What he got was Griza without the weakness of the Cosmic Needle! ! !

That is to say!

This is a void monster in the true sense!

As long as it becomes blurry, no one can hit it!

And Lufa can also control which forms Grizza uses!


This Glizza won't make the same mistake as the one in Aix!

What a great second form to violently torture X.

It has to change into a third form and have a physical body!

At that time, when Lufa was watching the show, he wished he could pass through Griza and do it himself!

Can you play it?

But now, Lufa can really do it on his own!

And beyond that.

He actually also got Gliza's void body!

You must know that this is one of the most buggy skills in Ultraman's world view!

Ignores any skill attacks.

No matter whether it is physical or energy attacks, they are useless to it!

"I just don't know if the Void Body Cosmic Needle is useful?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if it is useful. Anyway, the currently known Cosmic Needle Rainbow Knife, Belial Dusk, etc. will not hurt or itch even if they cut me on my body without defense."

Don’t underestimate the many blessings of defense given by Mother Earth.


An idea appeared in Lufa's mind.

Didn't he explode the equipment after defeating Beria before?

And Grizza's third form has the ability to absorb the Spark Doll and then obtain the corresponding monster's skills!

Even the one in Zeta.

After absorbing Ged into the body.

It can also use Geed's special attack, Cross Shock Wave!

If you feed those dozen capsules and medals to Glizza...

Just do what Lufa says.

A thought.

In the purple-black light pillar soaring into the sky, Griza suddenly appeared!


Seeing this ghostly figure, the whole audience suddenly became nervous.

Especially Ax!

Take out the rainbow knife and prepare for battle immediately!

But then, they realized something was wrong with this Glizza!


Why is Griza so obedient in front of Lufa!

Could it be that……

An incredible idea suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

Was this Griza summoned by Lufa? !

I'm done! ! ! !

Is it possible to do this kind of thing in any way? ?

Grizza is a monster born in a world of nothingness!

Total lack of self-awareness!

Even if the Thunderbolts came, it would be impossible to control it with a hundred ultimate battle instruments! ! !

What kind of terrifying existence is Lufa! ?

"He is my master!!"

Grigio looked at Lufa with excitement and admiration.

Very much like Aniya’s wow cool wow cool.

Lufa ignored the shock of the people around him and immediately took out the capsule.

"Ah, that seems to be me..." Jade was stunned.

Then Lufa directly threw more than a dozen capsules towards Glizza.

A void vortex suddenly emerged from the latter's chest, and the surrounding space was distorted. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen capsules were absorbed into Gliza's body!


Glizza suddenly let out a cry of joy!

Various forms of energy burst out from its body!

Although it absorbs the energy in this capsule.


Grizza still hasn't materialized!

Just like the one in Zeta, after sucking Geed into his body.

I haven’t seen him materialize yet!

Lufa sensed the information in his mind.

Some excitement!

At this moment, Gliza has learned some of the skills of the character corresponding to the capsule!

The first generation of Specium Ray!

Belial's Disium Ray!

Severn's Emelium Ray!

Leo's Leo Flying Kick!

Hikari's Knight Beam Blade!

Gaussian full moon light waves!

Zero's Zero Beam Beam!

Father Ultra's Father Fist and Father Ray!

And the most important three——

The heavy energy fluctuations of Planet Ampera!

Luge-El's Dark Luge-El Shooting!

These two capsules are naturally the equipment that exploded from the old guy who killed the evil Beria before!

as well as!

King of Ultra!

Grizza absorbed his capsule and learned the Cosmic Prison! ! !

Of course!

This cosmic prison is definitely not as good as Ultra King and Lufa.

It is definitely not possible to seal Beria instantly.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and it can still destroy an army of monsters with just a raise of its hands! ! !

Originally, Lufa thought that these capsules could only be used as decorations, and he even wanted to return them to Ged.

I didn’t expect to be able to bring myself such a surprise!

Not bad!

"I'll give you another gift."

Lufa exported his energy to Grizza.


Glizza made a ghostly sound.


Sure enough, you can't unlock too powerful skills.

Lufa said in his heart.

Just unlocked a space channel.

"Why don't we give it a try."

He was curious.

What's the difference between Gliza's space channel and his own.

Controlling Grizza.

As Grizza made a tearing move.

The space was suddenly torn out of a space channel!

But soon!

When they saw the scene inside!

Everyone's hair stood up!

"I Zhuo? !!!!!!!"

Chapter 108 Mebius TV Timeline Everyone was shocked! Grigio released the cosmic miracle light? !

A few minutes ago.

"The Intelligence Department said that the energy reaction of the Absolut people was found here, but there was nothing!"

Mebius was flying in a space.

During the period when Lufa returned to Earth~.

Someone from the Intelligence Department came over and said that the energy reaction of the Absolut people was found at a location of 1 million light years, because the six Ultra brothers and the new generation were busy strengthening their defenses.

In order to deal with the invasion of the Absolut tribe.

He volunteered to come and take a look.

But after searching this coordinate for a long time, he didn't see any Absolut people!

"Is the intelligence wrong?"

"After all, Lufa just defeated Tartarus, how could they take action so quickly?"


"Di Si Lei Mu Hellfire!!!"

A cold shout suddenly sounded.

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