
The underground monster Gu Dun was already very weak at this time.

He now regrets so much that he resisted Membius. If possible, he would rather let Membius deal with him than suffer this kind of torture!

Please be human.

Give this beast a good beating!

However, amid the unexplained roar of the underground monster Gudun, the whip in Ultraman Lufa's hand swung without slowing down at all.

"Is this guy really an Ultra Warrior?" Shin Hayata looked at this scene with his mouth twitching. He always felt that his own worldview was being brainwashed by the scene in front of him.

"Well, if the appearance is correct and it's not someone else's fake, it should be an Ultra Warrior." Go Hideki said, also with black lines on his head.

The stars laughed out loud, then looked at Ultraman Lufa and said, "But what he did was indeed very effective in combat. The monsters were easily suppressed by him."

Morohoshidan's words made Hideki Hideki shake his head slightly while Hokuto Seiji and Hayata entered.

Although Zhu Hoshidan was right.

But fighting like this seems too... tough.


There was an explosion of sparks.

The underground monster Gudun was finally knocked out by Ultraman Lufa.

Shaking off the whip in his hand, Ultraman Lufa saw that Gudun had not exploded yet, and said helplessly: "I don't want to waste so much effort, and this 1.8 little monster is actually not worth my while to use that thing. "

Lufa suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and then he used the Rainbow Kagach summoning card.

That's right!

It’s the Rainbow Kagach summoning card.

The reward obtained from the system after solving Rainbow Kagach last time.

Everyone around, including Menbius, saw Lufa stop and thought that Lufa was finally going to deal with Gudun.

But the next second they gave up the idea.

Ultraman Lufa was seen pointing his hand forward.


A bright rainbow light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then, a huge figure walked out of the rainbow light.

Rainbow monster Kagach.

On the loading ship, Shingo Hakamizu, Kizumi and Marina, plus Mebius, were shocked when they saw Rainbow Kagachi.

It's the monster from before! .

Group^ |76($ 3^4_)8}[{0,1|5!^%7)Group*8* 5^*0,\u0026'2_9])(6+5,0}++1 First Chapter 170: Summoning Rainbow Kagach, the whole audience was shocked!


The rainbow monster Kagachi stepped on the ground, and tons of soil exploded.

The terrifying aura suddenly filled the entire space.

When Membius saw Rainbow Kagach, his eyes flashed fiercely: "What's going on with this monster? Wasn't it killed by Ultraman Lufa last time? It can be resurrected? Is this monster killed by Ultraman Lufa? It was summoned by Ultraman, right? Can Ultraman Lufa still summon monsters?”

In the sky.

On the loading ship, Shingo Gakamizu, Kozomi, and Marina were also shocked when they saw Rainbow Kagaki.

After all, they still vividly remember the horror of Rainbow Kagach last time.

Facing Ultraman Lufa, he survived many powerful attacks.

It wasn't until Ultraman Lufa fired a huge light wheel of 10,000 meters that Rainbow Kagachi was solved.

Now Rainbow Kagach has reappeared.

And it seems that it was summoned by Ultraman Lufa.

What is happening?

The Ultra Brothers, Susumu Hayata, Morohoshidan, Hideki Go, and the 26th Division of the Big Dipper couldn't help but look at each other when they saw that Ultraman Rufa could summon Rainbow Kagach, and then they saw the surprise in each other's eyes. .

In Ultraman.

The only ones with the ability to control monsters are the Hoshigumi.

The stars didn't expect to see Ultraman Lufa controlling monsters here, and Rainbow Kagachi seemed to be very powerful.

Not only is he strong, but the monsters he summons are also strong.

It is impossible for such a powerful Ultra Warrior to remain unknown in their Kingdom of Light.

Could it be a wandering Ultra warrior?

In the universe, Ultra Warriors are not only born in the Kingdom of Light. In other places, as long as there is light, there will be a probability of Ultra Warriors appearing.

Planet 0-50 in later generations, as well as Babel, the hometown of Noah, and the super-ancient civilization on Earth where Tiga is located.

These can all be proven.

Therefore, the speculations of the Ultra brothers are not unreasonable.

Lufa summoned Rainbow Kagachi and said to Rainbow Kagachi: "Go ahead and deal with that guy. I believe it should be easy for you."

As he said this, Lufa crossed his arms and prepared to see Rainbow Kagach's performance.

Now Gudun has been beaten to the point of being unable to resist.

The only thing left is to deal with Gu Dun!


Rainbow Kagachi nodded and then walked towards Gudun.


Gudun saw Rainbow Kagazi coming towards him, and then stood up from the ground unsteadily.

Lufa was surprised when he saw that Gu Dun still had the strength to stand up, and then used his ultra telekinesis to communicate with Gu Dun: "As long as you defeat the Rainbow Kagach I summoned, then I can let you go, how about that?" "


Gudun hears the voice in his head.

Although he couldn't understand the language in Lufa's Ott telepathy, Gu Dun understood what Lufa wanted to express to him.

Knowing that he could leave as long as he defeated Rainbow Kagachi, Gu Dun suddenly became excited.

Mebius and the others around him looked at Gu Dun who was suddenly excited in amazement.

But the next second, Gu Dun and Rainbow Kagachi collided with each other and started fighting.


Gu Dun looked like he was fighting for his life this time.

Even though he was dragging his seriously injured body, he directly crashed into the Rainbow Monster Kagachi without caring about his life.

Gu Dun's collision seemed to be very powerful.

However, when Gu Dun crashed into Kagachi, the next scene surprised everyone at the scene.

Because under their gaze.

After Gu Dun crashed into Rainbow Kagachi, Kagachi didn't move at all.

That's right!

It didn't move at all.

Even if Gu Dun was seriously injured, with the collision just now, at least three or four buildings would be trampled and fly away in an instant.

However, Kagachi didn't move at all in the face of the collision.


Gu Dun felt like he had hit a hard wall of iron that was difficult to please.

Before he could react.

Kagachi grabbed Gudun's neck with his two claws, and then with a horrified roar, Gudun was thrown into the air by Kagachi.


The earth exploded.

Gudun fell to the ground, and a huge earth pillar exploded.

After Rainbow Kagachi threw Gudun away, he did not stop his actions.

Turning around and looking at Gudun who fell to the ground, the next moment, the armor on Kagachi's head suddenly opened, and then a terrifying colorful light began to gather towards Kagachi.


The terrible energy surged.

Even Mebius on the side and the Ultra Brothers not far away, they saw this scene with extremely solemn eyes.

This move.

Very terrible!

[Rainbow Beam]

Boom Zizi!

A colorful beam of light instantly tore through the void and hit Gudun who fell to the ground.

In an instant.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, a terrible colorful mushroom cloud slowly rose up.

Gudun was destroyed by the energy in an instant. When he left, he was peaceful.



When Shingo Sakumui and the others on the loading ship saw the scene of Rainbow Kagachi solving Gudun, they took a deep breath in their hearts.

This monster is really strong!

Fortunately, he is not controlled by others as before, but is controlled by Ultraman Rufa.

In other words.

He will not destroy the city, hurt humans, or even destroy the earth.

"Finally solved." Shingo Sakumui exhaled softly.

"Yes." Kinomi nodded.

"Ultraman Rufa 640 is so handsome. Not only does he have strong strength, but even the monsters he controls are so strong, hehe." Marina said.

Mebius also nodded slightly.

The Ultra Brothers were also very satisfied to see the monster solved.

Although the process was a bit shocking to them.

But all in all, the result was good.

Just when they thought that the matter was over.

At this time, Ultraman Rufa suddenly jumped in front of Mebius.


When Mebius saw Ultraman Rufa coming in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

After all, Mebius felt that the gap in strength between himself and Ultraman Rufa was huge.

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