However, this did not stop Gudun from attacking Mebius, but instead made his attack more fierce.

After Gudun directly stepped on Membius more than a dozen times, he let out a long roar.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong"

Mebius felt as if he was suffocated due to a series of attacks.

The energy core in the chest began to flash rapidly at this time.

But Gudun temporarily stopped attacking, which does not mean that he gave up attacking Membius.

Only two or three seconds passed.

Gudun suddenly pulled up Membius, who was seriously injured and unable to resist, and then swung the whips with both hands heavily on Membius.


This time the damage is much higher than that of a stampede.

Mebius only received two whips, and now the energy core in his chest is flickering to a level that is almost always on.

far away.

Seeing this scene, Lufa shook his head: "Oh, I have to take action. Membius is not very good. Didn't I teach him before that real fighting can't be like this?"

Lufa said, a white light appeared on his body.

In the sky.

Shingo Osamizu, as well as Kizumi and Marina in the loading number, saw the speed at which the red light of Mebius flashed, and the reminder sound became faster and faster, and knew that Mebius did not have much time.

"Quickly, attack the monster. We don't know if Ultraman Rufa will show up yet. If Mebius is defeated, we will be in trouble." Shingo Osui gave orders repeatedly.

Mu Zumi and Mariina are already launching missiles to attack Gudun.

However it had no effect.

And when Lufa was about to transform.

A place.

Hayata enters, the star clusters, Hideki Kogo is already in the Big Dipper Division, and they are looking at Mebius who is being hung up and beaten by Gudu.

Hayata Susumu smiled and said: "It seems that Mebius still needs a long time to grow."


The stars nodded: "Membius is too young now, and he seems to have no combat experience at all. He can't even solve Gudun."

Xiang Xiushu said: "Shall we take action?"

Hearing this, Beidou Seiji stopped Hideki Go and said, "Just wait a little longer. Mebius still has a little chance now."

However, just when the four people finished speaking (cgbi).


A huge white light suddenly reflected the entire city in mid-air.

This scene is like the appearance of a god.

Under the shocked gaze of the Loader in the sky and the people evacuated from the city, a white light suddenly fell from the sky, accompanied by a roar.

I saw a giant man with white light all over his body, half-crouching and slowly standing up from the ground.

As the light on him gradually disappeared.

Ultraman Lufa's figure caught everyone's eyes.

It has perfect body proportions, and the lines on its body are perfect. In addition, he also has a superior temperament. No matter from which angle you look at it, he exudes a pretentious atmosphere.

"It's Ultraman Rufa!" a citizen exclaimed.

"That's great. You know, he was the one who took care of the monsters before. I thought he wouldn't show up just now. Now that he's come out, I'm really relieved!" Another citizen said excitedly.

"Come on, Ultraman Lufa, it's up to you next."

"Yeah, come on!"

"Same as before, let's get rid of this monster cleanly."

There were shouts one after another.

And Beidou Seiji and the others, who originally wanted to wait until Mebius really couldn't hold on any longer, then take action, saw Ultraman Rufa appear, and everyone's eyes flashed.

"It's him!"

"The mysterious Ultra warrior who suddenly appeared on Earth."

"Did you see anything?"

"It doesn't feel like an evil Ultra Warrior, and the aura of light exuding from his body has the feel of our Kingdom of Light."

The Ultra brothers were discussing.

But the more they talked, the weirder the Ultra brothers felt.

Because the aura of light exuding from Lufa clearly felt like the Kingdom of Light, but they had never seen Lufa in the Kingdom of Light.

It can be said to be very strange.

Lufa didn't care what the Ultra brothers thought.

After transforming into an Ultra Warrior, Lufa looked at Gudun, who was about to continue beating Mumbius, and then moved his feet, as if teleporting, and stood beside Mumbius in an instant.

next moment.


I saw Gu Dun lashing out, and the whip with a sharp cracking sound fell directly into Lufa's hands.

After grabbing Gudun's whip, Lufa's eyes flashed, and then he said to Membius, who was restrained by another whip: "You should find a way to break free when you are restrained by the whip. Let me teach you a way!"

Mebius: "?"

Mebius was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, Membius was stunned in the next second, as were Shingo Osami, Kizumi, Marina, and the people in the city on the loading ship not far away! .

Chapter 168: This Ultraman is strong and rogue

Because in their sight, Ultraman Lufa grabbed Gudun's whip, and immediately grabbed it with two hands, one left and one right!

When Gu Dun saw this scene, he felt a chill going straight to his forehead.

He feels.

If Ultraman Lufa is allowed to do this, what happens next will definitely make him miserable.


Gudun screamed in panic, and quickly released Mebius, who was controlled by another whip, and then whipped Ultraman Luffa fiercely.

However, before Gudun could really whip out the whip.

Luffa's smiling voice appeared in the ears of everyone in the audience.

"It should be like this!"

As soon as Luffa finished speaking, he exerted force with both hands at the same time.


The underground monster Gudun let out a painful roar that made people's scalps numb.

In the middle of Luffa's hands, Gudun's palm whip was being torn apart by Luffa little by little, accompanied by a crackling sound, and sparks were emitting.


It exploded again with a large group of sparks.

The underground monster screamed in pain and retreated, and its eyes, which were already very red, became even more scarlet.

Throwing away the whip in his hand, Ultraman Luffy looked at Mebius who fell to the side and smiled: "Did you see it clearly? This is how to deal with it!"

Mebius: "..."

Guys: "..."

Citizens: "..."

They were all stunned.

Never expected that Luffy would be so violent!

However, such a violent scene can be seen because of Luffy's strong strength.

If there is no strong strength to support, let alone grab Gu Dun's whip, I am afraid that he will be entangled by the whip like Mebius, and then be whipped continuously!

Wait for everyone to react.

On the loading ship, guys Shingo Sasaki's eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Ultraman Luffy below with a burning gaze: "It's worthy of him, this strength is too strong."

"Too handsome."

Kinomi's eyes were full of admiration.

Marina also said: "Compared to Mebius, it is still Ultraman Luffy, he is my favorite Ultra Warrior."

The citizens around shouted one after another.

"Well done, Ultraman Lufa."

"As long as you are still on Earth, you are the strongest Ultraman."

"Quick, kill the monster, so cool, Ultraman Lufa!"

Not far away.

The Ultraman warriors such as Hokuto Seiji were also quite shocked by Lufa's performance.

This powerful force is probably unmatched even by the Red Ultraman warriors.

It takes a lot of force to tear Gudun's toughest palm whip in half!

It can be believed.

The strength of the Ultraman Lufa is absolutely powerful.


Gudun didn't know what other people around him were thinking now.

Anyway, Gudun's hatred for Ultraman Lufa is full now.

Roaring, the underground monster Gudun rumbled towards Lufa.

However, looking at Gudun rushing towards him, Ultraman Lufa smiled in his heart: "I'm not afraid of you coming to find me, I'm just afraid that you will be scared by me just now and run away without looking back."

After saying that.

What Ultraman Rufa did the next second shocked everyone present.

I saw Ultraman Rufa stretch his hands forward slightly and make a gesture of holding hands.

Seeing this scene.

Whether it was Mebius, the Ultra Brothers, or guys like Shingo Sasaki in the sky, the citizens watching were all confused.

What did Ultraman Rufa want to do.

The next second.


The roar of a chainsaw exploded in everyone's ears.

In everyone's wide-eyed eyes, they saw that a huge light chainsaw was condensed in Ultraman Rufa's hand!

That's right!

It was a light chainsaw.

The kind of saw used to cut trees on Earth.

It's just that the saw in Ultraman Rufa's hand was a light chainsaw, and even the saw teeth formed by the light on it could be clearly seen.

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