Fortunately, he had thought that the two women were really uneasy, so he brought them here to eat.

Hibino Mirai looked at Lufa, feeling hesitant to speak, but finally said to Lufa: "Senior, can I have a few words with you alone?"

Hibino Mirai felt like he was going to have a showdown.

If this continues.

What he might have come to earth to accomplish, he simply couldn't do.

"Huh?" Lufa was very interested, and then nodded slightly under the doubtful gazes of Shingo Osui, Mizumi, and Marina.

Lufa and Hibino Mirai walked aside.

Just after leaving Shingo and the others, Hibino Mirai bowed towards Lufa respectfully and said very carefully: "Senior, please tell me how to become stronger. I want to become stronger and protect the earth, everyone. , solve the monster.”

"Huh? How do you become stronger?"

Lufa pretended to be confused.

Hibino Mirai's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "Ultraman Lufa-senpai, please don't hide it, I really want to ask you for advice."

Lufa's mouth curled up slightly when he heard this!

But at this time, suddenly four elderly figures walked into the Chinese restaurant.

Lufa and Hibino Mirai almost unanimously felt the powerful aura coming from these four figures.

Hayata Susumu, Morohoshidan, Gohideki and Hokuto Seiji!

The first generation, Severn, Jack, Ace!

The four Ultra brothers!

"Let's talk about this later. It seems your brothers are here." Lufa looked at Hayata and the others, his eyes flashed, and then he said with a smile.

"Brothers!" Hibino Mirai was a little surprised to see Hayata Shin. He didn't expect that they would also come to Earth.

The four of Hayata Shingo came to Lufa. The guys on the side were Shingo Amizu, Kizumi and Marina. They were a little confused now (cgbi).

Hibino Mirai suddenly said that he had something to ask Lufa, but he walked aside and bowed down respectfully.

Four more old men appeared next.

They walked directly towards Lufa and Hibino Mirai, and they seemed to know each other.


Too weird?

However, this is someone else's private matter, and Shingo and the others have no real intention to explore it.

"You are Ultraman Lufa, right?" Shin Hayata said straight to the point.

"Where are you from? Are you not an Ultra Warrior from our Kingdom of Light?"

Zhu Xinguan also said.

Go Hideki added: "We have never seen you in the Kingdom of Light."

Beidou Xingsi also nodded.

Facing the inquiries from the Star Clusters and others, Lufa just kept smiling and had no intention of revealing his identity.

Hibino Mirai was stunned when he heard this.

Speaking of which, Ultraman Rufa has indeed never been seen in the Kingdom of Light.

So where did Ultraman Lufa come from? He is so powerful that it is impossible for him to remain unknown in the universe.

"Sarah, where do I come from?"

Facing the eyes of Shin Hayata and others, Lufa shrugged and directly changed the subject.

Upon seeing this, Shin Hayata and the others' eyes flickered.

Beidou Xingsi looked at Lufa and felt a little dazed when he saw him shrugging his shoulders, as if he had a very familiar feeling.

Hayata Jin, Zhu Hoshidan and Gohideki also had a vaguely familiar feeling.

This is very strange.

Obviously they were sure that they had never seen Ultraman Lufa before.

But when you see him, you will feel a familiar feeling.


Their hearts were telling them that the person in front of them was not evil or a being from darkness, but rather, he was a good person.

This kind of telepathy is found among Ultra warriors.

However, Hayata Susumu and the others did not expect that it would be so intense.

All five pairs of eyes fell on Lufa. Facing their gazes, Lufa remained very calm and did not even have any fluctuations in his eyes.

Finally, Big Dipper stood up and said, "Okay, since you don't want to say it, we won't force you, but I believe you, you are a kind Ultra warrior."

Beidou Xingsi looked directly at Lufa and said with great certainty.

When Lufa heard this, he looked at Beidou Xingsi, his eyes moved, and then he smiled and nodded.

Is the induction so accurate?

He is truly worthy of being a master!

Lufa thought to himself.

On the side, Morohoshidan, Gohideki, and Hayata Shin also nodded, agreeing with Hokuto Seiji's statement.

Seeing the inexplicable sense of trust between Beidou Star Division and the others, Lufa felt a little embarrassed for no reason. He originally wanted to play a riddle.

But suddenly I saw that Beidou Star Division and the others trusted me so much.

The feeling of guessing a riddle was solved immediately.

But it's broken.

Lufa would not say that he traveled through the timeline and returned to the past.

After some exchanges with each other.

Hayata Susumu's eyes fell on Hibino Mirai.

Realizing that Shin Hayata's eyes were on him, Hibino Mirai's body tensed up and his face looked a little nervous.

after all.

When he was in the Kingdom of Light, he said he wanted to become an Ultra Warrior.

But from the time he came to Earth to the present performance, Hibino Mirai has been very unqualified.

On the contrary, if it weren't for Lufa's help, the earth might have been devastated and monsters were raging.


Shin Hayata spoke first.

"Here!" Hibino Mirai stood up straight immediately.

"You did a good job." Hayata Susumu couldn't help laughing when he saw Hibino Mirai so nervous.

Moroboshi Tuan and the others who were tense on the side also laughed.

Moroboshi Tuan said: "Since you haven't really fought against monsters, it's really good that you can perform like that."

"Yes, keep it up next time."

"Don't let up, Mebius."

Hearing the praise from her brothers, the tension on Hibino Mirai's face relaxed for a moment, and then nodded seriously and said: "I know my performance is not good enough, so I plan to find Ultraman Lufa to help me improve my strength."

Hibino Mirai said, looking at Lufa.

Luffa saw this and hurriedly said: "I don't have that time. If I take action later, I will consider giving you some advice depending on the situation.".

Chapter 173 Volcano Monster Bird Barton, a monster that killed Ultraman? !

Hibino Mirai heard this, although she felt a little sorry that she didn't get Lufa's advice directly.

However, if he gives some advice occasionally, he would benefit a lot.

Hayata Susumu and the other Ultra Brothers came over to have a direct contact with Luffy. After confirming that Luffy was not on the dark side, they said goodbye to Luffy.

It was a rare trip to Earth.

Now the four Ultra Brothers wanted to go around Earth.

As for Luffy and Hibino Mirai, they would continue to stay in the guys and become a member of the Earth protection team.

If there was no Luffy, Hayata Susumu and the others might have been a little worried when they saw the state of Mebius.

But now that they have seen Luffy's strength, they are completely relieved.

I'm afraid there are not many monsters in this world that can fight Luffy head-on.

Luffy seems to be very good to Hibino Mirai.

You can rest assured.

Hayata Susumu and the four Ultra Brothers said goodbye to Luffy, and Hibino Mirai left the Chinese restaurant.

Then it was Hibino Mirai who left after having dinner with the guys such as Sasaki Shingo.

In the middle.

Kinomi and Marina both plucked up the courage to ask for Luffy's contact information.

Lufa gave this without finding a reason to refuse.

This made Hibino Mirai speechless. Why is Lufa so popular among all Ultra Warriors, while he is ignored?

It's too abominable.


Time was calm for a few days.

People enjoyed the precious peace that they had not seen for a long time.

But often at this time, the villains who were active in the dark would jump out to make trouble.

This is not it.

In a crater near the city, Bogaru was looking at the slowly floating magma below. Of course, these were not the focus of Bogaru's attention.

The focus was on a huge monster living next to the magma in the crater.

It had a huge falcon, and next to its head, there were two tumors hanging. If Lufa was here, he would probably recognize what kind of monster it was at the first time.

Volcano Monster Bird: Patton!

Patton's strength was very terrible, and even in the previous era, he killed the Ultra Warriors by himself.

It was a famous and powerful monster in the universe.

"Volcano, erupt."

Bogaru's obscure and evil voice echoed in the void.

Then, the magma that was originally calm below her suddenly began to surge.


Huge bubbles rose from the bottom of the magma.

The next moment.



The volcano erupted!

The consequence of the volcanic eruption was that Barton, who was originally breathing near the magma at the crater, was awakened by the sudden eruption.

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