A cold shout.

A golden light shot out.

The illusion of Tartarus quickly held up a golden barrier with both hands to resist.

Tartarus and the Titans enter the Narak space.

His anger is almost overflowing now!

Forget it outside.

Now we are in the kingdom.

Can they still let Lufa be bullied? ? ?

at this time.

He suddenly discovered that the illusion of Tartarus used energy to draw a formation of circles and triangles on the ground!

Then he stood inside.

He put his hand into Diavolo's belly and absorbed the large Absolute particles into his body.


A scene that shocked everyone present occurred.

The right hand of the illusion of Tartarus condenses energy.

He suddenly stretched out towards his chest, and his whole hand instantly penetrated the skin and was embedded inside!

? ? ? ? ? ?

What is he doing! ?

Everyone's expressions suddenly became unbelievable.

Even Tartarus didn't know why Lufa let his illusion harm himself!

Is it to humiliate him? ? ?


"Is it because you are afraid that you want to admit your mistake?"

Diavolo suddenly laughed out loud: "That's more or less the same. If you are willing to give me your power, I can consider letting it go..."

Phew——! ! ! !

As soon as the words fell.

A big, shiny hole suddenly appeared on his chest.

In an instant.

The expressions of Tartarus, Astra and others suddenly became shocked!

(Thanks to Dry Bones in the Tomb for your big monthly ticket, 9203... big monthly ticket and 100 VIP points for reminder!) Er.

Chapter 104: All the villains massacre the Absolute Clan! Lufa's four arcane skills are equal to A?

At the beginning, when he saw the illusion of Tartarus mutilating himself.

Not to mention that Diavolo thought he was crazy.

Even Tartarus felt that Lufa must have been unable to control his illusion, which caused the illusion to be like this!

That's right!

He knew it!

He is the ultimate life form, the strongest person in the Absolute clan at present!

How could he be manipulated at will by this kid Lufa? ? ?

it's good now!

Lufa has lost control of his illusion!

Just when Tartarus was proud.

A big hole suddenly appeared in Diavolo's chest, and Absolute particles burst out, exactly the same size as those taken out by the illusion of Tartarus!

What's going on with him? ! ! ! !

In an instant.

Everyone present was shocked!

After Tartarus' illusion of self-mutilation, the wound actually appeared on Diavolo's body!

What kind of perverted skill is this! ! !

By the way, is Lufa really Ultraman? ? ?

Regulus was completely confused!

Leo had clearly told himself that Ultraman were a very friendly race.

All Ultraman are like this.

But now he feels that this is not the case!


The same goes for Juliane.

If he hadn't sensed Lufa's energy aura.

She will definitely suspect that some cosmic person is pretending to be this!

"Any creature will feel anger and pain when it is attacked, but Gamma Illusion will not feel that way!"

Lufa said seriously: "So, we don't need to be compassionate towards Gamma Illusion!"

The vision of Tartarus reached out.

Touch it on your eyes.

"No, no, what do you want to do?!!!"

Diavolo's expression suddenly became horrified.

Click! ! !

The illusion of Tartarus entangled the right hand of absolute and destructive power, directly penetrating his "540" eyes!

The whole hand is embedded in it! ! !


The next second, Diavolo's right eye also shattered instantly, leaving only a pitch-black eye socket!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Diavolo's miserable howl resounded throughout Narak space!

What exactly is going on! ?

Tartarus' expression was extremely ugly!

He noticed that there seemed to be a formation at the feet of the Tartarus illusion.

Is it because of this? ?

"Stop it!"

Tartarus immediately released a bolt of absolute destruction towards the illusion!

"I didn't let you move!"

"Ruggeset, strong brother Moralant, come out and have some fun!"

Two big monsters suddenly appeared in front of Lufa in a purple-black light pillar.



Rushing towards Tartarus.

"You can also summon monsters!? Not only Lugoset, but it also seems to be Belial Fusionmon!?"

Julianne was completely confused.

She feels like her worldview is shattered now!

I wonder if I am dreaming!

Tartarus is restrained by two monsters.

Titan wants to help.

Hikali and the others are not just freeloaders, so they will immediately start a group beating on them!


A scene happened that stunned the whole audience.

The phantom hand of Tartarus reached into his wound again.

Tear it apart suddenly! ! !

Bah! ! !

A large piece of skin was torn off with light particles!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

Diavolo let out an inhuman howl of pain.

The skin on his body was also torn.

Just like that.

The skin was torn apart bit by bit.

The Tartarus illusion turned into light particles and disintegrated.

Only a pile of rotten skin was left on the ground for Diablo!

Watching the pile of rotten skin explode and turn into an Absolut heart.

The whole audience was stunned!

Damn! ! ! !

What kind of brutal fighting method is this? ? ?

Although the Gamma Illusion has no sense of pain.

But it doesn't mean that you can use it like this! ! !

This ability is too perverted and cruel!

"What did this child experience in his childhood to become like this!?" Julian said in horror.

He began to blame Ace for not caring enough for Lufa!

"No, no matter how miserable his childhood was, it shouldn't be like this!"

"But how should I put it..."

"Why do I feel so good all of a sudden?"

Regulus said.

Diablo is the enemy who killed his master!

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's revenge for killing his father!

Now I see him die so tragically.

I just feel happy!

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