I saw a dazzling golden light coming out of Kagachi's body.

The eyes, body gaps, and tail were all emitting golden light.

Seeing this scene, Mebius was stunned: "Can the light be released like this? Putting the hand that releases the light into the enemy's mouth, isn't this a bit bad?"

Although Mebius said so, he felt that the lethality would be very terrifying, right?

From the situation of the violent Rainbow Kagachi at this time, we can know how terrible the damage that Rainbow Kagachi is suffering now.


This situation lasted for four or five seconds.

Finally, when the light was almost released, Lufa pulled his hand out of Rainbow Kagachi's mouth.

And Rainbow Kagachi's body was motionless, and the whole body was emitting a faint smoke, looking like it was roasted.

Seeing this, Sakami Shingo couldn't help but say: "This time it should be solved, right?"

"Of course, the light hits the body directly." Ki Nomi felt that the problem was definitely solved.

"I feel the same." Said Marina.

Lufa shook his hands, then looked at Rainbow Kagachi, and raised his eyebrows again.

Rainbow Kagachi seemed to be solved.

However, Lufa still felt a trace of life from Rainbow Kagachi, that is to say, Kagachi was still alive after receiving so much damage from the light?

This is simply a miracle of life.

Mebius' eyes flickered, his fists tightened, and his eyes were also fixed on Rainbow Kagachi.


Under everyone's attention, the light in Rainbow Kagachi's eyes dimmed, and then his body slowly fell backwards.


Rainbow Kagachi fell down.

Seeing this scene, Shingo Sakamizu and others cheered again, and Mebius was relieved.

But they didn't notice that Rainbow Kagachi didn't explode.

Even Professor Yokomine, seeing this scene, thought that his Rainbow Kagachi was killed, so he looked a little depressed.

But when he saw that the rainbow halo in his hand still didn't disappear, the depressed Professor Yokomine instantly became energetic, and looked directly at the fallen Rainbow Kagachi, who looked like he had been killed.

Finally, after a while of being happy.

Shingo Sakamizu, Kinomi, and Marina suddenly found that after Lufa solved the monster, he did not disappear, which made them a little confused.

But the next second, they knew why Lufa did not leave.

Because the Rainbow Kagachi, who had fallen to the ground and they thought was killed, stood up again straight from the ground, and then let out a roar with full energy.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

This scene.

They, who had just experienced a similar scene, could not help but shrink their pupils.

Rainbow Kagachi, is he not dead yet?

How could it be!!

A trace of panic and despair emerged in the hearts of Shingo Sakamizu.

Ultraman Lufa has shown such a strong fighting power, and even directly stuffed the light into the monster's mouth.

But Rainbow Kagachi has not been killed yet.

Is his vitality infinite?

"Is it true?" Lufa saw that there was no accident, and he believed his previous judgment.

However, although Rainbow Kagachi stood up again,

But the organs in his head had closed up, and his breath was extremely weak.

... ... ....

It was obvious that he had reached the point of exhaustion.

Lufa's attack just now was not without effect, but Rainbow Kagachi's vitality was indeed very strong.

It was worthy of being a monster that controlled the storm!


His role was only so far.

Lufa did not want to play the fake death game with the opponent all the time.

"Hehe, if you haven't been killed yet, then I will give you another shot." Lufa's eyes kept flashing, and the next moment he burst out at a speed and instantly came in front of Rainbow Kagachi.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar.

I saw a wave of air formed by the powerful bombardment, which instantly spread and swept away the dark clouds covering the sky.

The dark sky suddenly became clear.

In addition.

Rainbow Kagachi's body rushed into the sky like a cannonball.

A black dot was extremely conspicuous under the clear and impurity-free sky.

Lufa's sudden explosion shocked the people present.

One punch sent the monster so high!!

However, what surprised them even more was yet to come.

Because Luffa flew into the air ten thousand meters, and then raised his right hand.

"Ten thousand times amplified eight-point light wheel!"


An extremely huge white light wheel, like a sun, appeared directly in the sight of Mebius, Shingo Sasaki, Ki Nomi and Marina below.

Seeing this scene.

The guys below, Mebius all took a deep breath in their hearts.

My God!

What is this!! Son.

Chapter 164 Belia Capsule! Rainbow Kagachi Capsule!!

Holding the ten thousand meter eight-point light wheel, Luffa chuckled, looked at the Rainbow Kagachi that had begun to fall from the sky and smiled: "See how you can resist this time."

As soon as Luffa finished speaking, the ten thousand meter eight-point light wheel in his hand was thrown out directly.

The terrifying 10,000-meter light wheel, like a sun spinning at high speed, covered the sky and the sun, in the eyes of the whole city, guys and Mebius in shock.

It hit the falling Rainbow Kagachi hard.


When Professor Yokomine saw this scene, his eyes widened directly, because he felt that even Rainbow Kagachi would definitely not be able to survive in the face of such a terrible attack.

"No, don't!"

Professor Yokomine wanted to stop it, but with his human power, how could he stop it?


Accompanied by a roar.

The falling Rainbow Kagachi, facing the 10,000-meter 8 "640" light wheel, had no obstacles. Like cutting a piece of tofu, the 10,000-fold amplification 8-point light wheel easily cut through Rainbow Kagachi.

Seeing the cutting of Rainbow Kagachi, Lufa raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


The 10,000-meter 8-point light wheel instantly shattered into countless light particles and fell down.

The 10,000-meter eight-point light wheel is powerful. If it is allowed to fly out of the universe, it may cut other planets, so Lufa destroyed it directly.

And Rainbow Kagachi.

A purple crack is clearly visible in the middle of his body, and purple lightning spreads on his body.


Rainbow Kagachi finally let out a stubborn roar, and his whole body exploded into pieces from head to toe in the air and disappeared.

"Solved!" Seeing this scene, Shingo Sasaki breathed a sigh of relief and said in surprise.

"It is worthy of being the second Ultraman, too strong." Mu Zhimei said excitedly.

"Yes, yes, I thought that even this Ultraman could not kill this monster just now. Now it seems that I thought too much." Marina nodded vigorously.

Mebius, who was flashing a red light on the side, also nodded gently when he saw this.

Mebius smiled and said, "Very strong!"

After solving Rainbow Kagachi, Lufa saw the system prompt message in front of him.

[You defeated the Rainbow Monster Kagachi and received blessings: Energy Purity +30, Speed ​​+50, Strength +85, Spiritual Power +99! ]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, and you get Energy Purity +999, Speed ​​+999, Strength +999, Defense +999, Spiritual Power +999! ]

[You got the Rainbow Monster Kagachi capsule and Ultraman Belia capsule! ]

"Oh, I got two capsules?"

"One of them is Belial's capsule?"

Luffa was slightly surprised when he saw the system prompt message!

These two rewards are barely acceptable overall. It would be better if they had some powerful special moves.


The battle is over.

In the guys loading number, under the happy gaze of Shingo Sasaki, Kinomi, and Marina, Luffa left first, followed by Ultraman Mebius.

After being exposed by the media, Luffa's battle directly made countless people exclaim.

Especially at the end, the 10,000-meter-sized light wheel instantly exploded on the Internet.

The power of the Ultra Warriors once again swept the entire Internet.

At the same time!

People are more curious about Lufa's identity, and many netizens are scrambling to give Lufa a name.

And at the guys headquarters!

Sakumui Shingo is summarizing today's battle. Generally speaking, their fighter attacks are very effective against monsters. The only pity is that technology is still greatly restricted when facing storms.

However, this is many times better than the previous battle of the former guys when Dino Zorlu attacked.


The support for the guys from above is more clear.


It is about the establishment of the Ultra Warrior identities of Lufa and Mebius.

However, neither Lufa nor Mebius, the two Ultra Warriors, have said their names, so the guys are having a headache about what names to give these two Ultra Warriors.

"What do you think we should name it? What names should we choose?" Shingo Sasaki rubbed his head and asked Kinomi, Marina and Hibino Mirai in silence.

"Of course it should be called Giant Power Man!" Kinomi's eyes lit up and she said her name for Ultraman Luffa, and explained: "The second white Ultraman who appeared, the last punch directly blasted the monster into the sky, which is enough to show how terrible his power is!"

"Not good?"

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