Chapter 95 Freeze the blood of the little golden sword into an ice blade? Beth and others are confused!

Planet K76.

Jonias, Leo and Seven are training Zero.

"Too slow!"

"What's your fighting style? What's your physical skills? Can you protect the Kingdom of Light like this?"

Seven said in a deep voice.

Ever since he saw Ace's disciple Lufa.

He was quite proud of his son.

But now, he just feels that it is not enough!

If Leo hadn't stopped him.

He was going to give Zero a jeep!

"Zero, you must forget those things that make you indecisive, temporarily put aside the ties established with your companions, and be yourself again!"

Leo said.

Zero waved his hand when he heard the words: "Those guys are my precious companions, how could I let them go!"

As he said.

Wearing a training armor, he rushed towards Seven and the other two again.

But he was defeated soon.

Was knocked out.

Failure after failure made Zero a little anxious.


He let go and fought!

"Let's start a black hole storm!"

Zero roared, and a burst of wild power burst out of his body, shattering his training armor!

At this time, the blue color of Zero's body faded.

Only the red and silver color belonging to the red tribe remained!

Zero, wild form!

"Is this my new power?"

Zero was very excited.

He could clearly feel that his strength had improved a lot!

He could perfectly control the Ultimate Radiant Form!

In this way.

He could finally get closer to Luffa, right?

Just as he was thinking this.

Astra landed next to him.

Straight to the point.

"I'm sorry to disturb your warm moment, but there is trouble on the Babylon planet."

"Go, Ultraman Zero!" Seven and others laughed.

Zero nodded.

He couldn't wait to fly out of the K76 planet!


On the other side.

On the Babylon planet.

As Lufa threw the Diablo Spark Doll into the sky.

The Light Thunderstorm Energy was released.

"Diabolo" suddenly appeared in front of everyone.



The whole place was dead silent.

Staring at Diablo, Beth and others were excited, and Titan was even more incredulous!

What excited Beth and others was that Lufa actually summoned someone they didn't know!

And judging from the energy fluctuations, it was no less than Titan!


It was also the breath of the Ultimate Life Form!

How did Lufa do it! ?

At this moment.

Lufa became more mysterious in their eyes.

And Titan's brain was about to crash!

Why did Diablo become a Spark Doll? ! ! !

No, that's not right, this is not Diablo at all!

Because before he came, he saw Diablo admiring his Strong Bull Fist Emblem and grinning.

So that's the problem!

How the hell did Lufa do it? ? ? ?

Could it be possible to create something out of thin air? !

"It must be a trick. I don't believe that the noble Absolut people will be turned into spark dolls!"

Titan said angrily.

Although he and Diablo don't like each other.

But they are all Absolut people after all.

In the eyes of their tribe, the Absolut tribe is the most noble creature in the universe, and it is also the ultimate life form, much greater than any Ultraman!

That's why he was so angry.

He hurriedly broke free from the ice, holding the golden sword and sickle sword and rushed towards Lufa, swinging the slash!

Just when everyone thought that Lufa would definitely let Diablo attack.

Lufa picked up Diablo with his backhand.

Aimed Diablo's pair of horns that were longer and thicker than Ultra Father at him!

"Gangli Breaking Bull Fist!"

"Fuck!" ×n!

Beth and the others were stunned instantly!

I'm so angry!

This is different from what they thought!

Aren't the Spark Dolls usually materialized and then used to fight for themselves?

What's the point of him carrying himself on the field!

Moreover, the God damn Strong Bull Punch!!!

Now, even the usually honest Libut couldn't help but spit out sweet words!

He had heard of Lufa's reputation a long time ago.

But he really didn't expect that Lufa was so wild!

That was the ultimate life form at the same level as Tartarus!

How could Lufa use it in such a strange way!

The energy of the Cosmic Buffalo gathered on Diablo's horns.

The Titan's slashing wave smashed it.

Puff——!!! !!!

It penetrated Titan's body.

Rich Absolute particles splashed out.

Titan never thought that Diablo would use it in this way until his death!

It feels stronger than Diablo's normal Strong Bull Punch!

Lufa suddenly pulled Diablo out of Titan's body.

More Absolut particles splashed out.

Absolute zero ice appeared on Lufa's body!

"Does he want to use the power of ice to get rid of Titan?"

"What a good idea!"

Beth said with a smile.

Just when he was looking forward to how Lufa would use the power of ice.

Lufa inserted his hands directly into the wound on the Titan's chest that was penetrated by Diavolo's two big horns!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The Titan's inhumane howl suddenly resounded across the planet Babylon.


other people:?

Where's the promised ice power? ? ?

The next second!

Lufa suddenly pulled out his hand.

Absolute particles like a fountain splashed out from the two wounds on Titan's body.

Two traces were drawn in the air.

Almost instantly.

Lufa stretched out his hand.

The splashed liquid Absolut particles immediately froze and turned into two double blades.

"Ice Blade!"

In an instant.

The expressions of the whole audience were like those of old people on the subway using their mobile phones.

Bess and others had black lines all over their faces, and the corners of their mouths began to twitch.

He’s so meowing! ! ! !

Using other people's blood (let's call it that) splattered as a weapon? ? ?

What kind of brain can come up with this fighting method! ?

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