Lufa actually summoned... him? ? ?

He stared at the illusion of Truth Tiga in front of him.

He was sure that he didn't have such a mentality.

But he always felt inexplicably familiar.

Especially the light energy.

While he was stunned.

The illusion of Truth Tiga had already rushed towards him, and with a step under his feet, he set off a terrifying wave of air, and in an instant he was in front of him.

Truth Tiga suddenly swung his arms vigorously, rotating from the outside to the inside to the position of the color timer, and the power of light and darkness condensed at the same time. The moment his right fist blasted out, the golden red thorn wave instantly cut through the space and hit Dark Tiga!

Cutting large and small wounds on his body, black and purple energy particles suddenly splashed out!

Then the color timer flashed the power of light and darkness again, and with a roundhouse kick from the illusion of Truth Tiga.

Dark Tiga's figure was kicked out again, smashing countless mountains on the battlefield, dragging out an amazing road!

At this time, the shock in Youlian and Camilla's expressions deepened again!

You Lian knows the reputation of Dark Tiga.

Although he has only recently begun to emerge.

But she is still clear about his strength. Even compared to Camilla, it is not an exaggeration. If he uses all his strength, even Camilla may not be able to compare with him!


Such a person was beaten like a chicken in Lufa's hands, no, to be precise, in the hands of the person Lufa summoned with a snap of his fingers!

Now even Dark Tiga couldn't help but show anger on his face!

This made Lufa feel a little strange.

Why did Dark Tiga pick on him (cgbi) for no reason?

He couldn't be like the brainless villain in the novel. Just because he talked a few more words to Camilla, he would come to pick on him, right?


Lufa found a hidden excitement in Dark Tiga's eyes!

Lufa often saw this look in Zero's eyes.

That is the trembling that will appear when fighting with a strong man!

In other words,

Dark Tiga came here purely to fight against the strong and hone himself?

Dark Tiga pulled out purple-black energy with both hands, and a dark Zaperio light suddenly shot out from his arms!

With the power to penetrate space, he arrived in front of the illusion of Truth Tiga in a flash!

The latter suddenly opened his arms.

The moment the light touched his body, this terrifying dark ray turned into dark energy in an instant and was absorbed into the body of the illusion of Truth Tiga!

Attack absorption ability!

In the movie version, Tiga used this skill to absorb the energy of Darram and Hitler.

Completed the process from tornado type to explosion type!

Immediately afterwards!

The illusion of Truth Tiga also made the same energy-accumulating action, a white light wrapped with purple lightning.


It is purple and white!

Representing the two attributes of Dark Tiga and Tiga!

Rather than the black, red and white of Truth Triga!

The light hit Dark Tiga.

Dark Tiga also spread his arms to launch the attack absorption ability!

Purple-white light shot at him, and within a few seconds, part of the light was absorbed by Dark Tiga.

But then.

With the pressure of the illusion of Truth Tiga.

This beauty was immediately broken.

Dark Tiga was instantly blown away!

A mushroom cloud of flames erupted from the ground and broke through the clouds, rendering the sky dark red. The heat wave seemed to devour everything and melt the ruins of the buildings on the battlefield!

Under Lufa's control.

The illusion of Truth Tiga stepped on the ground and rose.

A raging fire emerged from his right foot.

Although it was not Leo's flying kick, its power was definitely not weaker than it!

Just when Zero and the others thought that the illusion of Truth Tiga would kick Dark Tiga.

Lufa suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Tiga, use the head-breaking kick!!!"

A purple-white halo suddenly appeared at the bottom of the illusion of Truth Tiga!

! ! ! !

In an instant.

The corners of Camilla's mouth began to twitch violently.

Damn it, a head-breaking kick! ! ! !

A good flying kick, but was played like this by Truth Tiga? ? ?


The culprit should be said to be the manipulator Lufa!

Is it really because of his own cruelty that the monsters around him, the Gamma Illusions and even the Spark Dolls, are the same? !

Truth Tiga Illusion kicked Tiga in the chest.

The light wheel began to spin rapidly.

A black crack was cut in Dark Tiga's chest!

Dark Tiga stood up again, urging the dark energy in his body, making his body appear purple-black light!

Punched out.

The Truth Tiga Illusion was finally pushed back a few steps!

Then a huge purple-black energy ball with a diameter of dozens of meters condensed in Dark Tiga's hand.

Dark Palm Cut!

Although the name sounds like a light blade skill, it actually releases a sphere!

In Ultraman Galaxy, the Dark Tiga that Lugiel materialized knocked the Killer James to the ground with just one strike, and even made him unable to get up again!

The one released by Tiga himself at this moment was even more powerful!

The moment it was released, the space seemed to make a clanging sound, as if it was going to shatter the void!

The illusion of Truth Tiga looked at the broken timers on the ground!

They were left by the giants who died on the battlefield!

He used Ultraman's telekinesis to float the colored timers on both sides of his body!

He spread his arms.

His own timer and these timers released brilliant light waves at the same time!

The Truth timer flashed! ! !

Seeing this, Zero subconsciously covered the colored timer on his chest.

Several terrifying light waves shattered the energy ball the moment they touched it, shining on Dark Tiga's body, and Dark Tiga was knocked out again.

The black and gray body was submerged in the red flames.


The howl of pain resounded in the ears of Camilla and others.

There were large areas of burns all over the body!

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get blessings: speed +155, strength +178! 】

【Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +999! 】

【You suddenly realized all the skills of Ultraman Leo! 】

【You suddenly realized all the skills of Ultraman Ace! 】

【You suddenly realized EX Red King Ultra Armor! 】

【You obtained the eternal core coordinates! 】

Eternal core coordinates?

Hearing these words, Lufa's eyes suddenly brightened.


Attracted by the movement in front.

After the illusion of Truth Tiga cut a crack in the chest of Dark Tiga, it landed on the ground and started to dig!

Black and purple energy particles were constantly dug out!

Dark Tiga's color timer began to flash!

Lufa was helpless: "Okay, okay, that's enough, be careful not to dig people to death!"

? ? ? ?

Camilla and Youlian were stunned on the spot.

Is this really what a giant of light can say? ? ? ?

For a moment.

They couldn't even tell who was the dark giant between Lufa and Dark Tiga!


So strong!!!

They could only describe Lufa like this.

Such a powerful being was as obedient as a puppet in his hands!

How terrifying was Lufa's true strength.

It was beyond their imagination!

You Lian took a deep look at Lufa.

It was as if she saw hope!


His appearance.

Maybe God heard her prayers and sent down the gods to end this war!

Camilla thought more simply.

He was completely impressed by Lufa's strength!

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