Chapter 92 Little Golden Man Little Golden Bull Spark Doll! ? The daughter of Jiehua and Lufa?

When Lufa just took out the Spark Doll, Zeta was naturally extremely shocked!

You know, the Spark Doll is something that can only be transformed into Ultraman by using the Dark Spark in Lugiel's hand.

At the beginning, it even turned all the Ultraman and monsters in the universe into unconscious dolls!

However? !

Lufa actually took it out like this!

And the one in his hand was Triga's! !

Lufa's ability to create things out of thin air is getting more and more outrageous!

But the most shocking one.

It was still Carmilla.

When Lufa used the energy of the Light Thunderstorm to materialize the Truth Triga Spark Doll.

She sensed the energy fluctuations of the coexistence of light and darkness, and her head was buzzing instantly, as if she was hit hard by the Ultra Bell, her breathing was rapid, and her eyes were full of red bloodshot.

Her expression was even more unbelievable!

How is this possible! ?

How can the power of light and darkness coexist in one person? ? ?

Although Zeta's Delta Sky Claw form also has the dark energy fluctuations of the Evil Belia.

But that is always caused by borrowing power.

She can clearly sense that the light and dark energy on Truth Triga comes from him.

It's like the light Triga and the dark Triga are fused together!

How did Lufa do it! ?

This kind of thing is unheard of in the ancient times!

Carmilla stared at Lufa.

Who is he...


I thought Lufa would let the Shining Triga Illusion and Truth Triga attack Rugset together.

But what they never expected was.

Damn it! ! !

Lufa actually grabbed their ankles and held them in his hands like swords!

Especially Triga.

His whole face became a little distorted!

God damn Holy Sword Curry Stick! ! !

He is still here!

Can you not do this? ? ?

Although his name is Jian Wu.

But he didn't mean to really use it as a sword! ! ! !


His mindset was broken!

"Truth Bombardment Assault!"

Lufa swung the Truth Triga in his right hand, and a golden-red slashing wave burst out immediately!

This was originally a skill released by Truth Triga with both hands.

But in Lufa's hand.

It was just like a sword swinging out!

Chila——! ! !

Rugset's body suddenly burst into violent sparks, and he was knocked back hundreds of meters!


Lufa released a chain-shaped M87 beam, connecting the illusion of Shining Triga and the soles of Truth Triga's feet.

Grabbing Truth Triga's wrist.

It started to swipe like a nunchaku!


Looking at the crazy spinning and stirring up the wind and waves, and the two of himself being treated as nunchakus.

Triga couldn't hold it anymore!

It's okay to treat him as a holy sword curry stick!

Damn, can it still form a nunchaku now? ? ?

Did you use him as a weapon fusion material! ?

As Lufa swung the two Triga.

Rugeset, who had just stood up, burst into fierce sparks again, and wanted to fall backwards.


The Shining Triga illusion was thrown into the air by Lufa!

The Ultra Telekinesis activated and made him stagnate above Lufa as if he was lying flat!

"Compound Photon!"

Shining Triga used the skill of Shining Light Blade!

After using it, it can split into two clones with the same strength as itself!

The three Shining Triga illusions followed Lufa's hand wave.

"Sword Rain!"

Swish swish swish——

The three of them suddenly turned into golden streams and rushed towards Rugeset. The golden light danced wildly, leaving countless cuts on Rugeset's body!

Triga held his head.

"No, don't!!"

He never thought that one day he would be used as a sword.

What the hell is Sword Rain! ?

Zeta put a hand on Triga's shoulder and said with a smile: "Terriga-kun, don't be so sad. No matter what happens, you have to be Smailu. Come to Smailu Smailu!"

This is the first time in Triga's life that he feels disgusted by the word Smailu!

Is he so annoying? ? ?

The Shining Triga Illusion returns to Lufa's hand.

"It's time to end the battle!"

"EX Curry Stick!!!"

The Shining Triga Illusion and the Truth Triga were carried on Lufa's shoulders, and golden and golden-red rays were instantly shot at Rugosset's head!

Rugosset quickly used the Creation Requiem to resist.

In the vision of Zeta, Triga and others, it stood on the left and stalemated for several seconds, but was finally suppressed by two rays of light.

Since ancient times, the left side loses in the confrontation.

"Now in addition to Dyna, there is another you."

Lufa said lightly.

Boom--! !

Rugosset's body exploded.

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get blessings: Energy purity +66, speed +66, defense +88, and mental strength +99! ]

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get blessings: Energy purity +66! ]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, and you get energy purity +233, speed +233, strength +233, defense +233, and mental strength +233! ]

[You got the Diablo Spark Doll! (cgbi)]

[You got 1 Absolute Power Fragment. Collect 5 pieces to get one of the three choices: Tartarus Spark Doll/Tartarus Gamma Illusion/Tartarus Barrier! ]

[You successfully defeated the monster and tamed the monster girl. Do you want to summon her now? ]

Luffa took back the Shining Triga Illusion and the Truth Triga.

Triga's expression is now extremely rich.

Blaze! ! !

The way Luffa carries two of them is like a shoulder cannon!

"Can the light be released like this???" Triga held his head and doubted his life.

Zeta sighed.

"Others may not be able to do it, but Master Lufa... I can only say that there is no way he can't use the light that you can't think of!"

He feels it now.

If Luffa were Lugiel.

The cosmic people in the universe who have become spark dolls, wouldn't they be played to pieces?

In that case, he would rather be an unconscious spark puppet forever!

Carmilla watched Luffa's back as he flew away.

Her teeth clenched.

"Ultraman Luffa..."

Tricka's strength in the ancient times was not much different from hers.

However, this is the same Tricka.

In Luffa's hands, he is just like a toy!

If Luffa appeared in the ancient times, she might not even look at Tricka, right?

Carmilla was shocked by her own thoughts!

Who would like that abominable guy!

He actually knocked her out and beat her up!

"If I don't take revenge, I'm not Carmilla!"

The woman gritted her teeth.



Luffa couldn't wait to return to the armory.

It was to summon the monster girl!

A strange blue magic circle suddenly appeared on the ground in front of him.

A petite figure appeared.

Wearing a blue and red Lolita dress that is exactly the same as Rugset's, she looks like a dreamy little princess walking out of a sweet dream.

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