Just thinking about it makes me ignite!

In an instant, I felt that the EX Zeton raised by the Ultra King was nothing!


Various colorful cosmic beast fist emblems suddenly appeared on the six pairs of giant sickle claws of Hyperjedon!


Zeta's breathing was rapid and his eyes were hot.

Master Lufa’s Hypa Jetton actually knows the Space Fantasy Beast Fist? ? ?

And there are exactly six types! ! !

Damn it, does he still have a chance to find Shikari to genetically transform him into a monster and join Lufa? ! ! !

The Cosmic Beast Fist is the strongest boxing technique in the universe!

It’s okay for Master Lufa to know how to do it himself.

Even the monsters he summoned? ? ?

On the six pairs of huge sickle claws of Hyperjedon, flames, ice, cosmic buffalo emblems, green wind waves, water ripples, and lightning are covered on it.

It's like it's possessed.

Hyperjackton waved his giant claws.

Swish, swish, the sword light flashed.

The body of Death Oga was directly cut into several segments smoothly.

[Your fighting style is brutal and you receive a blessing: Energy Purity +111! 】

[Your fighting style is brutal and you receive blessings: Defense +111, Speed ​​+120, Strength +133! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have an epiphany about Oga’s gravity control ability! 】

[You have enlightened on the aerial form, and because of the blessing of Mother Earth, your speed has increased to twenty times that of Tiga's aerial form! 】


"Finally solved!"

"Master Lufa and I are really amazing!"

Zeta looked like he had just experienced a big battle.

Said with a smile.

Triga said quietly: "Senior Zeta, it should be senior Lufa who is the most powerful one, right? We are just being beaten!"

"Shut up!"

"Ah~ It hurts! What are you doing, Zeta-senpai!"

The two people were laughing and joking.


The minced pieces of Death Oga meat on the ground unexpectedly reassembled themselves, changing shape like a liquid until they turned into an egg!

"what happened?!"

Zeta and Triga immediately became vigilant!

Just finished.

A blue claw breaks through the surface of the egg!


Roaring and washing out with strong energy waves.

There are all kinds of energy.

Zeta and Triga clearly sensed that there was still their energy in it!

Still haven't recovered yet.

He was rushed away and hit the ground with a clang.

Look forward.

A strong blue figure stood on the egg that had turned into skin.

It has the same appearance as the Moge Serpent, but its whole body is blue.

Various energy fluctuations are emitted throughout the body.

Absolute people, light energy, dark energy, eternal core...

Like the ultimate suture monster!

New Universe Legendary Monster——

Destroy the serpent!

Within the forest.

Hitram has been paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.

Saw the appearance of the serpent of destruction.

He couldn't help but laugh out loud with excitement.


"You didn't expect that?!"

"The true face of Destruction Oga is this!!"

"From the beginning to the end, all your attacks on the Oga of Destruction have turned into its nutrients!"

"Now, I will use the energy you gave me to ravage you in turn!"

"Thank you so much to that idiot Lufa!"

"Destruction Orochi, destroy it for me!!! Force Yushalei out!"


The Serpent of Destruction immediately ran towards Zeta and Triga. Every time it stepped on the ground, the ground shook violently, as if it was about to trigger a magnitude 10 earthquake!

The weight of the Serpent of Destruction is sixty-six thousand tons.

Even the members of the security team may not be able to bear it if it hits them.

Not to mention Zeta and Triga who are still weak at this time!

He was pushed out immediately.


The yellow organs on Hypadon's chest and back shot out hundreds of dark fireballs at the same time!

Countless flames instantly erupted around the Death Serpent, forming a sea of ​​fire.

The heat wave rose, and the hot wind that hit the face was like scorched breath, almost suffocating. The flames illuminated the sky, its brightness was comparable to that of the sun. In this terrifying sea of ​​fire, countless buildings were submerged, as if they were going to be swallowed up!


The howl of the Death Serpent sounded again.

The eyes all over the body and the horns on the top of the head burst out with unknown power at the same time, and the mouth opened.

This majestic flame was absorbed by him in the blink of an eye!

Then its energy fluctuations increased to a higher level!

A red energy vortex appeared above the head, and the energy just absorbed was emitted again in the form of purple light, shuttled to Zeta and Triga in the blink of an eye.

Sweep across.

Let them be knocked away again in the flames!

"¨ˇ No, Hyperjedon hit you, why did it reflect back to us!?"

Zeta lay on the ground, took a mouthful of ashes, and muttered.

Unwilling to be reconciled, he rushed over directly.

Teliga has no choice. In their current state, they can only join forces.

He also rushed over with him.

Just getting close to the Serpent of Destruction.

Lightning radiates!

The spikes on the back of the Doom Serpent burst out with blue lightning rays, and violent electric sparks burst out on the chests of Zetatliga and the other two, causing them to sit on the ground.

The Doom Serpent, who easily dealt with two Ultramen, was full of confidence.

He rushed towards Hyper Zetton.

A vortex appeared above his head again, and it was about to shoot out red rays!


Its movements paused.

It turned its sights to the distance.

"It seems... to be looking at us???" Yuming said in surprise.

The next second!

A red vortex really appeared on the top of the Doom Serpent's head, and a red ray of light shot towards them!

That's right!

Hitram found Yuming standing here!

He was too excited.

He didn't even notice Lufa next to Yuming.

"That's right, Yusare, please show up soon!"

"Then tell me the location of the Eternal Core!"

"In this way, I can get the strongest power in the universe (Li Qian's)!"

"Ultraman Lufa can only surrender to me!"

Hitram has already started to fantasize unconsciously!

"Lin Chen, get out of the way quickly!!!"

Jie Ming blocked Lufa behind him.

"What should I do?"

"What should I do???"

"Are Lin Chen and I going to die here?"

Jie Ming's voice was filled with tears.

She is now.

Besides being a member of the armory.

She is just a child who has just come of age!

But even so!

When she encountered danger, the first thing she thought of was to block the weak person (referring to Lufa) behind her!

Lufa was immediately moved.

He originally thought that Hyper Zetton could solve the Great Snake of Destruction.

But he didn't expect it.

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