It was as if what Lufa said reached her heart.

Staring at Lufa, there were waves of water in his beautiful eyes that shook people's hearts.

"Then, that's true..."

Lufa was slightly surprised.

She originally thought that Carmilla would definitely refuse to admit it with her personality.

But he still didn't know Carmilla well enough.

Dare to love and hate.

This is Carmilla.

After knowing her own feelings, when Carmila faced Lufa, she was only enthusiastic and not shy.

After all, they are no longer little girls like Grigio and Yuka.

Although it is sealed in the middle.

But at least he lived for 30 million years.

Ever since.

I feel like I still don’t understand Carmilla’s method.

To get to know her better.

Walked over slowly.

He held a light whip in his hand.

Under Carmila's frightened eyes with a hint of subtle surprise, she wrapped the light whip around her body.


You know the basics of the method.

"I want to go back to the Kingdom of Light, please be good."


Lufa looked at Carmilla who looked submissive.


This is actually the crazy female critic from before who opened her mouth to tell the truth!

at the same time.

the other side.

Things are in chaos here in the Absolute Kingdom.

"Tartarus, calm down!" "

Tai Tan said urgently.

At this time, he, Tartarus, and the hundreds of little golden soldiers around them all had obvious injuries.

But nevertheless.

Tartarus still didn't stop!

This is what the Phantom Demon Emperor Fist is like!

Sanity will not be restored until the designated person is killed!

"Absolute destruction——!!"

Tartarus blasted out a ray of light, instantly destroying dozens of little golden soldiers!

The Titan's figure was swallowed up, and frightening cracks suddenly appeared on his body, and finally he could no longer hold up.

With a cry of pain, his body turned into golden particles and exploded, turning into Absolut's heart.

"Lord Tartarus, what's wrong with you?"

"What's the point??? It's all the fault of the evil Ultraman Rufa!!! It's all his fault that Lord Tartarus became like this!"

"Who is coming, who is coming to save us!!!"

Tartarus takes to the sky.

He activated all his energy at once, and his whole body was wrapped in golden light.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the little golden soldiers instantly became frightened and horrified!

"Absolute destruction at full power!!"

Tartarus fired a thousand-meter beam from his hand.

Aldurata is currently in an extremely unstable state.

Tartarus even strictly prohibited anyone from approaching within a radius of ten miles.

If the light hits the ground.

at this time.

In the Tower of Erdulla, a golden beam of light soared into the sky, carrying a majestic aura that made people kneel down and surrender. The moment energy like a galaxy was washed out, the light of Tartarus was scattered. !

Then a golden light shot into Tartarus's body accurately.

Making him groan in pain.

Flying backwards.

Falling to the ground, his eyes gradually regained their clarity!

"I am..."

Memories of being controlled came to mind.

Tartarus turned pale and looked at his hands in disbelief.

"What on earth...did I do?"


He heard a commotion nearby.

"This power..."

"There can be no mistake, it's that Lord, that Lord's power!!"

"Ha, hahahahaha!! I knew it, I knew that our Absolute clan is a being favored by God. How could a mere Ultraman destroy us?"

Hundreds of millions of Absoluts knelt on the ground.

Looking up devoutly in the direction of Eldura Tower.

Tartarus was stunned.

He turned his head in disbelief.

Feeling the energy fluctuations emanating from Eldura Tower.

His expression suddenly became extremely excited!

"King, is that you?!"

There was no sound from Erudulata.

Just a majestic energy poured into his body.

Tartarus's energy increased instantly, and it surged several times in a short period of time!

Even without using full power of absolute destruction.

The body is still wrapped in bright golden light!

"This the king!?"

Tartarus became even more excited.

He could feel this new power.

Even under normal conditions.

It can also display its strength when using full power of Absolute Destruction! ! !

Two more golden rays of light shot out.

The hearts of Titan and Diavolo's Absolute were held up by an invisible force.

The body is reshaped and appears!

They stared blankly in the direction of Eldura Tower.

The direction over there is to calm down.

They still feel like they are in a dream and feel unrealistic.


"Ultraman Lufa, didn't expect that what you did caused the king to generate energy fluctuations in advance!"

"Not long after, the king will really wake up!!!"

Tartarus was so excited that he covered half of his face with one hand.

The curvature of the corners of the mouth can even be described as twisted.

this is normal.

This time, if Wang hadn't woken him up.

The consequences are simply unimaginable!

Maybe, there is really going to be a big problem!

That was all Tartarus was thinking about now.

Just kill Lufa!


It would be too easy to kill that beast!

He also wanted to torture him a thousand times! !

Until Lufa dies!

Although he had gained new power, Tartarus knew that now was not the time to take action against Lufa.

He wants to find out Lufa's trump card before he takes action!

Before that, some powerful combat power must be found!

"Brothers, let's go over and kill Lufa now!!!" Diavolo pounded his fists excitedly.

All he got in exchange was a cold shout from Tartarus.


Tartarus said solemnly: "Do you think that level of strength is enough in front of Lufa? You can't even match his Phantom Beast Overlord Fist!"

"The king's power should still remain in Eldura Tower now!"

"Go inside and practice!"

"If you can't become stronger, don't come out!"

Even the Titan can't calm down now!

Eldura Tower is extremely unstable.

The slightest touch may cause it to explode, implicating the entire universe!

The risk of going in to practice is the same as going to the Kingdom of Light to fight with the King of Ultra!

But when I think about their disastrous defeat this time.

Titan gritted his teeth.

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