The whole audience was at the moment when Grigio released the miraculous light of the universe.

They all became extremely unbelievable!

The expression on his face was a million times more exaggerated than when he saw a ghost in broad daylight, as if there were a million bogaru running wildly inside him!

Especially Shin Hayata and the others!

"This little girl actually used the miraculous light of the universe???"

"He called that Ultraman master, which means... he taught this girl this light?!"

“Is this really possible??”

You must know that the Miracle Light of the Universe is a special move that can only be released after they merge into Super Tyro.

Now it was actually used by a little girl who looked extremely thin!

How could this not shock them?

How to calm them down? ?

Which universe do they come from? ?

Are all the Ultramans in that universe so scary? ? ?

If Mebius knew their inner activities, he would definitely cry and say: No, only Lufa in the entire multiverse is so outrageous! !

The Four Dark Kings also stared at Grigio in horror.

They had seen Lufa let such a little girl challenge.

He also sneered in his mind that Lu Fa had something wrong with his brain.

But now it seems.

The clowns only have themselves!

Just when everyone thought that Gricho would definitely annihilate Disrem in one fell swoop.

"Hmph!" Griqiao suddenly sneered: "As a disciple of Master Lufa, how can I only have this little ability?!"

"The Miracle Ray of the Universe...Punch!!!"

Grigio stepped on her feet and ran out.

The figure flashed in front of Desrem.

The fist wrapped in energy punched Desrem through the head!

Then Gricho inserted his entire arm into Desrem's neck from the broken part!

The armpits then emitted "five-seven-seven" golden light!


Disrem hiccupped.

[Grecho is affected by you, and her fighting style is extremely brutal. She triggers a blessing critical strike and gains energy purity +233, speed +233, strength +233, defense +233, and spiritual power +233! 】

Hear the voices in your head.

Lufa's eyes suddenly lit up!

Why hadn’t he discovered this feature before?

It seems that this is a new feature that has been unlocked recently? ?

Then he can start preparing to create his own power as soon as possible.

It's like Zero's Ultimate Zero Guard!

Primitive tribe, this name is not bad!

"Master, I have already taken care of him!" Griqiao excitedly ran to Lufa and said.

"Yes, this is the correct use of the miraculous light of the universe!"

After hearing what he said, Hayata Susumu and others' mouths instantly began to twitch crazily!

What a correct way to use goddamn meow! ! !

Is this how the Universe Miracle Light is used? ? ?

Blow someone's head off and then put your hand inside and let out a beam of light?

Damn it, it feels easier to use than their original version! ! !

Lufa looked at Grigio in confusion, who was still blinking at him with big eyes.

When she discovered the look of anticipation hidden in Grigio's eyes.

He could only smile helplessly.

He gently touched Griqiao's head with his hand.

Gricho suddenly narrowed her eyes.


It feels like I'm addicted to Master Lufa's gentleness!

People are like this, they always hope that they are the special one.

A road master who is cruel to others,

It is special to oneself.

Just imagining it made Grigio feel extremely satisfied!

Little did he know that this was just like a concubine favored by an emperor in ancient times.

"Great, this female Ultraman is so awesome!"

Marina was so happy as she and Ikaruga George piloted the Impeller!


Mephius, who was restrained by the Mephilas, looked at the two fighter planes with the flame logo hovering above.

His eyes became moist unconsciously and were filled with light particles!

That flame was painted on by him and everyone on the guys team...

How many times have I wanted to see them again.

Unexpectedly, this wish came true today!

Although it is only a parallel universe sibling.

But this is enough.

But having said that, I am really embarrassed...

If Long Sang and the others find out, they will definitely say that they are useless.

Mebius's color timer suddenly burst out with a majestic force, causing the flashing red light to turn back on!

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Mebius transformed into the Burning Hero form on his own.

Break free from the dark energy beam that binds you!

Knocked back the Mephilas star with one punch.

"I won't lose to anyone!"

"Everyone on the guys team is still looking at me!"

Membius shouted.

One punch sent the Mephilas star flying thousands of meters, causing him to smash into countless buildings in the lightning flash!

"Asshole, look what you are protecting!!!"

Aihara Ryu's angry voice sounded.

He just woke up and saw the scene of Mebius fighting.

He also sensed now that the Mebius in front of him didn't seem to be the one he knew.


Listening to this long lost voice.

Mebius trembled all over.

I really miss it!

Although Aihara Ryu couldn't see Mebius's expression clearly, he always felt that this guy was looking at him with a touched face.

Oh my god!

Could this Mebius be a masochist?

Slip away!

"If you don't accept my toast, you'll have to drink the wine!"

"Our four dark kings are all here now. Do you really think you can make any waves with just a few of you little brats?"

Grozam rushed towards Luffa.

Just then.


A burst of devilish voices sounded above.

As countless afterimages passed by, Gliza appeared in front of Luffa.

"What is that???"

"This Ultraman summoned a monster!?"

"So awesome!!!"

Guys team members Aihara Ryu, Marina, Kinomi and others were immediately amazed!

Only Teppei looked at the surveillance screen with a look of shock.

"You're kidding... This, this is impossible!!"

"What's wrong?" Sakami Shingo asked.

"Our instruments did not detect any energy response from this monster, not even a heat source, it's like it doesn't exist..."

Hearing what he said, Assistant Officer Toriyama and others present were shocked!

"It doesn't exist? How is this possible?????"

Compared to their ignorance.

Hokuto Seiji and the others were much more surprised!

At this time, the four brothers had gathered together!

"Is this the void monster Gliza?"

"No mistake!"

"There is actually someone in this universe who can control it? It's incredible!"

Mebius looked at Gliza.

Also surprised!

But at the same time.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Gliza really couldn't think of any brutal fighting method!

It's nothing more than fighting the enemy with a void body and attack skills.

It's not brutal at all!

Can I finally see Lufa fighting normally?

Just when he was thinking about this.

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