"How could Jian Wu be there?!"

"Why did he fly?"

"Could it be that Jian Wu is dead and has become a ghost?"

Yoko and the others were shocked when they saw this.

Jian Wu stared at the evil Belia in front of him, took out the Victory Light Rod, and put the Super 26 Crossing Key into it!

He immediately transformed into Triga!


A golden ball of light fell from the sky!

It merged into his body.

In an instant.

Triga's whole body turned golden, the timer was three to one point, and his whole body exuded an extremely rich eternal core power!

Seeing this, Yoko and the others knew it.

Jian Wu is Triga! !


Lufa may also become a human and lurk around them? ?

On a rooftop.

Lufa didn't know that the scene of Jian Wu's transformation into Triga would involve him.

He looked at Triga and his mouth twitched.

"Is this the power of the protagonist's halo?"

In the original work, Triga's Shining Eternal Type was given by Yusara through the power of Yusara.

Now the Eternal Core actually directly gave part of its power to Jian Wu.

Is it a thank you for sealing the Carmilla trio in the ancient times?

For the power of the Eternal Core.

It is impossible for Lufa to say that he is not greedy.

You know, this is a prop of the fourth level of God that can destroy and even reshape the universe.

After absorbing it.

I am afraid that the legendary Hyperzeton who swallowed the negative emotional power of the entire universe cannot compare with it!

However, he doesn't know where the Eternal Core is now.

He can only wait for Yusara in Triga's body to fully revive.

Anyway, his relationship with Triga has been well established during this period.

As long as Yusara knows that he has no ill intentions, everything is just a matter of time.

He was about to activate the energy and attack the Evil Belia.


The Evil Belia took action first!

"Your power is really good!"

"Why not let me play with it too!"

The Evil Belia rushed towards Triga with an evil smile.

"Just right, I'll warm you up before I kill that bastard Lufa!"

Terica swung his arms vigorously, turning them from outside to inside while condensing light energy. The moment his right fist rushed out, a golden spiral shock wave shot out!


The powerful recoil made Terica stagger back a few steps, and the shock wave even hit a tall building next to it.

It was instantly shattered.

Seeing this.

Zeta's mouth twitched: "Terica, what are you doing! We are guarding, not destroying!!!"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Senior Zeta!"


"Are you here to play a trick on me?!"

Evil Belia stretched out a hand.

Invisible shock waves shot out!

Heavy energy fluctuations!

The skills of the Ampera star!

Yes, that's right, the Evil Belia borrowed the power of the Ampera star, so it's reasonable for him to use the skills of the Ampera star, right?

The Evil Belia used it in the arcade.

It's just that it wasn't shown in the drama.

Triga and Zeta flew backwards.

Triga stood up.

The Shining Blade appeared in his hand.

While gathering energy, purple light suddenly appeared on the sword!

As Triga swung.

A bright purple slash wave was launched immediately, and the space trembled wherever it went, as if it was going to cut the void into pieces!

It arrived in front of Belia in the blink of an eye.

He had no time to defend.

It just chopped straight into his chest!

Even the evil Belia couldn't help but groan in pain at this moment.

Triga's move is called Eternal Geradis!

This skill was used when he killed Dark Triga, severely injured Diaborigu, and joined forces with Libut and others to defeat Diablo!

In addition, Triga had just unlocked the Shining Eternal Type.

He hadn't learned to control this power by singing and dancing rap with Libut like in the original work.

Energy output would be too much if you are not careful.

Instantly, a not-so-deep cut was left on the chest of Evil Belia.

Triga was panting heavily.

He had not learned how to control energy, and he output too much energy, which made him a little exhausted.

However, behind him were thousands of lights!

He must not give up yet!

"Compound Photon!!"

Triga shouted, and two clones suddenly appeared beside him.

The three of them released the shining Zaperio rays at the same time!

Evil Belia licked the corner of his mouth.



"This is not enough!!!"

He gathered energy in his hands to form a cross shape, and a Evil Explosion shot out!

It only lasted for a few seconds.

Triga was suppressed!

Boom! ! ! --

The majestic purple flames burst out, causing Triga and Zeta to fly backwards together.

They just barely stood up.

Belia took out the Ultimate Battle Instrument again, and swung a Belia Death Scythe!

It penetrated their bodies.

They were sent flying backwards, smashing two buildings, their bodies sunk deeply into them!

At the same time, the color timer began to flash!

Zeta transformed into Delta Sky Claw form.

Then he took out Belia Dusk.


Teliga panicked.

Look at Beria the Evil.

as expected!

His expression has become very ferocious!

"These bastards from the Kingdom of Light!"

"While you are scorning me, you are using my power at the same time!"

"He's still talking about moral principles all day long, talking about Ultra Spirit!"

"My power is not something you bastards can use casually!!!"

The extremely evil Beria stepped on his feet, causing an astonishing wave of air to wash away, and the ground then produced terrifying pits and cracks!

Appeared in front of Zeta instantly.

Belial's claws extended, wrapped in black-red energy.

The most evil hell claw! !

Bah! ! !

Under Zeta's miserable howl, three terrifying claw marks were immediately left on his chest!

Light particles burst out with dark energy!

Beria the Evil grabbed Zeta's shoulders.

"Go to hell!"

"Go to hell!!"

"You, those bastards from the Kingdom of Light, and Ultraman Rufa all deserve to die!!!"

"Absorb all your power!"

"I want to return to the Kingdom of Light for revenge!!!"

The extremely evil Beria said and was about to reach out his hand again.

In an instant!

In a white beam of light, Lufa's figure appeared in it!

"I finally gave up, Ultraman Lufa!!"

The extremely evil Beria said and immediately rushed towards Lufa!

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