"There are thousands of lights behind us!!!"

The three of them turned into a ball of light at the same time, and then merged together.

Forming a gorgeous colorful storm that rushed straight into the sky.

The moment they arrived in the universe.

A gradient figure appeared.

There were horns on his head, and his body was a gradient from blue in the upper body to purple in the lower body, and there was a dimensional core on his chest!

The whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of luxurious alloy material!

He is...

The miracle warrior, Ultraman Saga!!! ! ! !

"Let's go!"

In the spiritual space.

Ohkawa Wang, Asuka and Musashi stood together.

Smiling at Hyper Zetton in front of him.

"It's time, let him see how powerful our giant of light is!"



The three shouted.

Saga's consciousness is dominated by Zero.

The battle cry is similar to that of Zero.

It's just deeper and more powerful.


Saga took a fighting stance.

He was about to rush towards Hyperzetton.

Lufa saw this scene.

He originally wanted to have a good fight with Hyperzetton.

His eyes suddenly became stern.

This is not okay!

Such a big head can't be robbed by others!

He immediately snapped his fingers.

"Lejuedo, Gamma Illusion!!!!!!"

Musashi was stunned.

Because of his consciousness, Saiga stopped immediately and turned his head to look.

There was a visible shock on his face!!!


(Thanks to Du Shi Fa Hai, 18438.., and Zui Jiu Bing Fa readers for their monthly tickets~~~!) Er.

Chapter 139 Stop Lufa! That's Lejuedo, not a primitive man!!!

When he heard Lufa snap his fingers.

Musashi thought Lufa was going to summon the Gamma Illusion of Gauss and Justice again!

He immediately wanted to speak up to stop him.

After all, the current Hyper Zetton is not someone he can deal with.

Only the three of them merged into Seiya, who can rival him!

If Lufa makes a rash move.

He will definitely be affected by the battle between them, not to mention being seriously injured, his life may be in danger!

He was about to speak to stop him.

But the next second.

The moment the purple-silver figure appeared in his sight.

Musashi's pupils suddenly shrank, and then began to expand rapidly, as exaggerated as seeing a ghost in broad daylight. A huge wave of emotion surged in his heart, hitting his chest wildly, making him completely unable to calm down.

His head was buzzing, and he couldn't hear any sound. He just felt as if he was hit by the Ultra Bell!

"Six One Zero" The same is true for Seiya.

His current consciousness is dominated by Zero.

And Zero has seen information about Ultraman Legend in the Ultra Library!

That is a legendary warrior!

An existence as famous as the King of Ultra!

The incarnation of the will of the universe!

To put it bluntly.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Legend is the main body of the universe!

However? ? ? ?

Damn it! ! !

If he had summoned Gaos and Justice before, it would have been enough to make him feel extremely unbelievable!

Now Lufa actually summoned Legend Ultraman! ! ! !

Who is he? ? ?


It should be said that what kind of existence is it? !

No life in the universe can do such an incredible thing? ? ?

"How is this possible!?"

"How can someone summon the power of legend?!"

The Baite star looked at the Legend illusion in shock.

The so-called legendary power.

It is the existence of the mysterious four O.

Normal people, let alone summoning them.

Even people who can use their power do not exist at all!

"The light of perfection, merge!!!"

Lufa shouted.

The whole body of the Legend illusion suddenly burst out with brilliant aurora energy!

The energy surged, affecting the surrounding space. The galaxy seemed to have received some kind of response, rotating like the power of the aurora and the legend of the spark!

The power of the galaxy was enough to prove that the power of the Regido illusion at this moment was no different from the original! ! !

"Is this the power of the perfect light?"

"It's incredible!"

Lufa was amazed.

If he could get the permanent perfect light...

His eyes inevitably showed a fiery color!

Then he waved his hand slightly.

"Kill it!"

The Regido illusion immediately moved and rushed straight towards Hyperzeton.

Hyperzeton hurriedly released a dark fireball to block it.

Regido's whole body burst into brilliant light.

Regido's protection!

It was Regido who first generated energy from his body, and then created a wall of light that could resist and deflect all enemy attacks!

This skill only exists in magazines and has not been used in the drama.

But as one of the four mysterious O's skills, Reijido's defensive effect is naturally needless to say!

The Shining Ring Shield is probably eclipsed by it!

It easily blocked the dark fireball.


"My Hyperzetton is also legendary, how could I lose to a guy summoned by an imp?!"

The Baite people roared unwillingly!

Hyperzeton gathered energy in his chest, and shot out dozens of dark fireballs like a machine gun!

This is not the one trillion degree fireball of Jetton that can only break glass!

It is a real one trillion degree fireball like Noah's Hellfire! ! !


As Reijido raised his hands, the flame was instantly absorbed by the power of the Aurora.

Then he rotated his hands.

The absorbed energy suddenly exploded and reflected!

The space was emitting red energy ripples wherever it went!

Hyperzeton held up a transparent barrier.

Resisting this energy.

Even if it was just relying on it, it also emitted amazing energy fluctuations. The two huge energies gathered together, shaking the universe violently and violently. The galaxy was extremely unstable. The surrounding meteorites, including some of them as big as small planets, were all shattered by the energy fluctuations!

Then Reijido raised his hands again.

The vast energy in the shape of a golden spiral galaxy instantly gathered in his hands.

This attack will be the full force of Reijido!

He suddenly swung it out with force.

This vast energy, accompanied by violent space vibrations, arrived in front of Hyperzetton in an instant!

Hyperzetton resisted two powerful attacks at the same time!

Reijido's figure disappeared without a sign, and the next second his purple-silver figure appeared behind Hyperzetton...

Reijido teleported!

It was similar to the Saga super acceleration, both used for teleportation.

"Just get rid of Hyperzetton like this!!!" Musashi was very excited.

Reijido raised his hands.

Just when everyone thought that Reijido would definitely use the Spark Legend to get rid of Hyperzetton.


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