointed.

The voice of Shingo Sakami sounded on the radio at this time.

"Guys retreat!"

"Run, the monster is coming towards you!"


Shingo Sakami's words startled Teppei, Mu Nomi, Marina and others.

Sure enough, when they looked at Barton again, they saw Barton flapping his wings and flying towards them quickly.

"Quick, retreat!"

Teppei controlled the fighter and retreated quickly.

The Wing, which turned on the tracking mode, also retreated closely following the loading ship.

In the main driving seat of the cab.

Hibino Mirai has fainted on it.

Fortunately, we started to retreat now, otherwise if we were caught up by Patton, Patton would have fired a fire, and the plane would have been destroyed and everyone would have died.

Lufa had actually been observing Mebius's battle the whole time, but why did he not take action until the end?

It was because he wanted Mebius to truly experience the power of the monster.

After all, if Lufa took action every time Mebius was in danger, wouldn't the previous statement of guiding Mebius not hold true?

Guidance is not as good as experimenting in battle!


Lufa's guidance did not mean that he was giving guidance, but that the monster was helping to give guidance.


If the situation is really bad later, then it doesn't matter if Lufa takes action.

guys base.

In the combat conference room, Shingo Zakimizu looked solemn. Beside him, Teppei, Kozomi, and Marina were sitting in the command room, looking a little embarrassed.

On the side, Hibino Mirai was in a daze, thinking about his previous battle with Patton.


Hibino Mirai originally hoped that when he was in danger, Lufa would appear and completely eliminate the monster like before.

However, he obviously thought too much.

Even at the end, Lufa didn't appear until he disappeared.

Obviously, Ultraman Lufa must have known secretly that he was fighting monsters. As for why he didn't show up, it was probably to train himself.

"This is not your problem, don't blame yourself." Seeing that the team members were not in a good mood, Shingo Masui took the initiative to explain.

"Captain, what should we do next?"

Team member Zheping asked.

On the side, Mu Zhimei and Marina looked at Gakami Shingo.

"Even Mebius has been defeated, and Ultraman Rufa didn't show up. It seems that we can only rely on ourselves to fight the monsters in the future." After hearing this, Shingo Zakizu thought for a while and said helplessly.


Shingo Shimizu considered Barton's living environment again and looked at some scenes from previous battles.

Shingo Kasui put forward his own idea: "As for how to fight the monster, the volcano monster bird Barton relies on volcanoes for survival activities. The power of fire is very terrifying. By the way, Zheping, didn't you know this monster before? Can you check it out? How did they deal with the volcano monster Patton in the Ultraman era?"

Shingo's words made Team Teppei's eyes light up!


Although the volcano monster bird has a record of killing Ultraman.

But in the end, Ultraman still solved Barton, otherwise, they might not exist in this world.

"I'm going to check right now!"

Team Zheping acted quickly.

Finally, after an hour of anxious waiting by the guys, Zheping re-entered the combat command room with a stack of documents.

Team member Zheping said happily: "Captain, after reviewing a lot of information, although Barton's weakness has not been found, Barton, like other tropical animals, is very afraid of cold. We can try using liquid nitrogen, maybe we can freeze Barton directly. , and then if we use missiles, we have a good chance of killing him.”

What Zheping said was reasonable and well-founded, and Shingo Oshui's eyes lit up!

If they follow what Zheping said and they solve the volcano monster bird Button, then guys will get the highest praise from people.

at the same time!

They are guys too! Humanity! Really rely on your own strength to defeat monsters.

Thinking of this, Shingo Oshui couldn't help but get excited.

Kizumi and Mariina also looked excited 643, as if they saw the scene where Barton would be frozen and then the missile would be blown up!

Hibino Mirai heard the words and opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But in the end he didn't speak.

Hibino Mirai feels that monsters are not comparable to earthly animals at all. Can you really be afraid of a monster that is just liquid nitrogen and can emit tens of thousands of degrees of flame?

Hibino was helpless in the future, and finally decided to transform into a cover to cover their retreat.

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